Hillary Clinton Makes Voters Sign Loyalty Pledge Before Entering Event


When I saw this on Drudge this morning I thought it was a joke. But nope, it's real. Hillary made everyone who entered her event in Cleveland, Ohio, sign a loyalty pledge to vote for her in the election before they were allowed to enter.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

I wonder why she even held the event in the first place if they were already in the bag. I thought townhalls and campaign events were supposed to be for a way to convince voters that you're a good candidate....not bring in only people that have already made up their minds.

I guess she wants to be worshiped, not challenged.

You need to see the pledge form at this site before they are forced to take it down.

Hillary Clinton Makes Voters Sign Loyalty Pledge Before Entering Event


I wonder what would happen if she asked them for a proof they're legally in the US...

When I saw this on Drudge this morning I thought it was a joke. But nope, it's real. Hillary made everyone who entered her event in Cleveland, Ohio, sign a loyalty pledge to vote for her in the election before they were allowed to enter.

Pretty pathetic if you ask me.

I wonder why she even held the event in the first place if they were already in the bag. I thought townhalls and campaign events were supposed to be for a way to convince voters that you're a good candidate....not bring in only people that have already made up their minds.

I guess she wants to be worshiped, not challenged.

You need to see the pledge form at this site before they are forced to take it down.

Hillary Clinton Makes Voters Sign Loyalty Pledge Before Entering Event

Just like your pathetic weak ass party made Trump the rug sign a pledge not to run as an I, huh??:cuckoo:

Im guessing here in your tiny weak little mind only the Repugs can make folks sign pledges??:oops-28:

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