Hillary Clinton: Private Email Server 'Clearly Wasn't The Best Choice'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America

Hillary Clinton said Wednesday her decision to use a private email server while serving as secretary of state was not "the best choice."

The Democratic presidential candidate has faced scrutiny since a New York Timesreport revealed she had used a private email account throughout her time at the State Department. As the FBI investigates the server, which Clinton handed over earlier this month, the former secretary of state has maintained she never sent nor received classified messages with the account.

Clinton addressed the controversy while speaking to reporters in Iowa Wednesday.

"I know people have raised questions about my email use as secretary of state, and I understand why. I get it. " Clinton said. "So here’s what I want the American people to know. My use of personal email was allowed by the State Department. It clearly wasn’t the best choice. I should've used two emails: one personal, one for work, and I take responsibility for that decision. And I want to be as transparent as possible which is why I turned 55,000 pages, why I've turned over my server."

Clinton continued: "I'm confident that this process will prove that I never sent nor received any email that was marked classified."

More: Hillary Clinton: Private Email Server 'Clearly Wasn't The Best Choice'

Well, that's certainly good enough for me. I appreciate your honesty. Thank you, Madam President.
It's OK, HIll. It's not like you sold weapons to Iran and gave the proceeds to Central American death squads.
What I don't get is why the Secretary of State would not be sending any classified emails. Wouldn't the position require doing so from time to time?
How does a Sec.of State get a private email server to use for government business? Who allowed that?

Is it typical Clinton sleaze?
How does a Sec.of State get a private email server to use for government business? Who allowed that?

Is it typical Clinton sleaze?

The government allowed that. Secretary of State Colin Powell and others did the same thing.
Okay if that is true, it is yet another example of how stupid this government is.

Did anyone with expertise make sure the server was properly protected from hackers?
How does a Sec.of State get a private email server to use for government business? Who allowed that?

Is it typical Clinton sleaze?

The government allowed that. Secretary of State Colin Powell and others did the same thing.
Okay if that is true, it is yet another example of how stupid this government is.

Did anyone with expertise make sure the server was properly protected from hackers?

I assume it had adequate security but I don't know how the State Department handled it.
The Secretary of State never sent or received classified emails on the server she used for her communications as Secretary of State?


Ok, you go with that.

"One of the emails that triggered the FBI probe into Hillary Clinton’s server contained classified intelligence from three different agencies, Fox News has learned – which could mean the State Department violated a President Obama-signed executive order by authorizing its release."

Exclusive: State Dept.-released Clinton email had classified intel from 3 agencies, in possible violation

"We know for a fact Clinton held classified information on her private Home Brew server. We know that that Home Brew server wasn’t equipped with the proper security protocols to process or store that classified information.

I can also tell you that an organization which submitted a FOIA request specifically for Clinton’s private emails during the time frame surrounding the Benghazi attack, just received their first reply. As you might have guessed, everything they passed over was redacted and marked as classified. All of it."

I'm a Former U.S. Government IT Professional. Hillary Clinton's Email Actions Flirt With Treason.

Hillary Clinton said Wednesday her decision to use a private email server while serving as secretary of state was not "the best choice."

The Democratic presidential candidate has faced scrutiny since a New York Timesreport revealed she had used a private email account throughout her time at the State Department. As the FBI investigates the server, which Clinton handed over earlier this month, the former secretary of state has maintained she never sent nor received classified messages with the account.

Clinton addressed the controversy while speaking to reporters in Iowa Wednesday.

"I know people have raised questions about my email use as secretary of state, and I understand why. I get it. " Clinton said. "So here’s what I want the American people to know. My use of personal email was allowed by the State Department. It clearly wasn’t the best choice. I should've used two emails: one personal, one for work, and I take responsibility for that decision. And I want to be as transparent as possible which is why I turned 55,000 pages, why I've turned over my server."

Clinton continued: "I'm confident that this process will prove that I never sent nor received any email that was marked classified."

More: Hillary Clinton: Private Email Server 'Clearly Wasn't The Best Choice'

Well, that's certainly good enough for me. I appreciate your honesty. Thank you, Madam President.

Aside from Hillary and the State Departments possible dabblings into treason and refusal to supply requested documents to Congress, how do you feel about the first Democratic Party President, Andrew Jackson and his extensive Native American Genocide..
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It WAS stupid, and possibly criminal, And yes you are in fact an idiot if you think she didn't send and receive emails which contained classifieds information , but the sad fact is gmail is probably more secure than .gov anyway.

But, how embarrassing, I mean our Sec of State is sending out emails from something other than .gov, like they forgot to pay the bill and couldn't access it or something.

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