Hillary Clinton House Benghazi Hearing: October 22, 2015

Based on Hillary's awesome performance and command of facts - I wonder if Trump and Carson are considering dropping out.
I used to think that Bill was the master under partisan pressure - but Hillary may even be better.
Jesus fucking Christ, now it's Sanchez... A fucking woman beaner from California. Fucking pathetic. That twit shouldn't even be in our country. She ought to be picking coffee beans in Bolivia.
Ain't it great to watch all this without constant commercial interruptions!
It's obvious that these partisan vermin couldn't care less about Benghazi - they just want to crucify Hillary.
They are now really nitpicking in an attempt to piss Hillary off and get her off her center.
Roby just goes from one random factoid to another, no relations between any.....just "let's talk about Obama....let's talk about the survivors now.....wait no, let's talk about the Compound, then let's talk about the DoD....now we need to talk about who was in the State Dept at that time..."

Good lord, does she just have random thoughts in her head and randomly grabs one at a time?
Rep. Adam Smith lays out how the line of questioning is becoming increasingly badgering and vicious in an attempt to wear Hillary down.
CNN live coverage begins at 9:00 am ET. Please provide your feedback on the hearing.
Since this is all political showmanship, the most important piece of information is the fact that a majority of American's are tired of hearing about Hilary's emails and Benghazi. I was in a pub last night and a newscaster started talking about it and the bartender said anybody interested and a loud resounding "no" filled the room.

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