Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Is Invoking A Kind Of Mob Violence 'That Led To Lynching'

She and the jew-run media makes up claims that Trump incites violence. Conversely, there is NO DOUBT that people who oppose him do. Here is one of the charming Jews in the Hillary(socialist)/Sanders(communist)camp, Tim Wise.


Clinton says Trump rallies remind African Americans of ‘mob violence that led to lynching’

A Trump rally reminds me of something that came right out of the 1960's during the civil rights movement. An angry, ignorant all white mob.

It's going to take angry White people to make this country great again. After all, America was founded for White people.
OMG! America was founded for white people? Seriously? What sick MF you are.
She and the jew-run media makes up claims that Trump incites violence. Conversely, there is NO DOUBT that people who oppose him do. Here is one of the charming Jews in the Hillary(socialist)/Sanders(communist)camp, Tim Wise.


Clinton says Trump rallies remind African Americans of ‘mob violence that led to lynching’

A Trump rally reminds me of something that came right out of the 1960's during the civil rights movement. An angry, ignorant all white mob.

It's going to take angry White people to make this country great again. After all, America was founded for White people.
OMG! America was founded for white people? Seriously? .
Absolutely it was founded for white people. Read the 1790 Naturalization Act, the first legislation by the first congress.

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.]
Protesters go to Trump rallies for one reason and one reason only: to start trouble.

"True", because protesting means that you should just sit down and be quiet.......After all, the First amendment was written only for FOX watchers.

Protesting shouldn't include rushing the stage and being dragged out by Secret Service because you believe you have the right to stop a Presidential candidate from being heard.

Agreed, and when they do things like that, Trump has no idea what their plans are. Trump also admitted he does carry a firearm to protect himself. These jobless losers better think twice before they rush the stage and he's on it. He has every right to protect himself with deadly force if he concludes he is in harms way.
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It's getting to where you cant avoid the stench of desperation.
Dems have always been underhanded but I have never seen this level of fear driven reactionary behavior.
And I like it....
It's fun to watch, isn't it? Imagine what the Republican convention will be like.

They won't pull any stunts like that here. You don't want to mess with the Cleveland police force. They shoot first and ask questions later.
Sorry you don't understand the difference between protesting and disrupting a peaceful assembly.

We'll never know if Trump's "peaceful assembly" was disrupted or not by protesters,,,,since Trump chose to cut and run lest his hairdo got mussed.

Right, and if he kept it open and people got seriously hurt or killed, you would be the first one here telling us how bad of a President he would be because of bad decisions that he makes.
She and the jew-run media makes up claims that Trump incites violence. Conversely, there is NO DOUBT that people who oppose him do. Here is one of the charming Jews in the Hillary(socialist)/Sanders(communist)camp, Tim Wise.


Clinton says Trump rallies remind African Americans of ‘mob violence that led to lynching’
Hillary said a few months ago that she hates Republicans more than anyone. Obama said a few years ago that everyone needs to get up in the faces of their friends, families, and associates and yell at them.

If anything, Hillary and Obama have gone out of their way to create tension and hatred, yet now all they're doing is inciting violence against Trump.

I see no change in their actions.
"Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Is Invoking A Kind Of Mob Violence 'That Led To Lynching'"

...and George Soros, MoveOn.org, Hillary, and other Libs are inciting violence that has already led to an attempted attack on Donald trump.

yeah, you libs keep clinging to every word she says....like yesterday claiming 'We did not lose one single man in Libya'.


Actually you're right, You 'LOST' $6 billion in State Department funds - we didn't 'lose' a single man in Libya. No, You got 4 Americans needlessly MURDERED in Libya, you incompetent psychopath!
Didn't Clinton have a hit record back in the 80's?

Or was that just the bitch's slave name?

Why must I feel like that, why must I chase the cash, nuthin' but the dog in me.

Bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay, bow wow wow yippie yo yippie yay.

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