Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?

Already personally explained to someone like you whose needle doesn't go all the way to the top.

Try and find a link to a report that discuses what is obviously going on. Hillary releasing a book.
Hillary just now coming out with a back patting speech from 2016. Hillary Clinton chokes up as she reads parts of the victory speech she wanted to deliver in 2016
Hillary "chokes up" during her Masterclass performance.

Figure it our for yourself, stupid clown.

Seems that would have been a better link for the OP than the 4.5 year old article.

And again, who cares if she chokes up? You whine about people being too obsessed with Trump and here you are doing the same thing with Hillary.
Not as cool as your empty post. You've got nothing.
You are going to post some dumb shit about how he said to drink bleach, and stick at UV light inside a person. Then you'll post some other crap about how he said it would be gone by Easter. Then HCQ and Ivermectin. And you'll go on and on about Jan 6. and how he's mean and posts dumb shit on Twitter. It's old, boring and not worth my time. Im not really that big a fan of Pres Trump, while many of his policies are good his personality leaves a lot to be desired. Hillary has the same personality basically AND her policies stances are shit. If you're looking for a flame war you're barking up the wrong tree.
You are going to post some dumb shit about how he said to drink bleach, and stick at UV light inside a person. Then you'll post some other crap about how he said it would be gone by Easter. Then HCQ and Ivermectin. And you'll go on and on about Jan 6. and how he's mean and posts dumb shit on Twitter. It's old, boring and not worth my time. Im not really that big a fan of Pres Trump, while many of his policies are good his personality leaves a lot to be desired. Hillary has the same personality basically AND her policies stances are shit. If you're looking for a flame war you're barking up the wrong tree.

Trump is ON RECORD telling Woodward that Covid-19 is a highly contagious killer, that is 5 times more deadly than influenza. He also stated that he always likes to downplay it. At the same time he was publicly lying, saying it's influenza like, that it's only 1 guy from China, that it's only a few people and it will all go away. All that is factual.

Jan 6th was about Trump lying to his followers that he has proof that the election is being stolen from them and that they need to halt certification taking place in Congress that day, which they did. Even Republican minority leader McCarthy called for Trump's censure for his role in the attack. All that is factual.

So what is it are you denying as not being factual?
Trump is ON RECORD telling Woodward that Covid-19 is a highly contagious killer, that is 5 times more deadly than influenza. He also stated that he always likes to downplay it. At the same time he was publicly lying, saying it's influenza like, that it's only 1 guy from China, that it's only a few people and it will all go away. All that is factual.

Jan 6th was about Trump lying to his followers that he has proof that the election is being stolen from them and that they need to halt certification taking place in Congress that day, which they did. Even Republican minority leader McCarthy called for Trump's censure for his role in the attack. All that is factual.

So what is it are you denying as not being factual?
See told ya.
Hillary Clinton laying the groundwork for political comeback? Hillary Clinton reemerges from loss to ovations in safe NYC bubble

Like a groundhog that's seen it's shadow Hillary comes out of her burrow.
"She may have been the loser but Hillary Clinton is still getting the ovations, especially in her town, New York.

After a devastating loss, Clinton is recovering her New York state of mind with the help of the Big Apple's fashion, entertainment and theater crowds, who always supported her and now have embraced her back into the fold."

It's a given that New York crowds will go ga ga for the old war horse. But what about Texas? And middle America?

Clinton is flogging her new book and she's coming out sounding like Bob Dole, John Kerry, Joe Biden and other political
long timers who always pursued the office of President with little luck (Biden was given the office, he never earned
it or even spent much energy trying).

Hillary made a teary theatrical speech invoking her mother upon her return to the stage. Let's see if this smoldering dumpster fire erupts in flames.
erupts in flames
I wonder if she isn’t paying for another Steele Dossier in case she has to run against Trump again.

start here.

verify all this crap

WTF? Why do I need to "verify" what someone else claims?

What I stated is factual and I can well support it.If you want to question that go ahead, but don't give me this Meadows side bullshit.
No you didn't, stop bullshiting.

You said something wasn't factual, but when I gave you the details you can't say what. Thats the bottom line on our conversation thus far.
You should stop day drinking; you'll get more accomplished. The only thing I've said was that DT and HC have the same basic personality. You're the one that's gone off the deep end..
Bill Clinton was not indicted for pedophilia, and tramp was just as involved, he and Epstein were good friends.
You make it sound like Trump and Epstein were always good friends and never had a falling out.

Just a guess, she is not planning on coming back, is planning on shoveling out the same kind of dirt that was thrown at her. who knows what lurks in the heart of men, only the shadow knows.
You should stop day drinking; you'll get more accomplished. The only thing I've said was that DT and HC have the same basic personality. You're the one that's gone off the deep end..
They don't have the same personality, not even close.

Say what you will about Clinton, but when she lost she swallowed her ego, conceeded elections and congradulated the winner.

Trump wraps himself in American flags, but he will shamelessly shit on and try to overturn our elections 7 days a week because he can't ever admit being what he objectively was in 2020 election - a loser.
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And claimed for 4 years the election was stolen.
BS, no she didn't.

She partially blamed Russian and Comey's interference in the election for her loss but she never questioned the validity of the election, never suggested vote counts were somehow fraudulent.
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So how many of you liberal cock sock puppets would vote for the proven American-sacrificing, TOP SECRET/SCI classified info-leaking, treasonous influence-peddling, fat, stupid bitch who committed Espionage and other crimes but never was indicted because, as former FBI Sirector James Comey explained, she was "too stupid to know she was committing crimes"?

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