Hillary Clinton calls email scandal a "nothing burger"

Now she's trying to blame the media for making a big deal about her email scandal, but Comey admitted that she had received and sent classified information on her private server. She said that the media acted as if it was the biggest thing since "Pearl Harbor". My Email Server Scandal is The "Biggest-nothing burger ever"
Newbie playing the Hannity game.
Look there's a squirrel.
how would she know whether it was or not? she claimed not to remember quite a few things, so it would seem that, according to her testimony to the FBI, that she likely isn't the best person to give commentary on that topic if you're actually looking for truthful information...
Trump speaking at a rally about Hillary's e-mails: “That plays great before the election. Now, we don’t care."
Now she's trying to blame the media for making a big deal about her email scandal, but Comey admitted that she had received and sent classified information on her private server. She said that the media acted as if it was the biggest thing since "Pearl Harbor". My Email Server Scandal is The "Biggest-nothing burger ever"
I guess she forgot how "extremely careless" she was. It seems that her sycophants have as well.

In all seriousness, it's kind of dumb to be reminding people:

1. That she lost when by conventional wisdom she should won easily.
2. That she can't come to grips with the reasons why.

She must still be in her alternative reality bubble, in which everyone feels sorry for her and agrees she should be president.
Hillary needs to stop talking. Soon republicans will have run out of arguments to defend Trump's madness, but Hillary will pop up and they'll tell themselves at least he's not her. Even if the country is burning.
It was... especially compared to imploring a foreign enemy to hack into the emails of your political opponent.
Oh...were you one of those simple minded people that truly believed Trump was imploring PUBLICLY for Putin to hack her emails?

Are you so simple minded that you did not see the sarcasm in his comment?

Sorry to hear that.
Now she's trying to blame the media for making a big deal about her email scandal, but Comey admitted that she had received and sent classified information on her private server. She said that the media acted as if it was the biggest thing since "Pearl Harbor". My Email Server Scandal is The "Biggest-nothing burger ever"

Well to be fair, in comparison to what Trump has done, her emails are small-potatoes.

Such as?

(and don't give me anything that has not been proven with fact).
The only time that we see Hillary/ and Email in the same sentence is when the GOP wants to distract away from Trump and his party's behavior...
Funny...since the election, the only time I heard Hillary and email in the same sentence is when Hillary herself said it.

Like yesterday
With the states Hillary won she ended up with 227 electoral votes so to win the election all she had to do was win 1 or 2 battleground states and one of the rust belt states or vice versa. Or if she had won Floridas 29 electoral votes and Pennsylvanias 20 she would have had 276 that had to be one of the easiest paths to victory someone could have and she still couldn't win.
Now she's trying to blame the media for making a big deal about her email scandal, but Comey admitted that she had received and sent classified information on her private server. She said that the media acted as if it was the biggest thing since "Pearl Harbor". My Email Server Scandal is The "Biggest-nothing burger ever"

Well to be fair, in comparison to what Trump has done, her emails are small-potatoes.

Such as?

(and don't give me anything that has not been proven with fact).

LOL. Easy.

  1. Trump asked Russia to hack in to Americans emails.
  2. Trump intentionally leaked highly classified intelligence directly to the Russians from within the actual White House.
3. Trump bragged and thus gave away information about the location of our subs to foreign governments.
Now she's trying to blame the media for making a big deal about her email scandal, but Comey admitted that she had received and sent classified information on her private server. She said that the media acted as if it was the biggest thing since "Pearl Harbor". My Email Server Scandal is The "Biggest-nothing burger ever"

Well to be fair, in comparison to what Trump has done, her emails are small-potatoes.

Such as?

(and don't give me anything that has not been proven with fact).

LOL. Easy.

  1. Trump asked Russia to hack in to Americans emails.
  2. Trump intentionally leaked highly classified intelligence directly to the Russians from within the actual White House.
Anyone who watched what he said about "hacking" knew he was being sarcastic. Sorry you are unable to recognize obvious sarcasm.

Presidents reveal intel to other heads of state all the time. Obama, himself, revealed intel to Russia regarding Syria.

Of course when Obama did it, The Washington Post had the headline "US shares intel with Russia"...and proceeded with a positive article talking about how the US and Russia are working together in Syria

When Trump did it, the same paper headline was "Trump reveals secrets to Putin"....and proceeded with an article about how absurd it is to share anything with Russia.

Now think about this....he shared with him the intel regarding laptop bombs that are not detectable. Americans fly to and from Russia daily.

Sorry he shared intel that may save American lives.

I know.,.....bad bad bad

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