Hillary Clinton proclaims bigotry to be deplorable...

Calling millions of people racist because they don't support you for President is not a fight against bigotry it's a form of bigotry. Denial in 3.2.1.

Hillary Clinton made what amounts to an 'if the shoe fits' statement. Do you understand that?
Bullshit. She has publicly joked with the phrase "colored people's time" and that is hard core racist shit.

I haven't heard that since I was about 8 years old in Dallas Texas.

Shit for Shinola, Hillary is a closet racist without a doubt if she thinks that phrase is copacetic.
...and the Trump loving Right proclaims her to be the villain for doing so.

What is it with you people and your love of bigotry?
No, we are just taking Bill Clintons word for his claim that the people who use the phrase "Make America Great Again" are closet racists, and consider the high likelihood that he is primarily speaking of himself and Hillary.

But then I guess Hillary really despises everyone, not just blacks whom she regards as stupid fools too stupid to be able to get voter IDs..

The clintons destroyed the black as well as white working class with nafta. Now obama and the clintons want the tpp to really bury them.
...and the Trump loving Right proclaims her to be the villain for doing so.

What is it with you people and your love of bigotry?

It's interesting that people who don't agree with her become bigots.

It's amazing she can consider herself enlightened and make this kind of stupid statement.
"Hillary Clinton proclaims bigotry to be deplorable..."

Clinton is correct.

And Trump is in fact a bigot, and consequently deplorable.

Advocating that Muslims be ‘kept out of the country’ for no other reason than their religion is bigotry, advocating that Muslim Americans ‘register’ with the government, and mosques ‘investigated’ for no other reason than their religion is bigotry, and claiming that Islam ‘hates’ America is bigotry – it’s also ignorant, ridiculous, and untrue.

If this was a time of peace and we did not have threats to face like the Boston bombings, and what is going on in Europe right now, you would all be absolutely 100 percent correct about Trump being a bigot, but all those points you list are not just happening in a vacuum. Despite a few incidents here in the US, its been relatively peaceful here as far as terrorism goes, but thats because the FBI has been stopping plots before they have been able to happen, much of it has been done through their surveilance and questioning suspects etc. but the FBI is stressed right now and over worked now they have to track new refugees of which Hillary would like to flood in by 10s of thousands. I dont think it Ridiculous to want to assist the FBI with some sort of basis of which to track these people.
Its not Unreasonable or untrue to say staunch followers of Shariah law have a big problem following our Western Laws. At least being able to Discuss those topics without calling each other bigots is a huge step in the process of survival.
Here's an idea, only refuse entry to people wearing shirts like this.


I think that's the current vetting process.

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