Hillary Clinton House Benghazi Hearing: October 22, 2015


The Benghazi Committee's Out Of Control Effort To Destroy Hillary Clinton

Sounds like Gowdy Doody is getting rattled.
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First, it wasn't 60 Americans, but yes, every life is important.
Second, it is not the Karachi attack I was referring to. And, I did not hear them blame a video for the killing, by going on national tv to proclaim such.
Third, I do know this.
Fourth, do you know about the Diplomats and their family that have been killed since 2009?
First, how many US Ambassadors were killed?

First, are 60 American lives worth less than the life of an Ambassador?

Second, a US diplomat was killed in the attack on the Karachi consulate. The diplomat, David Foy, was the target of the attack.

Third, why don't you know this? Hmmmm...

Fourth, why don't you know everything Bush was doing before, during, and after that attack? Hmmmm...
I'm not even watching the Benghazi hearing, and don't intend to. But, somehow, I know exactly what everyone is going to say about it. :D
I'm really looking forward to Gowdy finding SOMETHING , anything ... or having the balls to STFU.

either way, this BS needs a permanent rest.
She really doesn't want to talk about Blumenthal

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CNN live coverage begins at 9:00 am ET. Please provide your feedback on the hearing.
If there was anything there biden would be running.

Remember Bill's popularity soared during the witch hunts on him? Same happening for hillary. Thanks GOP for blowing your was early on hillary. You're helping us vet her. It's her turn.

Or Bernie.
Yup.....and Bill was convicted of perjury....so he won.

Doesn't matter what happens, the Clinton's will claim victory.

Sort of the way Little Kim of N. KOREA claimed he played a 38 on 18 holes of golf.....or Saddam said he got 100% of the vote. This is what happens when you have a corrupt government.
CNN live coverage begins at 9:00 am ET. Please provide your feedback on the hearing.
If there was anything there biden would be running.

Remember Bill's popularity soared during the witch hunts on him? Same happening for hillary. Thanks GOP for blowing your was early on hillary. You're helping us vet her. It's her turn.

Or Bernie.
Poor, poor Hillary.

President Clinton till 2023.

You guys are really afraid of the clintons. Reminds me of the Kennedy's.
I used to be a Kennedy Democrat. .....and Hillary is no Kennedy.
Gowdy is taking it to shrillary.

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Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-SC, lays out that Obama team rejected Sidney Blumenthal for State and emails show Clinton relied on him anyway. Frankencheeks is a treasonist murderous bitch.
I'm really looking forward to Gowdy finding SOMETHING , anything ... or having the balls to STFU.

either way, this BS needs a permanent rest.
You wish!!!!

It not going away just because you're tired of the investigation. Hillary needs to be called into account for her lies and her obstruction.

I think anyone who thinks she's innocent is no more worthwhile than belly lint.
Sydney was on the Clinton Foundation payroll for 10K a month. Seems like we are entering the criminality realm in the next series of questioning. Might be time for Hillary to get a migraine and postponement about now.
Chris Wallace is pointing out Clinton mentioned the video when the bodies arrived at Andrew AFB ...She Lied to us but told her family the truth in an email.

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