Hillary Clinton House Benghazi Hearing: October 22, 2015


"It is time for Republicans to end this taxpayer-funded fishing expedition."

Elijah Cummings: Benghazi Panel Is An 'Abusive Effort To Derail' Hillary Clinton's Campaign

Amen! This kangaroo court charade is hilarious! Hillary is awesome!
What we learned in round 2 today. Hill-Beast considered the 'Libyan Policy' 'smart power'. Look at Libya today........does it look like that power was truly smart?
Cackles in charge of our foreign policy will be a mega-disaster, but, by all means, vote for her!

As reported in this hearing, Ambassador Stevens died from smoke inhalation - not the fake shit in the above picture.
John Dean, former White House Counsel to President Nixon, is basically saying that Hillary is kicking ass!
Will the Benghazi NaziCons try to wear Hillary down in an attempt to force her to lose her cool? I'm sure they're trying...
CNN live coverage begins at 9:00 am ET. Please provide your feedback on the hearing.
If there was anything there biden would be running.

Remember Bill's popularity soared during the witch hunts on him? Same happening for hillary. Thanks GOP for blowing your was early on hillary. You're helping us vet her. It's her turn.

Or Bernie.
Yup.....and Bill was convicted of perjury....so he won.

Doesn't matter what happens, the Clinton's will claim victory.

Sort of the way Little Kim of N. KOREA claimed he played a 38 on 18 holes of golf.....or Saddam said he got 100% of the vote. This is what happens when you have a corrupt government.
What did Bill lie about? Sex? BFD. Who was questioning him?

Former prostitute claims David Vitter impregnated her and encouraged her to get an abortion

Sources: Dennis Hastert cover-up for sexual misconduct - CNNPolitics.com

The IMs That Forced Foley to Resign

Former senator Larry Craig owes U.S. Treasury $242,000 over airport sex-sting arrest, judge says

You republicans are really unbelievable.
If there was anything there biden would be running.

Remember Bill's popularity soared during the witch hunts on him? Same happening for hillary. Thanks GOP for blowing your was early on hillary. You're helping us vet her. It's her turn.

Or Bernie.
Poor, poor Hillary.

President Clinton till 2023.

You guys are really afraid of the clintons. Reminds me of the Kennedy's.
I used to be a Kennedy Democrat. .....and Hillary is no Kennedy.
Who did you vote for in 92,96,2000,2004,2008 & 2012? How did you go from Kennedy to the GOP?
If there was anything there biden would be running.

Remember Bill's popularity soared during the witch hunts on him? Same happening for hillary. Thanks GOP for blowing your was early on hillary. You're helping us vet her. It's her turn.

Or Bernie.
Poor, poor Hillary.

President Clinton till 2023.

You guys are really afraid of the clintons. Reminds me of the Kennedy's.
I used to be a Kennedy Democrat. .....and Hillary is no Kennedy.
On the Clinton impeachment: While leading impeachment proceedings against President Bill Clinton for lying about an extra-marital affair, Newt was … having an extra-marital affair. When he was later asked whether he considered himself to be inhabiting a “glass house” during the proceedings, he reluctantly agreed, but defended himself by saying, “I think you have to look at whether or not people have to be perfect in order to be leaders. I don’t think I’m perfect. I admitted I had problems. I admitted that I sought forgiveness.”
You guys are really afraid of the clintons. Reminds me of the Kennedy's.
Afraid? Nope, it's pure, raw animal hate. That's what the trembling is about. And the Kennedys weren't no furking booby prize either.
Drama queens. Bill gave you surplus, no war and great economy and you impeached him.

Bush lied us to war tanked the economy and gave us huge deficits. Plus his policies shifted the tax burden onto us and gave all our money to the rich. Bushanomics worked exactly as planned.

Bill was the best president in recent history.
I would not call an child molester good, sick maybe.
1. He never molested any children. Monica wanted to fuck.
2. It is more factual to call Bush a mass murderer for lying us into Iraq.

4,486 U.S. soldiers died in Iraq

So keep crying about a blowjob you fool. You fucking brainwashed fools!!!
Drama queens. Bill gave you surplus, no war and great economy and you impeached him.

Bush lied us to war tanked the economy and gave us huge deficits. Plus his policies shifted the tax burden onto us and gave all our money to the rich. Bushanomics worked exactly as planned.

Bill was the best president in recent history.
I would not call an child molester good, sick maybe.

He never molested children. He did balance the budget though.
A president can't balance the budget, that is the Congress's job you should have learned that in Jr. High.

Really? Bush sure worked hard to spend and unbalance it.

So why isn't it balanced now? We have repub controlled congress....
Barack Obama claims deficit has decreased by two-thirds since taking office
Afraid? Nope, it's pure, raw animal hate. That's what the trembling is about. And the Kennedys weren't no furking booby prize either.
Drama queens. Bill gave you surplus, no war and great economy and you impeached him.

Bush lied us to war tanked the economy and gave us huge deficits. Plus his policies shifted the tax burden onto us and gave all our money to the rich. Bushanomics worked exactly as planned.

Bill was the best president in recent history.
I would not call an child molester good, sick maybe.

He never molested children. He did balance the budget though.
A president can't balance the budget, that is the Congress's job you should have learned that in Jr. High.
You probably don't even know the difference between a deficit and the debt.
You're gonna make me watch morning joe tomorrow. (I get no video at work, and just saw a bit at the gym)

But, I'm thinking Trey Gowdy may do a Ken Starr and be lucky to get the gig of President of Furman College

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