Hillary Clinton Re-emerges...Setting Ground Work for Her Return?

Clinton conceded election and never questioned votes or administration of an American election at any level of government. Trump failed that low bar badly when he lost and in doing so he caused an attack on our Congress, damaged American democracy, and our brand in the world.

That is a fact. Too bad you can't sanely deal with it.

too bad you can't sanely deal with it. :)
Clinton conceded election and never questioned votes or administration of an American election at any level of government. Trump failed that low bar badly when he lost and in doing so he caused an attack on our Congress, damaged American democracy, and our brand in the world.

That is a fact. Too bad you can't sanely deal with it.
and just to like, shove a roll of quarters up your ass and watch you dance in denial some more -

ok - now we will go back to your regularly scheduled denial and twisting of words to try and find SOME way you can still bend reality into your fantasy.
No.....she said that Trump colluded with Russia to steal the election, you dumb ass...

Can you understand the fast difference between Clinton's complaints about Russians stealing/dumping emails and Trump claiming thatthe actual votes and their counts are fraudulent? That he actually won the election, if only votes of the people were recorded correctly?

Do you understand the vast difference between people questioning foreign influence on American opinions and people questioning validity of actual vote counts?
Can you understand the fast difference between Clinton's complaints about Russians stealing/dumping emails and Trump claiming thatthe actual votes and their counts are fraudulent? That he actually won the election, if only votes of the people were recorded correctly?

Do you understand the vast difference between people questioning foreign influence on American opinions and people questioning validity of actual vote counts?

Yep....Trump was right, and hilary and obama then used the FBI, CIA, State Deparment and Department of Justice to engage in a coup.....they used falsified FISA warrants to lie to Federal Judges to spy on Trump and his associates, even using foriegn actors to enage in this activity....
Yep....Trump was right, and hilary and obama then used the FBI, CIA, State Deparment and Department of Justice to engage in a coup.
Yep, it was a coup to install Pence as the president of the United States. :cuckoo:
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and just to like, shove a roll of quarters up your ass and watch you dance in denial some more -

I'll just take first one from the top:

Unlike Abrams and her GA race, Clinton conceeded next day after 2016 election and congradulated Trump. Her campaign questioned this and that in particular states after that, but after legal challenges were settled she did't try to say that she lost due to some sort of fraudulent votes of improper vote counts.

Trump refused to conceed and to this day, with zero evidence, claims votes and administration of election in multiple states was fraudulent and that he won the election if it wasn't for all that widespread vote fraud. He personally tried to push Republican election administrators to "find him some votes" and for Pence to deny certification in Congress. His rhetoric and directions to his nutters lead directly to attack on Congress on Jan 6th to halt certification of 2020 election.

Yet here you are playing stupid, denying the vast difference.
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Yep....Trump was right, and hilary and obama then used the FBI, CIA, State Deparment and Department of Justice to engage in a coup.....they used falsified FISA warrants to lie to Federal Judges to spy on Trump and his associates, even using foriegn actors to enage in this activity....
Wow, given all that, it's hard to see how Trump got elected. I mean ... wow.
I'll just take first one from the top:

Unlike Abrams and her GA race, Clinton conceeded election next day after 2016 election and congradulated Trump. Her campaign questioned this and that in particular states after that, but after legal challenges were settled she did't try to say that she lost due to some sort of fraudulent votes of improper vote counts.

Trump refused to conceed and to this day, with zero evidence, claims votes and administration of election in multiple states was fraudulent and that he won the election if it wasn't for all that widespread vote fraud. His rhetoric and directions to his nutters lead directly to attack on Congress on Jan 6th to halt certification of 2020 election.

Yet here you are playing stupid, denying the vast difference.
there's that dancing i predicted you would do. :)

this isn't about what trump is doing - don't care. in my mind he's every bit as divisive as the clintons. you pretending that my telling you that you are an idiot is a defense of trump when in fact its simply me saying you're an idiot.

hillary has contested the living shit out of her loss. she's called it cheating and stolen and bogus RUSSIA narratives that her camp made up.

don't blame me you ate that shit up with a spork.
Seriously, the only way this works out for Hill requires three things that are probably long shots: 1. Trump is the gop nominee. 2. Biden is so sick, he has to announce he's not a candidate. 3. Harris's numbers are beyond redeemable. Sooooo, Hillary's more or less drafted by the old timers, including the blacks, in the dem party.

And even then, the progs might not be happy.
Seriously, the only way this works out for Hill requires three things that are probably long shots: 1. Trump is the gop nominee. 2. Biden is so sick, he has to announce he's not a candidate. 3. Harris's numbers are beyond redeemable. Sooooo, Hillary's more or less drafted by the old timers, including the blacks, in the dem party.

And even then, the progs might not be happy.
oddly enough, i can see this happening.

no one like harris. remove her as VP and bring in hillary.
remove biden for medical reasons
hillary first woman president

that's one way around her vast unpopularity.
oddly enough, i can see this happening.

no one like harris. remove her as VP and bring in hillary.
remove biden for medical reasons
hillary first woman president

that's one way around her vast unpopularity.
Yeah, but it sort of takes all the stars to align. But NO ONE has ever wanted it more than HIll. LOL

She became old, corrupt and power driven .... but seriously back in the 80s, she and Bill sort of created the model for how state and local govts could maximize federal aid to help the working poor and disabled. Her fall was almost a greek tragedy.
this isn't about what trump is doing - don't care. in my mind he's every bit as divisive as the clintons. y
I know you don't care that Trump's rhetoric caused an attack on the Congress.
I know you don't care he personally tried to push for DOJ to intervene and put out a statement declaring the election fraudulent.
I know you don't care that he was begging and trying to intimidate Republican election officials to find him 11,000 votes in GA, for which he is now under criminal investigation.
I know you don't care that America's claims to be a model of law respecting democracy are deeply damaged by all this.

You don't care, because you are a rightwinger, Trump has an R next to his name and you just can't stand to have to agree with them pesky Trump hatin' librhuls telling you this.

But those are the facts that put Trump's behavior into whole other universe compared to run-of-the-mill politicians like Clinton.
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Yeah, but it sort of takes all the stars to align. But NO ONE has ever wanted it more than HIll. LOL

She became old, corrupt and power driven .... but seriously back in the 80s, she and Bill sort of created the model for how state and local govts could maximize federal aid to help the working poor and disabled. Her fall was almost a greek tragedy.
it was certainly drama filled, even to this day. we have such polarizing figures in politics and then wonder why we can't even talk to each other anymore.

in short, it's because we keep voting against people, not for them. with that mentality, you still wind up with turds in your punch bowl.
hillary has contested the living shit out of her loss. she's called it cheating and stolen and bogus RUSSIA narratives that her camp made up.
Well you keep on saying that but she conceeded not even 24 hours after election and congradulated the winner. She never really questioned vote counts themselves.

Do you not see how your rhetoric does not comport with reality?
Well you keep on saying that but she conceeded not even 24 hours after election and congradulated the winner. She never really questioned vote counts themselves.

Do you not see how your rhetoric does not comport with reality?
dude - blow it out your ass. i've busted your bullshit more times than i can count at this point and you still come back with the same NO IT'S NOT TRUE like luke mad he found out darth was his father.

i gave you tons of direct quotes you choose to ignore. if you can't have a civil conversation based in reality, that ain't my fault.
dude - blow it out your ass. i've busted your bullshit more times than i can count at this point and you still come back with the same NO IT'S NOT TRUE like luke mad he found out darth was his father.

i gave you tons of direct quotes you choose to ignore. if you can't have a civil conversation based in reality, that ain't my fault.
Clinton conceeded election right away, then complained about (factual) Russian interference and Comey mishandling her investigation right before election (he was officially fired for that by Trump's DOJ)

Trump did not conceed, claimed baselessly widespread fraud and caused an attack on Congress that briefly halted certification of 2020 election.

According to you, it's all the same. But hey, you sure owned them libs :rolleyes-41:
Clinton conceeded election right away, then complained about (factual) Russian interference and DOJ mishandling

Trump did not conceed, claimed baselessly widespread fraud and caused an attack on Congress.

According to you, it's all the same. But hey, sure owned them libs :rolleyes-41:
rent free in your head. :)

can we put a hot tub in here? a bigger tv?
Lets keep an eye on the Clinton Foundation donations over the next couple of years. It started going out of business as soon as she lost and there was no potential influence to peddle.

I'm sure she's interested in running. Any Democrat must be salivating over the chance. Remember they pulled it off with a senile candidate pretend-campaigning from his basement.
I know you don't care that Trump's rhetoric caused an attack on the Congress.
I know you don't care he personally tried to push for DOJ to intervene and put out a statement declaring the election fraudulent.
I know you don't care that he was begging and trying to intimidate Republican election officials to find him 11,000 votes in GA, for which he is now under criminal investigation.
I know you don't care that America's claims to be a model of law respecting democracy are deeply damaged by all this.

You don't care, because you are a rightwinger, Trump has an R next to his name and you just can't stand to have to agree with them pesky Trump hatin' librhuls telling you this.

But those are the facts that put Trump's behavior into whole other universe compared to run-of-the-mill politicians like Clinton.

It didn't cause anything.......

The election in various states was fraudulent......just ask the poll workeers who sent the Republicans away, then pulled ballots out from under tables....

The whole universe of the obama administration using the FBI, CIA, State Dept. Dept. of Justice to fake an investigation to get FISA warrants to spy on him and delay his getting his people in place.......

That the democrat party used blm/antifa to burn and loot cities for 7 months, causing 2 billion in damages, murdering 40 people, and targeting mainly black and minority neighborhoods for the burning and looting?

You mean that democrat party behavior?

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