Hillary Clinton claims that all prior SOS did not have state dept e-mails

From the Leavenworth white house...

Hillary is Kookoo, it's just that simple, she can not determine fact from fiction, and now she is saying that everyone behaved like her. Hillary Clinton said 'my predecessors did the same thing' with email
It's just the latest in the ever morphing Hillary defense. First it was "I didn't have ANY classified information on my server", then it was "I didn't have any information MARKED classified on my server" (ignoring the fact that she was authorized and responsible to identify classified information and handle it correctly), now it's "Everybody else did it too".
in some ways, what Hillary did mirrors what Obama did in 2009,,,,,"Lets just wait and see how it plays out",,,,yah,,,after innocent people get killed
Hillary just wants to confuse the issue; they no doubt all sent emails on public servers (like Yahoo! or GMail) but they didn't all send classified messages.

No messages (or classified documents) are marked "CLASSIFIED" but they are appropriately marked with their actual classification (C, S or TS), and the classification can be left off the heading, or classified text can be trafficked in in the clear and that's what she had done.

The others didn't, not even Petraeus. He passed classified material to a party who had the appropriate clearance but did not have "the need to know."
Hillary just wants to confuse the issue; they no doubt all sent emails on public servers (like Yahoo! or GMail) but they didn't all send classified messages.

No messages (or classified documents) are marked "CLASSIFIED" but they are appropriately marked with their actual classification (C, S or TS), and the classification can be left off the heading, or classified text can be trafficked in in the clear and that's what she had done.

The others didn't, not even Petraeus. He passed classified material to a party who had the appropriate clearance but did not have "the need to know."

Shouldn't the people sending her classified emails be the ones who get In trouble ?
Hillary just wants to confuse the issue; they no doubt all sent emails on public servers (like Yahoo! or GMail) but they didn't all send classified messages.

No messages (or classified documents) are marked "CLASSIFIED" but they are appropriately marked with their actual classification (C, S or TS), and the classification can be left off the heading, or classified text can be trafficked in in the clear and that's what she had done.

The others didn't, not even Petraeus. He passed classified material to a party who had the appropriate clearance but did not have "the need to know."

Shouldn't the people sending her classified emails be the ones who get In trouble ?
At the time they send her classified traffic they don't know that she has sidestepped all security systems. Anyone would believe that she had read for herself US-18 codes on security and would take proper required precautions as required under penalty of law. In their machines they would simply type her official (or believed to be official) abbreviated address for Sec. State and hit SEND.

Also, she (and her assistants) removed classified headings and sent the classified text in the clear.

She understood the risk she was taking and regarded her own convenience and control (against FOIA searches) as more important than the risks she was taking. She knew she cold always claim that all that stuff was overly classified, that it could be found in the NYT. But her transmitting it (or whatever else she sent like her official communications) would all be classified at least confidential. She would have been discussing hers and subordinates travel schedules and business.That stuff all has some classification level.

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