Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?

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Your claim that Hillary hasn't been saying, for four years, that the election was stolen.
Are you stupid? If not then why do you insist on playing stupid to maintain these bullshit equivalences?

There is a GIANT difference between saying that specific actors like Russians or Comey inappropriately influenced public opinion during election and saying that the votes or their counts are fraudulent and that Clinton's supporters need to go march on Capitol and make sure Congress doesn't certify them.
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Oh, you Nazis got him this time, not like the other 329,765,309,691,643 times....


Each day when you awaking in that pool of vomit and flop sweat with the grocery store vodka bottle in your hand, you reflect on how it's all Trump's fault and today is the day your Reich will make him pay - then you vomit again,,,

how long did ^^^ that ^^^ diatribe take?
Are you stupid? If not then why do you insist on playing stupid to maintain these bullshit equivalences?

There is a GIANT difference between saying that specific actors like Russians or Comey inappropriately influenced public opinion during election and saying that the votes or their counts are fraudulent and that Clinton's supporters need to go march on Capitol and make sure Congress doesn't certify them.

She didn't say stolen? LOL!
She didn't say stolen? LOL!

Yep, thats drooling Toddster. Each and everytime you corner yourself into playing stupid to deny the obvious. It's your pathetic signature.

You KNOW Hillary does not mean what Trump means by "stolen", you KNOW she is not talking about voting fraud. You KNOW it and you play fucking stupid, because otherwise you have nothing to talk back with.
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Are you stupid? If not then why do you insist on playing stupid to maintain these bullshit equivalences?

There is a GIANT difference between saying that specific actors like Russians or Comey inappropriately influenced public opinion during election and saying that the votes or their counts are fraudulent and that Clinton's supporters need to go march on Capitol and make sure Congress doesn't certify them.

So, it's only bad if Republicans do it. :thup:
You KNOW Hillary does not mean what Trump means by "stolen", you KNOW she is not talking about voting fraud.

So she said stolen, but no voting fraud. Ok.

"You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you," she said to cheers on the Los Angeles stop of her "Evening with the Clintons" tour with her husband, former President Bill Clinton.

Best campaign? LOL!

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