Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?

Apparently you have to pay for it.

Im not paying to listen the losing speech.
She is really dumb using the term "Master"class when real estate brokers are forced to change the name of the Master bedroom to something else because muh slavery and chit.
I didn’t see the show just the ad on TV. Some masterclass show. Her GW Bush and Bill all did an episode. I assumed that’s what people were talking about
Yeah, and the victory-that-wasn't speech thing.

But also ----- Hillary just now published a mystery book with Canadian Woke Left mystery writer Louise Penny. I find Penny sickening in her little-girl triteness, but some people like her. I read three of hers before I realized she is just a scribbling antifa. Bill Clinton a couple years ago published a mystery book with James Patterson, the fake writer who is really a publisher, enslaves good writers and puts his name embossed in gilt on the top of the cover and the real writer's name in small print at the bottom. I know what I think of that.

Could say she's trying to publicize the novel, but I suspect she IS trying for prez or VP again.
The former Rush Limbaugh put a huge amount of time and effort into making Hillary a villain.

You see his show was based on World Wide Wrestling but only with politicians. So the former Rush Limbaugh needed heroes and villains just like they have heroes and villains in World Wide Wrestling.
You obviously never actually listened to Rush because your depiction smacks of Democrat propaganda.
Because Hillary is putting out a book, making speeches, sounding like someone trying to drum up
interest in herself again. Suddenly she has emerged from her cave. That's why.

Then why not an article from today, vice one more than 4 years old?
Of course she did. She’s still traumatized by it. Trump beat her ass.

donny only won by some 70K votes in a few swing states - giving him the EC.

she isn't traumatized in the least. & her being on her death bed? remember that?

she looks damn good ... whilst donny looks like crap. all them thar investigations & lawsuits hanging over that tribble head of his is taking its toll.

Why can't you worthless leftist traitors find somebody competent to run? I wouldn't hire Joe or Hillary to run a fukin laundromat.
as opposed to donny choking on a KFC chicken bone, due to all that acid reflux brought on by the walls closing in on him?

at least she's free as free can be.

Oh, you Nazis got him this time, not like the other 329,765,309,691,643 times....


Each day when you awaking in that pool of vomit and flop sweat with the grocery store vodka bottle in your hand, you reflect on how it's all Trump's fault and today is the day your Reich will make him pay - then you vomit again,,,
I don't want her or any democrat really because for the next decade whoever it is will continue on with the current administratiions plans to fuck America in the ass.

I don't like her, but I also don't like what their entire party stands for. Unless they start putting America first and stop with all the pandering to illegals, criminals and blacks I'll never even consider one of them.
Am I the only one that sees the irony of people brining up being obsessed with Trump in a thread about Hillary based on a 4 year old article?
Am I the only one that sees the irony of people brining up being obsessed with Trump in a thread about Hillary based on a 4 year old article?
No, it's not about that. It's about all the TV lately and her new novel: this is the kind of thing pols do when they want to be "rehabilitated."

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