Hillary Clinton Now Claims She Didn’t Know About the Russia Dossier – Even Though She Paid for It

If you want to buy that, I have some land in Florida to sell you.

this is so obviously Hillary's doing. It has her fingerprints all over it.
You know, i could understand someone involved with her doing things she didnt know about. I wouldnt doubt it in the least
BUT how would she not know where millions of dollars went to? Not sure if i buy that. Not to mention her victim mentality..
that does explain why her campaign never used the information from the dossier, and neither did the DNC use it....so maybe they never saw it either?
No way that anyone could have authorized the expenditure without her knowing about it. Her personality would not permit ir.
Funding came from legal council budget - yes, it's possible she didn't know and what incentive is there for her to lie now? Opposition research is standard fare politics.
She got robbed. I would write up a paper saying Russian hookers gave Trump a golden shower (in Obamas' bed) for only $1.28mil. I will add in Melani too, no charge.
She got robbed. I would write up a paper saying Rusdian hookers gave Trump a golden shower (in Obamas' bed) for only $1.28mil. I will add in Melani too, no charge.

Of course that is just one paragraph of 37 pages in dossier. Isn't it strange that this is all you seem to know about it? :rolleyes:
But every left loon on here will nod and say that's right Hillary

Funding opposition research is not illegal. Taking meetings with Russians while dirt digging...

As you nod your head and say "that's right Hillary"

Sure, you nodding your head to trump funded Cambridge Analytica for dirt digging with Julian Assange?

Reread the OP, what is it about? Your diversion is comical
Funding came from legal council budget - yes, it's possible she didn't know and what incentive is there for her to lie now? Opposition research is standard fare politics.
Her foreign collusion is ok but trumps isnt. Especially since there is no proof...
Lol you loons are cracking me up today!
"Funny and Agree!"? Jeesus Old' Yeller you seriously don't know whats going.

The reason you don't know about it is because you get bounced around in the right wing bubble for too long - the core of the dossier, with many details on how Russians run a concentrated effort against Clinton campaign and for Trump's campaign were proven correct.

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