Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?

Seems that would have been a better link for the OP than the 4.5 year old article.
Then go find it. The media will not call the cautious political reemergence of Clinton what it
appears to be. But I will.
And again, who cares if she chokes up? You whine about people being too obsessed with Trump and here you are doing the same thing with Hillary.
I do. Lots of people do. The same thing that makes Clinton groupies eat up her well rehearsed "tearing up"
(Oh...that poor thing! She cares so much) makes people who have observed her for decades feel nauseous
and roll their eyes so hard it hurts.

And I have thought about her infrequently, at best.
If not for this latest stealth campaign to drum up interests
for a Clinton political comeback I haven't even thought of her and her partner in crime husband for a long while (not including Epstein news which doesn't include Hillary) at least.
Why would I care what that fat fucked up has been does? Look up my post record if you don't believe it.

Just because you baboons can't go twenty minutes without attacking Donald Trump and obsessing
over him doesn't mean normal people act that way. Get bent.
They don't have the same personality, not even close.

Say what you will about Clinton, but when she lost she swallowed her ego, conceeded elections and congradulated the winner.

Trump wraps himself in American flags, but he will shamelessly shit on and try to overturn our elections 7 days a week because he can't ever admit being what he objectively was in 2020 election - a loser.
Bullshit! You are full of it and the claim that Hillary has never claimed she was robbed is just one more
leftist urban myth that is easily disproved.

Get a new lie that isn't so transparently false. www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/05/06/hillary-clinton-warns-2020-democratic-can
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Bullshit! You are full of it and the claim that Hillary has never claimed she was robbed is just one more
leftist urban myth that is easily disproved.

Get a new lie that isn't so transparently false. www.usatoday.com/story/news/politics/onpolitics/2019/05/06/hillary-clinton-warns-2020-democratic-can

Nope, Clinton never claimed votes or counts were manipulated. Never claimed that there was something fraudulent with the actual conduct of election. Her claim was that Russians and Comey inapropriately influenced voters.

You really can't understand the fundamental difference and implications for our democracy between the two?
All while working with the Kremlin to overthrow the Executive branch of the United States Government.
If Hillary was working for Kremlin she would do what Trump did - shit on our elections, undermine public trust in our system and and cause an internal attack on American Congress.

It's hard to think of something that has damaged America's brand as the standard for democracy quite as much.
Nope, Clinton never claimed votes or counts were manipulated. Never claimed that there was something fraudulent with the actual conduct of election. Her claim was that Russians and Comey inapropriately influenced voters.

You really can't understand the fundamental difference and implications for our democracy between the two?

Fucking liar.

She claimed ROOOSHA changed the election.

Nope, Clinton never claimed votes or counts were manipulated. Never claimed that there was something fraudulent with the actual conduct of election. Her claim was that Russians and Comey inapropriately influenced voters.

You really can't understand the fundamental difference and implications for our democracy between the two?
And you can't understand that Clinton whined that Trump illegally stole the election?
Try and wrap your little lizard brain around the facts.
And explain how Robert Mueller totally missed what poor Hillary is whining about.
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And you can't understand that Clinton whined that Trump illegally stole the election?
Try and wrap your little lizard brain around the facts.
And explain how Robert Mueller totally missed what poor Hillary is whining about.
Wtf? She did not say Trump stole it. In fact she congratulated him on the win in her concession speech. Nor did she claim any voting or counting fraud.

She blamed Russian illicit interference and Coney's inappropriate public handling of her email case.
Wtf? She did not say Trump stole it. In fact she congratulated him on the win in her concession speech. Nor did she claim any voting or counting fraud.

She blamed Russian illicit interference and Coney's inappropriate public handling of her email case.

“I think it’s also critical to understand that, as I’ve been telling candidates who have come to see me, you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” the former secretary of state said.

“Why you?” Kara Swisher asked.

“Why? Because I was the candidate that they basically stole an election from. I was the candidate who won nearly three million more votes. So no matter how they cut it, it wasn’t the kind of win that people said, “OK, it wasn’t my candidate, but OK.” This election is still front and center in people’s psyches. And people fight about it every day online, because there is a deep sense of unfairness and just dismissiveness toward his victory, and he knows it. So part of what he’s doing by attacking me is trying to shore up himself. The other thing is they’ve been attacking me on the right for 30 years,” Hillary said.

now fuck off.
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Observing crazy people try to rationalize and justify their selective view of reality is fascinating.

It's mental illness in action.
it's annoying as fucking hell to see people scream at you and cuss you out for nothing more than disagreeing with them. then add on the bullshit hair splitting COMPOUNDED by the fact that the hairs they split are not even correct. it's a baby with an emotional hard on they don't know what to do with so they rage it around for all to see.

“I think it’s also critical to understand that, as I’ve been telling candidates who have come to see me, you can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee, and you can have the election stolen from you,” the former secretary of state said.

“Why you?” Kara Swisher asked.

“Why? Because I was the candidate that they basically stole an election from. I was the candidate who won nearly three million more votes. So no matter how they cut it, it wasn’t the kind of win that people said, “OK, it wasn’t my candidate, but OK.” This election is still front and center in people’s psyches. And people fight about it every day online, because there is a deep sense of unfairness and just dismissiveness toward his victory, and he knows it. So part of what he’s doing by attacking me is trying to shore up himself. The other thing is they’ve been attacking me on the right for 30 years,” Hillary said.

now fuck off.

Not a single word of thats shows that Clinton questioned votes being legitimate and properly counted.

She conceeded the loss next day after election.
She didn't call for recounts after recounts after recounts.
She didn't beg Obama to call and pressure election officials to find her some votes.
She didn't meet with Attorney General to push for DOJ to investigate the election.
She didn't tell people to go march on the Capitol to halt Congressional certification of a fraudulent election and then sit back watching her nutters violently break in.

You are straight stupid if you can't understand the VAST difference between Clinton bitching about Russian and Comey's improper interference and Trump claiming that he actually won election if not for massive multi-state voter fraud.
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it's annoying as fucking hell to see people scream at you and cuss you out for nothing more than disagreeing with them. then add on the bullshit hair splitting COMPOUNDED by the fact that the hairs they split are not even correct. it's a baby with an emotional hard on they don't know what to do with so they rage it around for all to see.
Mental breakdown on the left. When you cut off the head of a snake, it can still bite you.
So caution is still needed. But we are in the process of chopping off the head of the snake.

And the left is breaking down.

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