Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?

How do you figure that?

The democrats are pushing Kamaltoe out as we speak. Xi's man openly snubbed her at Bob Dole's funeral, switched seats so he didn't have to sit by her.

Once Harris resigns, I don't make many predictions, but I predict she will resign by the end of February. Once she does, Quid Pro will appoint Hillary to replace Kamaltoe, shortly after Hillary is sworn in, Biden will resign.
The democrats are pushing Kamaltoe out as we speak. Xi's man openly snubbed her at Bob Dole's funeral, switched seats so he didn't have to sit by her.

Once Harris resigns, I don't make many predictions, but I predict she will resign by the end of February. Once she does, Quid Pro will appoint Hillary to replace Kamaltoe, shortly after Hillary is sworn in, Biden will resign.
You do realize she would have to be confirmed by the Senate to be VP right? Biden doesn't get to just pick someone. How many GOP votes do you think Hillary's getting? I'll predict zero which means she wont be VP or President next year...
No, it's not about that. It's about all the TV lately and her new novel: this is the kind of thing pols do when they want to be "rehabilitated."

The link in the OP is to an article that is more than 4 years old. The title of the thread is from that more than 4 year old article.
You do realize she would have to be confirmed by the Senate to be VP right? Biden doesn't get to just pick someone. How many GOP votes do you think Hillary's getting? I'll predict zero which means she wont be VP or President next year...

Who controls the senate? Biden doesn't know where he is most of the time. It is the party pulling these strings. The revival of Hillary at this moment is no accident or coincidence.
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The conversation has moved well past the OP dude.

The OP is the basis for the thread. The thread is about someone that has been out politics for more than 6 years...yet that is somehow different than being focused on Trump....

One more example of how the wingnuts are the same, matters not which side they are on
Great. Just when we are getting puking tired of Joe Potatohead telling us about the death of his beloved Beau we get Crooked Hillary crying about her mother.
People hate Hilary with as much vigor as others hate Trump. I get it she's not super likable. She's has all the same qualities the left hate about Trump if you really look at her only with leftist ideas.
Yep, just like Trump, Clinton constantly lied to America about a deadly pandemic, illicltly pressured foreign contries for political help and provoked an attack on Congress with endless lies about massive election fraud conspiracy.

They are but two peas in a pond.
Hillary Clinton laying the groundwork for political comeback? Hillary Clinton reemerges from loss to ovations in safe NYC bubble

Like a groundhog that's seen it's shadow Hillary comes out of her burrow.
"She may have been the loser but Hillary Clinton is still getting the ovations, especially in her town, New York.

After a devastating loss, Clinton is recovering her New York state of mind with the help of the Big Apple's fashion, entertainment and theater crowds, who always supported her and now have embraced her back into the fold."

It's a given that New York crowds will go ga ga for the old war horse. But what about Texas? And middle America?

Clinton is flogging her new book and she's coming out sounding like Bob Dole, John Kerry, Joe Biden and other political
long timers who always pursued the office of President with little luck (Biden was given the office, he never earned
it or even spent much energy trying).

Hillary made a teary theatrical speech invoking her mother upon her return to the stage. Let's see if this smoldering dumpster fire erupts in flames.
erupts in flames
In her dreams. LOL
Yep, just like Trump, Clinton constantly lied to America about a deadly pandemic, illicltly pressured foreign contries for political help and provoked an attack on Congress with endless lies about massive election fraud conspiracy.

They are but two peas in a pond.

Who controls the senate? Biden doesn't know where he is most of the time. It is the party pulling these strings. The revival of Hillary at this moment is no accident or coincidence.
It's 50/50 numb nuts with the VP as the tie breaker. The current VP can't cast the winning vote for her replacement....
Yep, just like Trump, Clinton constantly lied to America about a deadly pandemic, illicltly pressured foreign contries for political help and provoked an attack on Congress with endless lies about massive election fraud conspiracy.

They are but two peas in a pond.Y

You should really get some information outside of MSN and specifically Rachael Maddow..
Hilly sees weakness in Biden/Harris and wants to fill the political vacuum when the inevitable happens. The problem is that she is old news.
Are Democrats really this desperate? Where are the young up and comers? Republicans have a stable full.
Trump was more involved. By a lot. As in not even close. But unlike Clinton, Trump was in it for the children like Epstein.

And unlike Clinton, Epstein spent lots of tome st Trumps house. You are a fool and a liar, but being a Trump supporter, that goes without saying.

You and Trump both better hope she doesn’t win, because she will have people look into some things regarding Trump. If you know what I mean Trump fluffer.
Awwww the Trumpybear boyfriend makes an appearance how sweet.
All I know is the rightards have spent 30 years investigating the Clintons, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars, and have come up with zip




Sooner or later you're going to have to come to the reality of the fact that the Clintons live rent free in your head, because of the lack of any appreciable intellect.

That Bill Clinton was the most successful President on both foreign and domestic policies, with the best economy in the entire 20th century, bar none, as in not even close, with the numbers to back it up

And Hillary Clinton won the popular vote against Trump, that means the people chose Hillary, what the electoral college means, is only relevant to rightards, because they are the only ones that rely on it, because they don't win by the peoples vote.

And lets not leave out the fact She was voted most popular person of the year, the day Cadet Bone Spurs slithered into the White House.

And Hillary Clinton today, is still more admired than Donald Trump.

If after four years of Trump, and what you know now about that piece of shit traitor, you still support him, after he is anything but someone who should have a rope around his neck . That makes you either morally bankrupt, or a Russian troll.

Which one is it?
Thats a joke, there is plenty of evidence on both the Killer Klintons to put them away forever.....but Dims never do time.
The link in the OP is to an article that is more than 4 years old. The title of the thread is from that more than 4 year old article.
Already personally explained to someone like you whose needle doesn't go all the way to the top.

Try and find a link to a report that discuses what is obviously going on. Hillary releasing a book.
Hillary just now coming out with a back patting speech from 2016. Hillary Clinton chokes up as she reads parts of the victory speech she wanted to deliver in 2016
Hillary "chokes up" during her Masterclass performance.

Figure it our for yourself, stupid clown.

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