Hillary Clinton Calls For "formal deprogramming" of Trump supporters

If the Hillary Secret Police kicks in your door at midnight and drags you away, what would you do?

  • I'd assimilate because resistance is futile.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I'd gladly sign up for reprogramming to mend my evil Conservative ways.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd shoot my way out.

    Votes: 21 91.3%

  • Total voters
Obama 7 trillions in 8 years. Trump 6 trillion in 4. Obama inherited the worst economy since the depression. Trump inherited a decent economy. Both kicked the can down the road to our kids. Fuck em both. Your numbers are incorrect.
Remind me again, Evenflow...did Obama have to deal with Covid? The amount of debt that Trump incurred was increased because of the pandemic. It's about as blatant an example of apples and oranges as you'll ever see.
my numbers are correct, but you are correct that the problem is that congresspersons take bribes for pork spending and we are being screwed by both parties in the DC swamp.
Lol your numbers were stated in billions and not the right proportions even then. I will how ever agree with you. Neither one did what they did alone. The issue is systemic. One person is not a solution. Repugs ran up the debt. No Demon rats ran up the debt. Ends in running up the debt. Only worrying about debt when the other party is in power. Results in running up the debt. They both ran up the debt. Fuck ya both start paying off the debt or lose your damn job.
Remind me again, Evenflow...did Obama have to deal with Covid? The amount of debt that Trump incurred was increased because of the pandemic. It's about as blatant an example of apples and oranges as you'll ever see.
Nope he did not. Did Trump have to deal with the worst economy since the depression? Nope he did not. Did they both kick the can down the road to your children? They sure as hell did. Is Obama running again? No he is not. Is Trump running again? Yes he is. Would I vote for either? No I would not. Are we going to get a better choice? Probably not. How to fix it? Fuck if I know. Allowing our parties to divide us against each other sure is not helping. Allows the same crap choice as always to keep going. Fucking brain washed retard repug. Fucking bleeding heart demon rat. Fuck you! No fuck you. It's the man's fault. No its the women's fault. Fu k you ! No fuck you! Lol, it is not just in our government it is in our family. Dem verse Republican. Man verse women. Father verse son. Brother verse brother. It goes on. Mean while the that rich fuck that divides us fucks us up the ass and laughs..
No Justice, No Peace

Your game, your rules.

You were warned.
Pretty tough talk for a cult member who will not make a move unless the cult leader tells him to.
If Donald Trump ever tries another Jan 6th the USA will make Trump and the minions very sorry for what they did.
Survey the Jan 6th participants and ask if they would do it again.

Spending time in jail will deprogram you from the cult.
Bleating idiot. ^^^

Simple facts libtards can't handle:

Trump: $2 gas, 1% inflation, ZERO foreign wars

Trump's policies WORKED, whereas Biden's are a disaster.

And the libtards are worried about personalities.
Hitler had the German economy humming in the 1930's.
No one cares about your damn feelings, morontard
There is no need to care about my feelings but when there are hundreds of millions who have the feeling, you better pay attention. You better pay attention right now.
He had a democrat controlled congress, they are the reason those things did not get done. He never said Mexico would send us a check for the wall. His trade deals caused them to pay for the wall indirectly---------but I guess thats too complicated for a lib to grasp.
The first two years the Republicans controlled the house and senate. No excuses.
If Donald Trump ever tries another Jan 6th the USA will make Trump and the minions very sorry for what they did.
I;ll ask you the same thing I ask the rest of your ilk:
If Trumps minions, at his behest, assembled with the intention of revolting or rebelling against the US government...
... why weren't they, as a mass, armed?
I;ll ask you the same thing I ask the rest of your ilk:
If Trumps minions, at his behest, assembled with the intention of revolting or rebelling against the US government...
... why weren't they, as a mass, armed?
The saving grace, of Jan. 6th, is the rioters were dumb as a stump.
They could have had some of 400 million guns in the USA. They would have to explain to police officers, if they are caught carrying illegally.
You will have a better idea what will happen to you if you try work to work outside the covenants of the Constitution to change the government. You will be seriously out numbered along with the power of the US military and police.
The saving grace, of Jan. 6th, is the rioters were dumb as a stump.
They could have had some of 400 million guns in the USA. They would have to explain to police officers, if they are caught carrying illegally.
Nowhere here is an answer to my question.
Try again?
Nowhere here is an answer to my question.
Try again?
Ask them. With all the guns in the USA, they could have.
Even though they were a bunch of dumbasses, maybe they were smart enough realize they would be in a lot more trouble if they had guns.
If they had guns and used them it would have been a disaster for them. They would have lost even bigger. There would have been a lot more deaths. Far nore rioters than police and politicians.
Gee that sounds ominous.
What will happen?
Depends on what you do. If you bring guns to make your point I summarized what would have happened on Jan 6th will happen to you.
Ifd not maybe just jail time like the many rioters on Jan 6th.
Nope he did not. Did Trump have to deal with the worst economy since the depression? Nope he did not. Did they both kick the can down the road to your children? They sure as hell did. Is Obama running again? No he is not. Is Trump running again? Yes he is. Would I vote for either? No I would not. Are we going to get a better choice? Probably not. How to fix it? Fuck if I know. Allowing our parties to divide us against each other sure is not helping. Allows the same crap choice as always to keep going. Fucking brain washed retard repug. Fucking bleeding heart demon rat. Fuck you! No fuck you. It's the man's fault. No its the women's fault. Fu k you ! No fuck you! Lol, it is not just in our government it is in our family. Dem verse Republican. Man verse women. Father verse son. Brother verse brother. It goes on. Mean while the that rich fuck that divides us fucks us up the ass and laughs..

Ask them. With all the guns in the USA, they could have.
Even though they were a bunch of dumbasses, maybe they were smart enough realize they would be in a lot more trouble if they had guns.
If they had guns and used them it would have been a disaster for them. They would have lost even bigger. There would have been a lot more deaths. Far nore rioters than police and politicians.
Those protesters were there for one reason and one reason alone, Elmer...to stop the certification of what they viewed as a stolen election. They didn't have guns. They weren't there to hurt people. The ones that they did hurt were keeping them from entering the Capitol. Once they were in the building I haven't seen a single example of them harming ANYONE! The left has claimed that it was an "armed insurrection" and they have done so because they want to put conservatives in prison for such long sentences that no conservative DARES to protest against future progressive overreach! Under the Biden DOJ you can protest violently if you're a liberal but if you're a conservative you will be targeted by Merrick Garland. That's reality in the US right now.
Those protesters were there for one reason and one reason alone, Elmer...to stop the certification of what they viewed as a stolen election. They didn't have guns. They weren't there to hurt people. The ones that they did hurt were keeping them from entering the Capitol. Once they were in the building I haven't seen a single example of them harming ANYONE! The left has claimed that it was an "armed insurrection" and they have done so because they want to put conservatives in prison for such long sentences that no conservative DARES to protest against future progressive overreach! Under the Biden DOJ you can protest violently if you're a liberal but if you're a conservative you will be targeted by Merrick Garland. That's reality in the US right now.
They had hand weapons, poles, metal bars, sticks, they beat the police with.
It is illegal to stop the certification of an election.
Your excuse for them is ridiculous. It is like justifying a bank robber saying he had one purpose, rob the bank. No guns were used.

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