Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll

As for the respect that Hillary has around the world? Do you think she has more respect NOW after having been the Secretary of State for the Obama Administration or do you think she might have had more respect BEFORE she was the figurehead for Obama foreign policy?

Much more respect now. The posting only added to an already impressive resume.
Theirs only two ways for a republican to win in 2016.
1. Come out as pro-White. Fight for our concern and get maybe 68%+ of the vote to counter the non-white vote that would be going to the rats.

2. Become the democrats on economic policy, but more favorable to whites. This would allow whites to come over to the republican party and would help them to form a coalition of sanity with more of the saner non-whites.

The party of work, but isn't against welfare
The party of working together instead of pimps like sharpton!

Let the democrats be the asshole party.
She should have been the Dim nominee in '08, but the Dims instead chose a not-ready-for-primetime divider.

Anyway, Hillary I'm certain will be the next president, but she sure isn't going to win by 20 points.

I have stated it openly more than 10 times in USMB. I will say it again, and you can gladly bookmark it:

Hillary will win in 2016 with 57% of the NPV and more than 400 EV, perhaps considerably more.

Demographics, demographics, demographics.

And with a Republican House and a Republican Senate she will be a lame duck.

Even her exceptional beauty and charm can not change that

The Dems will re-take the Senate in 2016. Guaranteed (the only caveat is if they don't lose the Senate in 2014 by some miracle)
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
So what?
She's ahead in her "home state"?

Does that mean Arkansas?

Nope. New York! And that probably comes from the liberal mega of the world, NYC!

And you tout that as a big deal? Where does she stand in NATIONAL polls?
It IS a big deal. And here's a very telling poll that compares all the different folks to Hillary. She still comes out on TOP!

CNN Poll Romney tops Obama but loses to Clinton 8211 CNN Political Ticker - CNN.com Blogs
Theirs only two ways for a republican to win in 2016.
1. Come out as pro-White. Fight for our concern and get maybe 68%+ of the vote to counter the non-white vote that would be going to the rats.

2. Become the democrats on economic policy, but more favorable to whites. This would allow whites to come over to the republican party and would help them to form a coalition of sanity with more of the saner non-whites.

The party of work, but isn't against welfare
The party of working together instead of pimps like sharpton!

Let the democrats the asshole party.

Sounds like a great plan...

become the party of the fastest shrinking demographic in the voting landscape....
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

Oh please please please PLEASE let Hilliary run. You want a land slide defeat for Democrats? Run Hilliary. The only way that the GOP could possibly lose an election against Hilliary, is if they ran Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or Bill Clinton on their ticket.

I did not vote for McCain, or Romney, because to me they were about as Democrap as you could get, without having a donkey tattoo'd on their forehead.

But you people run Hilliary.... I'd vote for absolutely ANYONE..... as in ANYONE the GOP ran opposite Hilliary.

You want to see a united GOP? Run Hilliary in 2016. People HATE Hilliary. Obama? People didn't like Obama's policies. But they didn't HATE him. People honestly truly HATE Hilliary Clinton. She is truly an EVIL person. Just flat out EVIL. The GOP would have to run Pol Pot to lose against Hilliary with how many people absolutely HATE her.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's a poll of New York state. Any Democrat should be having at least a +20 here. Bill Clinton won it in 96 with +29, so did Obama in 2012. Hillary will likely win the Empire State by at least 32-34 points when all is said and done. Democrats under +20 in NY are likely losing the national election. Kerry won NY by +18, but lost nationally by -2.46. Gore won NY by +28 and also won nationally in the NPV by +0.52. Dukakis won NY in 88 by +5 but lost nationally to Bush (41) by -7.73. So, +20 in NY is actually bare-minimum to be competitive nationally. The +31 indicated in the poll is the more likely value, here.

I also want to remind that one individual poll says not a lot, but the aggregate of polling is indeed important.

I've already read and logged this poll and the latest Hillary vs. GOP thread will come out in the third week of September. By then, there will have been circa 200 Hillary vs. GOP polls since 2013 began.
Important? To whom?...
She should have been the Dim nominee in '08, but the Dims instead chose a not-ready-for-primetime divider.

Anyway, Hillary I'm certain will be the next president, but she sure isn't going to win by 20 points.

I have stated it openly more than 10 times in USMB. I will say it again, and you can gladly bookmark it:

Hillary will win in 2016 with 57% of the NPV and more than 400 EV, perhaps considerably more.

Demographics, demographics, demographics.

And with a Republican House and a Republican Senate she will be a lame duck.

Even her exceptional beauty and charm can not change that

The Dems will re-take the Senate in 2016. Guaranteed (the only caveat is if they don't lose the Senate in 2014 by some miracle)
And Obama will serve a third term! Count on it! Hope N Change, boys and girls.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
In her home state by a university poll. Early and often is the motto of the left promoting illegal voting practices. Typical way they win.

Quinnipiac is a respected and ACCURATE pollster, one of the 4 best in the 2012 presidential election, also by far the best pollster in the 2013 Christie gubernatorial race and the Virginia senatorial.

Before you poo-poo a polling organization, you should learn their track record first:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: The moment of truth: how did the pollsters do?

Hand in hand with NBC is often Quinnipiac:

Quinnipiac (NYT/CBS):

StatePollsterPollster MarginActual MarginBiasBias (simplified)
OhioQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +5D +2,97D +2,03D +2
FloridaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +1D +0,88D +0,120
New York*QuinnipiacD +28D +28,13R +0,130
VirginiaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +2D +3,87R +1,87R +2
ConnecticutQuinnipiacD +14D +17,33R +3,33R +3
New Jersey*QuinnipiacD +8D +17,68R +9,68R +10
Bias (ALL)R +2,17
Bias (3 battlegrounds)R +0,66
As is the case with Marist, Quinnipiac has hooked up with a major newspaper and a major news network (NYT and CBS) to produce polling. There were 5 end polls, 3 were from battleground states.

Two big points here:

-Quinnipiac absolutely nailed the margin in Florida and New York.

-Though it has a conservative bias of R +2.17 for the 5 polls combined, among the three battlegrounds (Ohio, Florida and Virginia), its bias is absolute null. This is the only pollster to have acheived this mark, but then again, Quinnipiac only put out results for 3 of 12 battlegrounds. What "skewed" the results were the terrible poll numbers out of New Jersey (R +10!), which happened to a number of pollsters, most likely because of hurricane Sandy.

But just as was the case with Marist, no Liberal bias to be seen here!
A left wing poll attempting to steer the vote the way they want.
Hey genius, the campaign has not started yet. And already you're having a Hillarygasm
You do realize that was just for New York do you not? So Hillary is leading big over the GOP in a strongly blue state that elected her to the Senate forgive me if I don't find this shocking.
An I will bet not a single person outside the 11 county NY Metro area got a phone call
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

Oh please please please PLEASE let Hilliary run. You want a land slide defeat for Democrats? Run Hilliary. The only way that the GOP could possibly lose an election against Hilliary, is if they ran Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or Bill Clinton on their ticket.

I did not vote for McCain, or Romney, because to me they were about as Democrap as you could get, without having a donkey tattoo'd on their forehead.

But you people run Hilliary.... I'd vote for absolutely ANYONE..... as in ANYONE the GOP ran opposite Hilliary.

You want to see a united GOP? Run Hilliary in 2016. People HATE Hilliary. Obama? People didn't like Obama's policies. But they didn't HATE him. People honestly truly HATE Hilliary Clinton. She is truly an EVIL person. Just flat out EVIL. The GOP would have to run Pol Pot to lose against Hilliary with how many people absolutely HATE her.
That diatribe sure sounds like you're pretty desperate right now as you see the polls all going in favor of Hillary. And any spin you can put on that you feel will save your party -- it won't. People have come to realize that Republicans cannot and will not do anything for anyone in a category below their rich constituent's. Therefore, A Vote For A Republican Is A Vote for Your Own Hardship and Demise, unless you're quite well to do that is.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
In her home state by a university poll. Early and often is the motto of the left promoting illegal voting practices. Typical way they win.

Quinnipiac is a respected and ACCURATE pollster, one of the 4 best in the 2012 presidential election, also by far the best pollster in the 2013 Christie gubernatorial race and the Virginia senatorial.

Before you poo-poo a polling organization, you should learn their track record first:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: The moment of truth: how did the pollsters do?

Hand in hand with NBC is often Quinnipiac:

Quinnipiac (NYT/CBS):

StatePollsterPollster MarginActual MarginBiasBias (simplified)
OhioQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +5D +2,97D +2,03D +2
FloridaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +1D +0,88D +0,120
New York*QuinnipiacD +28D +28,13R +0,130
VirginiaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +2D +3,87R +1,87R +2
ConnecticutQuinnipiacD +14D +17,33R +3,33R +3
New Jersey*QuinnipiacD +8D +17,68R +9,68R +10
Bias (ALL)R +2,17
Bias (3 battlegrounds)R +0,66
As is the case with Marist, Quinnipiac has hooked up with a major newspaper and a major news network (NYT and CBS) to produce polling. There were 5 end polls, 3 were from battleground states.

Two big points here:

-Quinnipiac absolutely nailed the margin in Florida and New York.

-Though it has a conservative bias of R +2.17 for the 5 polls combined, among the three battlegrounds (Ohio, Florida and Virginia), its bias is absolute null. This is the only pollster to have acheived this mark, but then again, Quinnipiac only put out results for 3 of 12 battlegrounds. What "skewed" the results were the terrible poll numbers out of New Jersey (R +10!), which happened to a number of pollsters, most likely because of hurricane Sandy.

But just as was the case with Marist, no Liberal bias to be seen here!
A left wing poll attempting to steer the vote the way they want.
Hey genius, the campaign has not started yet. And already you're having a Hillarygasm

That's the best you have to offer in the face of verified, and now, historical data? You call Quinnipiac a "left wing poll"?

Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's a poll of New York state. Any Democrat should be having at least a +20 here. Bill Clinton won it in 96 with +29, so did Obama in 2012. Hillary will likely win the Empire State by at least 32-34 points when all is said and done. Democrats under +20 in NY are likely losing the national election. Kerry won NY by +18, but lost nationally by -2.46. Gore won NY by +28 and also won nationally in the NPV by +0.52. Dukakis won NY in 88 by +5 but lost nationally to Bush (41) by -7.73. So, +20 in NY is actually bare-minimum to be competitive nationally. The +31 indicated in the poll is the more likely value, here.

I also want to remind that one individual poll says not a lot, but the aggregate of polling is indeed important.

I've already read and logged this poll and the latest Hillary vs. GOP thread will come out in the third week of September. By then, there will have been circa 200 Hillary vs. GOP polls since 2013 began.
Important? To whom?...

Important to people who know how to interpret the numbers, like GOP and Democratic strategists.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

Oh please please please PLEASE let Hilliary run. You want a land slide defeat for Democrats? Run Hilliary. The only way that the GOP could possibly lose an election against Hilliary, is if they ran Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or Bill Clinton on their ticket.

I did not vote for McCain, or Romney, because to me they were about as Democrap as you could get, without having a donkey tattoo'd on their forehead.

But you people run Hilliary.... I'd vote for absolutely ANYONE..... as in ANYONE the GOP ran opposite Hilliary.

You want to see a united GOP? Run Hilliary in 2016. People HATE Hilliary. Obama? People didn't like Obama's policies. But they didn't HATE him. People honestly truly HATE Hilliary Clinton. She is truly an EVIL person. Just flat out EVIL. The GOP would have to run Pol Pot to lose against Hilliary with how many people absolutely HATE her.
That diatribe sure sounds like you're pretty desperate right now as you see the polls all going in favor of Hillary. And any spin you can put on that you feel will save your party -- it won't. People have come to realize that Republicans cannot and will not do anything for anyone in a category below their rich constituent's. Therefore, A Vote For A Republican Is A Vote for Your Own Hardship and Demise, unless you're quite well to do that is.
Well, they realize they can never have the Oval Office, kinda like a spoiled child yelling 'I want it! I want it!', even though most Americans [who vote in Presidential races] clearly favor Clinton over the Republican candidates to hold it. The Congress and Senate races are different altogether however, for some reason though Republican political commentators correlate the same demographics that vote for Congress or the Senate with those that vote for the Presidency - even though the demographics of those who vote for the Senate, Congress and the Presidency are entirely different.*

*Which could help to explain how they were so out in declaring Romney the winner over Obama.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

Oh please please please PLEASE let Hilliary run. You want a land slide defeat for Democrats? Run Hilliary. The only way that the GOP could possibly lose an election against Hilliary, is if they ran Stalin, Mao, Hitler, or Bill Clinton on their ticket.

I did not vote for McCain, or Romney, because to me they were about as Democrap as you could get, without having a donkey tattoo'd on their forehead.

But you people run Hilliary.... I'd vote for absolutely ANYONE..... as in ANYONE the GOP ran opposite Hilliary.

You want to see a united GOP? Run Hilliary in 2016. People HATE Hilliary. Obama? People didn't like Obama's policies. But they didn't HATE him. People honestly truly HATE Hilliary Clinton. She is truly an EVIL person. Just flat out EVIL. The GOP would have to run Pol Pot to lose against Hilliary with how many people absolutely HATE her.
That diatribe sure sounds like you're pretty desperate right now as you see the polls all going in favor of Hillary. And any spin you can put on that you feel will save your party -- it won't. People have come to realize that Republicans cannot and will not do anything for anyone in a category below their rich constituent's. Therefore, A Vote For A Republican Is A Vote for Your Own Hardship and Demise, unless you're quite well to do that is.
Well, they realize they can never have the Oval Office, kinda like a spoiled child yelling 'I want it! I want it!', even though most Americans [who vote in Presidential races] clearly favor Clinton over the Republican candidates to hold it. The Congress and Senate races are different altogether however, for some reason though Republican political commentators correlate the same demographics that vote for Congress or the Senate with those that vote for the Presidency - even though the demographics of those who vote for the Senate, Congress and the Presidency are entirely different.*

*Which could help to explain how they were so out in declaring Romney the winner over Obama.

Midterms tend to be base elections, meaning that the hard-core base of each party comes out to vote, which means that voter turnout (VT) is considerably lower than for a presidential election. Republicans have traditionally done a better job of turning out their base, especially in years where they are in the opposition. But the demographics looking into 2016 do not look good for the GOP.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!
In her home state by a university poll. Early and often is the motto of the left promoting illegal voting practices. Typical way they win.

Quinnipiac is a respected and ACCURATE pollster, one of the 4 best in the 2012 presidential election, also by far the best pollster in the 2013 Christie gubernatorial race and the Virginia senatorial.

Before you poo-poo a polling organization, you should learn their track record first:

Statistikhengst's ELECTORAL POLITICS - 2013 and beyond: The moment of truth: how did the pollsters do?

Hand in hand with NBC is often Quinnipiac:

Quinnipiac (NYT/CBS):

StatePollsterPollster MarginActual MarginBiasBias (simplified)
OhioQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +5D +2,97D +2,03D +2
FloridaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +1D +0,88D +0,120
New York*QuinnipiacD +28D +28,13R +0,130
VirginiaQuinnipiac / NYT / CBSD +2D +3,87R +1,87R +2
ConnecticutQuinnipiacD +14D +17,33R +3,33R +3
New Jersey*QuinnipiacD +8D +17,68R +9,68R +10
Bias (ALL)R +2,17
Bias (3 battlegrounds)R +0,66
As is the case with Marist, Quinnipiac has hooked up with a major newspaper and a major news network (NYT and CBS) to produce polling. There were 5 end polls, 3 were from battleground states.

Two big points here:

-Quinnipiac absolutely nailed the margin in Florida and New York.

-Though it has a conservative bias of R +2.17 for the 5 polls combined, among the three battlegrounds (Ohio, Florida and Virginia), its bias is absolute null. This is the only pollster to have acheived this mark, but then again, Quinnipiac only put out results for 3 of 12 battlegrounds. What "skewed" the results were the terrible poll numbers out of New Jersey (R +10!), which happened to a number of pollsters, most likely because of hurricane Sandy.

But just as was the case with Marist, no Liberal bias to be seen here!
A left wing poll attempting to steer the vote the way they want.
Hey genius, the campaign has not started yet. And already you're having a Hillarygasm
And what kind of "gasm" are You all having, other than just pure gas that is, when there isn't even a clear Conservative challenger at this point from your party? Conversely, everyone knows Hillary will be the Democratic nominee.
Hillary Clinton has at least 20 point lead over GOP in new poll | Early & Often

Way To Go!! We have your back, Hillary!!

It's not just your dog that's snoring Gramps, it's your Whole Party that's why the American people continue to suffer due to their inaction just like your dog that well represents your party.

That makes total sense considering the gop is poised to take the Senate. :cuckoo:

Or maybe not. Don't count your chickens before they've hatched. Remember "DEWEY WON"??

Ironic considering the entire premise of this thread is counting chickens

Yet out of the chicken comes the egg and out of the egg comes LIFE!! And Life is what the Democratic Party is all about. Life for the American people where all they see is gloom, doom and despair from Republicans.

If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.

Mod edit xxxxxxxx Each one of those matchups is a one-on-one matchup. Just because a pollster is pitting one candidate on one side against a number of candidates from the other side doesn't mean that the matchups themselves are not individual. Now, rub your two remaining brain cells together and let's see if you can figure that one out, fake Rabbi.

And btw, I have indicated more than once that one individual poll is of not much worth, but the aggregate of many polls does indeed tell us something.

Hey, when Hillary Clinton sweeps on election night 2016 with 57% and well over 400 EV, let's talk again.

Ahhh, yet another Rightie who, when his logic (if he had any at all) fails him, goes for personal attacks instead.

What you've indicated that you are an Area 51 boob when it comes to polls that produce results with which you agree.
If you ran a poll of Rick Perry vs. the Democrats you'd find Perry doing pretty well. You never compare one specific person against a group. That's stupid. Only an idiot like Statistheilhitler would fall for it/
In any case, I am sure all the polls in 2006 showed Hillary was a shoo-in. Actually I recall looking back at this and yes they did. Whether the match up was Hillary v. McCain or Hillary v. Giuliani, who was the front runner.

And actually, there have been a number of Perry vs. Clinton matchups and he pretty much sucks big donkey dicks in all of them, even in his home state of Texas.
Keep up the animal sexual phrases. You were edited by the mods once.
Get the picture there , Mr Credibility?

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