Hillary Clinton Calls For "formal deprogramming" of Trump supporters

If the Hillary Secret Police kicks in your door at midnight and drags you away, what would you do?

  • I'd assimilate because resistance is futile.

    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • I'd gladly sign up for reprogramming to mend my evil Conservative ways.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'd shoot my way out.

    Votes: 21 91.3%

  • Total voters
Ask them. With all the guns in the USA, they could have.
I asked you.
You don't have an answer.
Why not?
If they had guns and used them it would have been a disaster for them. They would have lost even bigger. There would have been a lot more deaths.
There were 30,000 people at the Capitol that day.
If there were armed and bent on insurrection, nothing could have stopped them.
Lol your numbers were stated in billions and not the right proportions even then. I will how ever agree with you. Neither one did what they did alone. The issue is systemic. One person is not a solution. Repugs ran up the debt. No Demon rats ran up the debt. Ends in running up the debt. Only worrying about debt when the other party is in power. Results in running up the debt. They both ran up the debt. Fuck ya both start paying off the debt or lose your damn job.
We are pretty much in agreement, my numbers were in trillions not billions, and yes, both parties did it and we need to kick all them out of office next year.
They had hand weapons, poles, metal bars, sticks, they beat the police with.
It is illegal to stop the certification of an election.
Your excuse for them is ridiculous. It is like justifying a bank robber saying he had one purpose, rob the bank. No guns were used.
If the "bank robber" got into the bank and didn't steal any money...would you really call them a bank robber? You on the left keep trying to portray the Jan. 6th protesters as "armed insurrectionists" when the truth is...they were not armed and they in no way committed an insurrection.
As for it being illegal to stop the certification of an election? Since the same law that has been invoked to put dozens of Jan. 6th protesters who did nothing other than enter the Capitol building in prison for months would apply to Congressman Bowman...please explain why he isn't serving jail time for pulling a fire alarm to stop the funding of the government!
I asked you.
You don't have an answer.
Why not?

There were 30,000 people at the Capitol that day.
If there were armed and bent on insurrection, nothing could have stopped them.
You are beyond stupid if you think that. The US military and law enforcement would have won that battle easily. The only good news from that is MAGA would no longer be tolerated like islamist extremist groups.
You'll do... what?
Engage 30,000 armed people?
We have a military substantially bigger. National Guard, local military, weapons would be used much more deadly and effective than guns. Oh yes, the US would not stop until all 30,000 are neutralized and then it would spell the end of MAGA.
If the "bank robber" got into the bank and didn't steal any money...would you really call them a bank robber? You on the left keep trying to portray the Jan. 6th protesters as "armed insurrectionists" when the truth is...they were not armed and they in no way committed an insurrection.
As for it being illegal to stop the certification of an election? Since the same law that has been invoked to put dozens of Jan. 6th protesters who did nothing other than enter the Capitol building in prison for months would apply to Congressman Bowman...please explain why he isn't serving jail time for pulling a fire alarm to stop the funding of the government!
Absolutely yes. You don't know the law. If a bank robber enters a bank with the intention and actions of robbing a bank but leaves with nothing he is as guilty as one who leaves with money.
Any congressman that usues a gun as a tool to stop legialation should be in jail.
You are beyond stupid if you think that. The US military and law enforcement would have won that battle easily.
The US Military was under the control of Trump.
Beyond stupid of you think Trump would have ordered them to participate

DC national guard? About 7400.
Beyond stupid of you to think Trump would not have federalized them and ordered them to remain at the collection points.

The DC police force numbers 3400; the US capitol police number 2000.
Beyond stupid of you to think they could have 'beaten" 30,000 armed insurrectionists.

And you STILL don't have an answer to my question.

Absolutely yes. You don't know the law. If a bank robber enters a bank with the intention and actions of robbing a bank but leaves with nothing he is as guilty as one who leaves with money.
Any congressman that usues a gun as a tool to stop legialation should be in jail.
So does a Congressman that pulls a fire alarm to stop legislation not break the exact same law that so many of the Jan. 6th protesters were found guilty of? If so then why isn't he in jail right now?
How would this be done? Reeducation camps? America dodged a bullet when she was denied POTUS.

Hillary Clinton floats 'formal deprogramming' of Trump supporters, suggests GOP base is made of bigots

The survey proves trump supporters are as crazy as he is. They all need to be locked up or deported to Russia.
The survey proves trump supporters are as crazy as he is. They all need to be locked up or deported to Russia.

I'm not a Trump supporter but you go ahead and try that.

I suspect you'll end up hurt
The US Military was under the control of Trump.
Beyond stupid of you think Trump would have ordered them to participate

DC national guard? About 7400.
Beyond stupid of you to think Trump would not have federalized them and ordered them to remain at the collection points.

The DC police force numbers 3400; the US capitol police number 2000.
Beyond stupid of you to think they could have 'beaten" 30,000 armed insurrectionists.

And you STILL don't have an answer to my question.
You don't understand our government. Unbelievable! We are not a dictatorship. The power of government is seperated to preven t what you summarize as happening.
On Jan 6th the President's cabinet was discussing the possible need of implementing the 25th ammendment. We know thw top military leadership were very concerned about Trump's fitness to lead before Jan 6th. The congress on Jan 6th was almost unanimous on blame on Trump. They resisted his attempt to stop the certification of the election and they would stop his armed thugs from taking over the government. You and other people who think like you are very uninformed. I would say stupid, dumbasses but we will stick with uninformed.

So does a Congressman that pulls a fire alarm to stop legislation not break the exact same law that so many of the Jan. 6th protesters were found guilty of? If so then why isn't he in jail right now?
He should be. The law fails, too often, in not prosecuteing the perpetrators of crimes. They under reach too often and very rarely over reach.
Ya, the problem is who is our choice that is not the same?
The best choice for 2024 remains Trump and whoever he picks as his VP. Senile joe was, and would be, the worst possible choice. You may not like Trump's personality (that is mostly a fake one created by the lying media) but he got results, kept promises, and made the country safe and prospersous.

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