Hillary Clinton Calls For "formal deprogramming" of Trump supporters

If the Hillary Secret Police kicks in your door at midnight and drags you away, what would you do?

  • I'd assimilate because resistance is futile.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I'd gladly sign up for reprogramming to mend my evil Conservative ways.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd shoot my way out.

    Votes: 21 91.3%

  • Total voters
If you are worried about the Constitution

Two conservative scholars say the case isn’t close — the Constitution bars Trump from running again​

A key concern of James Madison and Alexander Hamilton was that demagogues would incite mobs and factions to defy the rule of law, overturn free and fair elections and undermine American democracy.

Lincoln was "worried about the fate of the republic if a leader of demagogic ambition arose who was not committed to the institutions built by the founding generation."

Constitutional scholars affirm that the Constitution has safeguards built in to prevemt a Donald Trump from taking our country down.

These are not the opinion of liberl marxists, this is the opinion of conservative scholars of the Constitution. I have reference some below. Please provide a scholarly backup to the claims you made.

"They don't think it be like it is, but it do."
I am concerned Trump will overturn the principles of our founding fathers and the Constitution. He loves Putin and Kinm Jong un because of the power they have. His leadership style is fit for a dictatorship, not a democracy.
I am not a fan of Biden but I don't think he is a threat to countries principles.

trump's track record in business gives me the most concedrns about him as a leader. He would do anything to succeed. He hurt and even destroyed other people and businesses in his pursuit of his own success. Four bankruptcies left a trail of small businesses not paid while he walked away with millioms of his own. He has been proven to be fraudulent in his business practices. Not onl;y with Trump corp, but Trump University and the Trump charity.

You have been listening to Trump on how successful he was. Look at these realities?

*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years

But you paint Trump as perfect and that is not the real world.
Why are you struggling so hard to answer a simple question, Elmer? You made the statement that Trump's personality made him do bad things policy wise. I asked you to give me an example of that and you've failed miserably to do so. You keep reposting the same nonsense.
I am concerned Trump will overturn the principles of our founding fathers and the Constitution. He loves Putin and Kinm Jong un because of the power they have. His leadership style is fit for a dictatorship, not a democracy.
I am not a fan of Biden but I don't think he is a threat to countries principles.

trump's track record in business gives me the most concedrns about him as a leader. He would do anything to succeed. He hurt and even destroyed other people and businesses in his pursuit of his own success. Four bankruptcies left a trail of small businesses not paid while he walked away with millioms of his own. He has been proven to be fraudulent in his business practices. Not onl;y with Trump corp, but Trump University and the Trump charity.

You have been listening to Trump on how successful he was. Look at these realities?

*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years

But you paint Trump as perfect and that is not the real world.
When did I ever paint Trump as "perfect"? I don't like New Yorkers in general. I find them to be brash and annoyingly loud and Trump is the poster child for brash and loud! That being said however...I liked Trump's policies because they WORKED! I could care about the rest. Don't care if he embellishes. Don't care if he has affairs. Don't care! What I want from a President is common sense solutions to the problems we face as a nation!
You proved my point. You hear no one complaining Clinton was robbed by a rigged election on this site. Most adults and true Americans know it is best to move on. We have had a smooth transition of power until Trump.
Two years later you and the rest of the MAGA cult members cannot let go of it. It is sick
No Justice, No Peace

Your game, your rules.

You were warned.
Liberals, many independents and many Republicans feel Trump and his supporters are a danger to our country.
It is not Trump's policies as much as it the man himself. Trump is an immoral, unethical and self-serving human. He is obsessed with power. His power. Not the power of our country. He attempted to increase his power by trying to eliminate the restiction on his power as written into our Constitution. He tried to reduce the power of both the judicial and legislative branches of the government. He continues to degrade both the judicial and legislative branches of government. He degrades our entire government saying the only cure is Donald Trump. The ultimate check of the President's power is our democratic elections. Trump was voted out of office. He is the only President to not accept the will of the people as expressed in our elections. His braindead cult members are facilitating his con of America.

Bleating idiot. ^^^

Simple facts libtards can't handle:

Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, ZERO foreign wars

Trump's policies WORKED, whereas Biden's are a disaster.

And the libtards are worried about personalities.
There is a large group of malcontents that don't think handing over all facets of their lives to the enlightened regime is a nifty idea. One more example that the Dept. of Indoctrination Education is a failure.

But, as in the example above, it has succeeded magnificently.
Lol, you fucks are moonbat crazy. Just stick yall in the loony bin with nurse kratchit and throw away the key. That's the solution. Gotta love idiots that follow a guy indicted on 93 felony counts. Was convicted of fraud before becoming a politician. Was not allowed near a charity in New York nor to be involved in a University any where before being a politician. Said on National TV he wanted to have sex with his daughter. Lol, the list goes on and on. Yall are retarded and crazy. Lol drprogram hell no in the loony bin or on the bottom of the ocean is where ya belong.
Bleating idiot. ^^^

Simple facts libtards can't handle:

Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, ZERO foreign wars

Trump's policies WORKED, whereas Biden's are a disaster.

And the libtards are worried about personalities.
Lol, you mean when the nation was locked down due to everything was closed no one went any where so no demand on gas. Then he put his entire economy on credit card and ran up the debt to one fourth the entire national debt. Destroyed the job market, half the nation was on unemployment. Gave away our beach heads in the middle east. Gave away our beach head in Afganastan. Left 4200 troops to cover a couple million square miles in Afghanistan leaving those left to get home on their own. Leaving billions of dollars of US military equipment for the Taliban to use. Made a treaty with the Taliban they immediately broke. Let all the Taliban out of prison to come back and fight us now. Tried to become a dictator and and over throw a duly elected government. Found libel for raping a women. Gave away nuclear sub secrets. Caused the inflation we see today by running the government on a credit card. Turned you into a retard.Had his son in law give the Saudis billions upon billions of US top of the line military hardware. Get his son in law billions of dollars of Saudi money for the effort. Just for the Saudis to turn around and help form BRICKS to try and destabilize the dollar. The list goes on and on. Deprogram maga? No hang em as traitors and let the buzzards have them.
Lol, you fucks are moonbat crazy. Just stick yall in the loony bin with nurse kratchit and throw away the key. That's the solution. Gotta love idiots that follow a guy indicted on 93 felony counts. Was convicted of fraud before becoming a politician. Was not allowed near a charity in New York nor to be involved in a University any where before being a politician. Said on National TV he wanted to have sex with his daughter. Lol, the list goes on and on. Yall are retarded and crazy. Lol drprogram hell no in the loony bin or on the bottom of the ocean is where ya belong.
Reality is not TV and movies and woke employment where IQs are lower, and production is less here in the United States. Reality is when the primal ways you see what happens like in the middle east come here there will be the pecking order reestablishing itself out of necessity for human survival. When individuals warn nasty names come in return. Primal ways are not diverse, woke, gender choice, and equity. We need to use sense in what we are doing.
Reality is not TV and movies and woke employment where IQs are lower, and production is less here in the United States. Reality is when the primal ways you see what happens like in the middle east come here there will be the pecking order reestablishing itself out of necessity for human survival. When individuals warn nasty names come in return. Primal ways are not diverse, woke, gender choice, and equity. We need to use sense in what we are doing.
Lol, your answer to your insanity is because " woke". Hilarious 😂 one word catch phrase is all your retard movement has. Lol, woke, pedo, laptop. Reality is your fat fuck8ng conman created 1/4 the national debt. Reality us ge destroyed market demand and put his term on a credit card. Reality is ge wants to have sex with his daughter said it himself on national TV. Reality is he tried to over throw the government and you are complicit.
Lol, your answer to your insanity is because " woke". Hilarious 😂 one word catch phrase is all your retard movement has. Lol, woke, pedo, laptop. Reality is your fat fuck8ng conman created 1/4 the national debt. Reality us ge destroyed market demand and put his term on a credit card. Reality is ge wants to have sex with his daughter said it himself on national TV. Reality is he tried to over throw the government and you are complicit.
White nationalist supremacists I know. It's spewed every day. The truth is that you support white globalist supremacists who control a lot of the planet now. Whatever Trump is, he spewed the things that Republican voters have supported and tried to get a lot of it done. A lot of interference from other Republicans voted in to do the same thing but did the old sidestep. So, keeping our fiat currency strong is a must. Getting the debt issue stabilized is a must. Real ways of increasing manufacturing here with high paying employment is a must. Joe is not doing that. And he cannot. For he is under control of the globalists. As are many of the politicians.
I am concerned Trump will overturn the principles of our founding fathers and the Constitution. He loves Putin and Kinm Jong un because of the power they have. His leadership style is fit for a dictatorship, not a democracy.
I am not a fan of Biden but I don't think he is a threat to countries principles.

trump's track record in business gives me the most concedrns about him as a leader. He would do anything to succeed. He hurt and even destroyed other people and businesses in his pursuit of his own success. Four bankruptcies left a trail of small businesses not paid while he walked away with millioms of his own. He has been proven to be fraudulent in his business practices. Not onl;y with Trump corp, but Trump University and the Trump charity.

You have been listening to Trump on how successful he was. Look at these realities?

*We do not have a wall on the Mexico border paid for by Mexico.

*He did not repeal and replace Obamacare with a better program.

*He promised to invest 550 billion dollars for infrastructure. He did not do that.

*He promised to bring back manufacturing jobs to USA. By 2020 there was very little improvement in the US manufacturing sector.

*Promised no cuts to social security but then proposed cuts to social security but congress would not approve.

*Promised to grow the economy by 4% every year. Not one year did he grow the economy by 4%.

*Eliminate the federal debt in 8 years. He did not have 8 years but he increased the national debt more than any President in 4 years
He had a democrat controlled congress, they are the reason those things did not get done. He never said Mexico would send us a check for the wall. His trade deals caused them to pay for the wall indirectly---------but I guess thats too complicated for a lib to grasp.
Lol, your answer to your insanity is because " woke". Hilarious 😂 one word catch phrase is all your retard movement has. Lol, woke, pedo, laptop. Reality is your fat fuck8ng conman created 1/4 the national debt. Reality us ge destroyed market demand and put his term on a credit card. Reality is ge wants to have sex with his daughter said it himself on national TV. Reality is he tried to over throw the government and you are complicit.
Obozo doubled the national debt, he increased it from 9B to 20B.
White nationalist supremacists I know. It's spewed every day. The truth is that you support white globalist supremacists who control a lot of the planet now. Whatever Trump is, he spewed the things that Republican voters have supported and tried to get a lot of it done. A lot of interference from other Republicans voted in to do the same thing but did the old sidestep. So, keeping our fiat currency strong is a must. Getting the debt issue stabilized is a must. Real ways of increasing manufacturing here with high paying employment is a must. Joe is not doing that. And he cannot. For he is under control of the globalists. As are many of the politicians.
Trump did not shit in any of those areas either. The unions warned us of what would happen as manufacturing left. No one listened. Yep, national debt is bad. No manufacturing is bad. Currency destruction is bad. Neither side does a mother f n thing about it it. Divide the populace. Have the population at each other's throat get away with murder. What is the solution? Hell if I know. If I could hand pick the President I don't know who I would pick. I know a few trust worthy people doesn't mean they are qualified to be president. Meh. I am old I hunt, fish, and golf. Guess I really don't worry about much in reality. The young are the ones that pay for today's decision making in the long run. They better get on it.
Trump did not shit in any of those areas either. The unions warned us of what would happen as manufacturing left. No one listened. Yep, national debt is bad. No manufacturing is bad. Currency destruction is bad. Neither side does a mother f n thing about it it. Divide the populace. Have the population at each other's throat get away with murder. What is the solution? Hell if I know. If I could hand pick the President I don't know who I would pick. I know a few trust worthy people doesn't mean they are qualified to be president. Meh. I am old I hunt, fish, and golf. Guess I really don't worry about much in reality. The young are the ones that pay for today's decision making in the long run. They better get on it.
All of that festered here LONG BEFORE Trump showed up!
Obozo doubled the national debt, he increased it from 9B to 20B.
Obama 7 trillions in 8 years. Trump 6 trillion in 4. Obama inherited the worst economy since the depression. Trump inherited a decent economy. Both kicked the can down the road to our kids. Fuck em both. Your numbers are incorrect.
Obama 7 trillions in 8 years. Trump 6 trillion in 4. Obama inherited the worst economy since the depression. Trump inherited a decent economy. Both kicked the can down the road to our kids. Fuck em both. Your numbers are incorrect.
my numbers are correct, but you are correct that the problem is that congresspersons take bribes for pork spending and we are being screwed by both parties in the DC swamp.

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