Hillary Clinton interfered in the election and can be prosecuted for this


Platinum Member
Sep 10, 2015
Spicer: 'What did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election?'

There will be no blaming what Hillary and her staff did on Russia, and clouding the waters with Russia isn't going to work at all.

President-elect Donald Trump
Donald TrumpTrump's Indonesian business projects move forward: report Joe Scarborough attacks report he partied with TrumpFascism in the USA, a rebuttalMORE’s press secretary pick questioned Sunday whether Hillary Clinton
Hillary Rodham ClintonPlane carrying expelled Russian diplomats leaves U.S.Spicer: 'What did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election?'John Legend: We will survive Trump if we're vigilantMORE will be “punished” for what he said were her attempts to influence the election.

When asked about the U.S. intelligence assessment that Russian hackers tried to influence the presidential election in favor of Trump during a Sunday segment on ABC’s “This Week," Sean Spicer turned the question around.

“When are we going to start talking about the other side of this? Which is: What did Hillary Clinton do to influence the election? Is she being punished in any way?” Spicer asked, referencing the fact the Democratic nominee received debate questions ahead of time during the primary.

That revelation came out as part of leaked emails from her campaign chairman that have been blamed on Russian hacking. The Obama administration in October formally accused Russia of trying to interfere in election through cyber attacks and last week, sanctioned Russia by expelling 35 Russian officials and barring Russian officials from two sites believed to be used for Russian intelligence purposes.

Spicer said the media is too focused on Trump's reaction to the Russian hacking.
if Putin convinced 75 Million people to vote for Trump, where is the Video of Putin trying to convince us?
Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
So Roger Stone is the hacker.......................if you have proof please give it to the FBI, or shut the F up dopey
Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
So Roger Stone is the hacker.......................if you have proof please give it to the FBI, or shut the F up dopey
oh no, he's not the hacker....he could be the middle man connecting the hackers info to Julian Assange/wikileaks. Roger tweeted that he was involved with Assange and when the leaks would be let loose by wikileaks....
Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
So Roger Stone is the hacker.......................if you have proof please give it to the FBI, or shut the F up dopey
oh no, he's not the hacker....he could be the middle man connecting the hackers info to Julian Assange/wikileaks. Roger tweeted that he was involved with Assange and when the leaks would be let loose by wikileaks....
So the Russians gave the info to Wiki, then Wiki gave the info to Stone.................

I hate to break it to you, but you have become tolerant to your medication, please see your doctor
if Putin convinced 75 Million people to vote for Trump, where is the Video of Putin trying to convince us?

No video of that. There is video of Obama telling illegals they can vote without worry of getting caught. There is evidence of Hillary receiving debate questions ahead of time. There is evidence of cheating at polls where votes for Hillary were counted as many as six times each. There would be another witness to the DNC emails being leaked, but the insider who leaked them was murdered. We still have Assange saying all along that he received the emails from a DNC insider and he made them public.

There is no doubt many other countries try routinely to hack our government. Hillary made it easy for all of them with her lame ass homebrew server.

It shouldn't be so easy for them to hack but when incompetent people disregard security measures, it's going to happen.

As far as the DNC emails that proved deep corruption, Assange planned to expose them after getting the emails from the insider. Russia didn't have to do shit because it was already a done deal. Whether they or others hacked, it made no difference because WikiLeaks, with the help of a DNC insider, already took care of it.

How was there not an investigation of the votes being counted six times each for Hillary?

How was there not an investigation of Obama telling illegals they could vote with impunity?

How were libs not outraged at Hillary cheating by getting debate questions early?

Why no outrage for the stuff revealed by the email leaks?

I swear, you could produce a video of Hillary killing someone and the left would just be pissed because someone leaked the footage.
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Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
So Roger Stone is the hacker.......................if you have proof please give it to the FBI, or shut the F up dopey
oh no, he's not the hacker....he could be the middle man connecting the hackers info to Julian Assange/wikileaks. Roger tweeted that he was involved with Assange and when the leaks would be let loose by wikileaks....
So the Russians gave the info to Wiki, then Wiki gave the info to Stone.................

I hate to break it to you, but you have become tolerant to your medication, please see your doctor
nooooooo, the other way around....Stone might have gotten the hacked emails from someone, and gave them to wikileaks on a timely bases...

Assange is on the record over and over, saying the Russians did not give him the leaks....you know that.... but note, he didn't say the Russians did not do the hacking, just that he did not get the emails from Russians
Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
You're completely cuckoo.
Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
You're completely cuckoo.

Trump adviser reveals how Assange ally warned him about leaked Clinton emails

What if Stone's source is the person giving Assange the leaks? Maybe it's not the Russians?
Trump really has a stick up himself on this.... I wonder why? DID his right hand man, and hit man Roger Stone deliver the hacked emails to wikileats? Is Donald stomping his feet and trying to deflect from it because he KNOWS Stone did this???
You're completely cuckoo.

Trump adviser reveals how Assange ally warned him about leaked Clinton emails

What if Stone's source is the person giving Assange the leaks? Maybe it's not the Russians?
What if you stop using methamphetamine

You can no longer think rationally.

The NSA has every email that Hillary and the DNC ever sent, do you comprehend this? Can you comprehend anything
I really love how the media is again trying to redefine words.

The problem isn't that Hillary "INTERFERED" in the elections (subjective word that means fuck all). She committed FRAUD in the election.

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