Hillary Clinton House Benghazi Hearing: October 22, 2015

Wow, Rep. Adam Schiff is a really honorable and smart dude!
Rep. Jim Jordan is the Freedom Caucus/Tea Party attack dog. He really needs a rabies shot. This obstructionist clown is one of the main reasons Speaker Boehner is resigning.
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I think she's sedated...

If she is - she's still functioning like a high-level professional.
She really is. I'm impressed.

I am not going to vote for her, but I am impressed.
Yeah, she's done well.

I wonder if the GOP is thinking that this was a really, really bad idea.

I'm sure some of them do, others I think honestly want some questions answered. My biggest problem with this whole thing is not necessarily the political hit job aspect, though that is a problem (as it always is no matter the party leading the hit), it's that this shit should have been done and resolved two years ago, not three years after the fact.
I refused to watch it. The outcome and no damning evidence presented by Gowdy tells me everything I need to know. The Republicans threw themselves under the bus again.

game set match
I think she's sedated...

If she is - she's still functioning like a high-level professional.
She really is. I'm impressed.

I am not going to vote for her, but I am impressed.
Yeah, she's done well.

I wonder if the GOP is thinking that this was a really, really bad idea.

I'm sure some of them do, others I think honestly want some questions answered. My biggest problem with this whole thing is not necessarily the political hit job aspect, though that is a problem (as it always is no matter the party leading the hit), it's that this shit should have been done and resolved two years ago, not three years after the fact.
Yeah, the committee is clearly hurting itself by letting it drag.
Hang in there, Hillary, because they are desperately trying to wear you down. Many of them - only one of you.

Yes, why is that?
Not true..

But what angers anyone who wants to know the truth.......why did the administration feel it had to lie. These sort of things sometimes happen.......unless the administration took risks they shouldn't have.....and they know they really fucked up....and felt they needed to cover it up.
Cover up what? Lie about what? There were attacks going on all over the world. How could you keep something like that a secret? More than 50 people died.

Hillary has an awesome command of the facts! How many of us could be so calm and professional under such a partisan attack?
You guys are really afraid of the clintons. Reminds me of the Kennedy's.
Afraid? Nope, it's pure, raw animal hate. That's what the trembling is about. And the Kennedys weren't no furking booby prize either.
Drama queens. Bill gave you surplus, no war and great economy and you impeached him.

Bush lied us to war tanked the economy and gave us huge deficits. Plus his policies shifted the tax burden onto us and gave all our money to the rich. Bushanomics worked exactly as planned.

Bill was the best president in recent history.
I would not call an child molester good, sick maybe.

He never molested children. He did balance the budget though.

he signed a bill balancing the budget

that a repub congress put together
They're going to beat on Hillary some more. Damn, that woman is awesome! Hopefully they'll be done by midnight.
the longer they beat up Clinton and fail to prove her guilty, the better she looks in the public eye ... regardless what the RW's think.

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