Hillary Clinton: Donald Trump Is Invoking A Kind Of Mob Violence 'That Led To Lynching'

She and the jew-run media makes up claims that Trump incites violence. Conversely, there is NO DOUBT that people who oppose him do. Here is one of the charming Jews in the Hillary(socialist)/Sanders(communist)camp, Tim Wise.


Clinton says Trump rallies remind African Americans of ‘mob violence that led to lynching’
I knew the Jews would be blamed at some point.

Is that different than blaming white people for everything?
She's 100% correct. He's outright promoting violence by actually telling people to punch protestors, and saying protestors should be taken out on stretchers. Then he lies about using this kind of language. The man is unstable, irresponsible and flat out dangerous in his rhetoric, especially knowing that a small percentage of his followers have proven to be unstable and violent as well.
But when the black panthers show up with clubs, that's ok - because they're leftist society suckers, just as yourself.
Protesters go to Trump rallies for one reason and one reason only: to start trouble.

"True", because protesting means that you should just sit down and be quiet.......After all, the First amendment was written only for FOX watchers.

Sorry you don't understand the difference between protesting and disrupting a peaceful assembly.

Maybe you should get your constitutional understandings from someplace other than CNN.
She's 100% correct. He's outright promoting violence by actually telling people to punch protestors, and saying protestors should be taken out on stretchers. Then he lies about using this kind of language. The man is unstable, irresponsible and flat out dangerous in his rhetoric, especially knowing that a small percentage of his followers have proven to be unstable and violent as well.

What about the violent and unstable people who were a part of the anti-Trump protest in Chicago?
Sorry you don't understand the difference between protesting and disrupting a peaceful assembly.

We'll never know if Trump's "peaceful assembly" was disrupted or not by protesters,,,,since Trump chose to cut and run lest his hairdo got mussed.
: 13765958 said:
After all, America was founded for White people.
The cleaners just called and your white robe and pointy hat are all ready for your upcoming cross burning event.
Read the 1790 Naturalization Act, the first legislation by the first congress.

[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limits naturalization to immigrants who are free white persons of good character. It thus excludes American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.]

We're taking our country back! Vote Trump.
[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

Ahhhh, you must miss those good ol' days when you could whip those uppity slaves into submission.
(btw, Steve any relation to Bull Connor?)
It's getting to where you cant avoid the stench of desperation.
Dems have always been underhanded but I have never seen this level of fear driven reactionary behavior.
And I like it....
It's fun to watch, isn't it? Imagine what the Republican convention will be like.
[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

Ahhhh, you must miss those good ol' days when you could whip those uppity slaves into submission.
(btw, Steve any relation to Bull Connor?)
And here we have the obligatory accusation of racism by the usual leftist douche bag.
She's 100% correct. He's outright promoting violence by actually telling people to punch protestors, and saying protestors should be taken out on stretchers. Then he lies about using this kind of language. The man is unstable, irresponsible and flat out dangerous in his rhetoric, especially knowing that a small percentage of his followers have proven to be unstable and violent as well.
"unstable?" Nope. He just refuses to play into the hands of leftists. He never said protesters should be taken out on stretchers, and he has never told his audience to punch protesters.

Just about everything you've said is a lie.
Protesters go to Trump rallies for one reason and one reason only: to start trouble.

"True", because protesting means that you should just sit down and be quiet.......After all, the First amendment was written only for FOX watchers.

Protesting shouldn't include rushing the stage and being dragged out by Secret Service because you believe you have the right to stop a Presidential candidate from being heard.
Protesters go to Trump rallies for one reason and one reason only: to start trouble.

"True", because protesting means that you should just sit down and be quiet.......After all, the First amendment was written only for FOX watchers.

Protesting shouldn't include rushing the stage and being dragged out by Secret Service because you believe you have the right to stop a Presidential candidate from being heard.

they know that. they are just being their normal two faced hypocrite selves. Hell they went ape shit for a rodeo clown using a mask of Obama for a comedy skit. there's nothing worse than being two faced, next to a liar
[United States Naturalization Law of March 26, 1790 (1 Stat. 103) provides the first rules to be followed by the United States in the granting of national citizenship. This law limited naturalization to immigrants who were free white persons of good character. It thus excluded American Indians, indentured servants, slaves, free blacks, and Asians.

Ahhhh, you must miss those good ol' days when you could whip those uppity slaves into submission.
(btw, Steve any relation to Bull Connor?)

Bull Connor was a Democrat.
She and the jew-run media makes up claims that Trump incites violence. Conversely, there is NO DOUBT that people who oppose him do. Here is one of the charming Jews in the Hillary(socialist)/Sanders(communist)camp, Tim Wise.


Clinton says Trump rallies remind African Americans of ‘mob violence that led to lynching’

A Trump rally reminds me of something that came right out of the 1960's during the civil rights movement. An angry, ignorant all white mob.


So then why did Charles Evers and Ben Carson endorse Trump?
Because they are lowlife scum whose only goal is to be the VP or to have a place in the hypothetical T-Rump cabinet.

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