Hillary Clinton slams young anti-Israel protesters as ignorant on Middle East: 'They don't know very much'

The pro-terrorist crowd on X has been losing their minds over Hillary Clinton's comments regarding their positions on the Middle East and Israel. Gen Z doesn't seem to be much of a fan of the Clintons, but she isn't wrong. They really are grossly ignorant about what's going on over there and what has historically taken place.

Hillary is wrong as well.

Muslim money is behind this.

Muslim activists and front-line protest-troops make up the bulk of the protesters in many cases.


Aren't Muslims obliged to come to the defense of brother Muslims? Doesn't it say so in their sacred writings?

Non-Muslim libprogs taking sides with Hamas et al are probably the only "ignorant" ones in the bunch, and they're a minority.

As for the rest of them... it's a well-funded highly-organized Mission from God Allah... or so their fraudulent leaders tell them...

It's pure Islamist hate-activism and our own non-Muslim (and mostly White) libprogs Useful Idiots play into their hands...

Which is... of course... the classic definition of a "Useful Idiot" and the outcomes they strive for...

Shrillary should have added a "Phukk 'em" to her comments...
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