Hillary Clinton suggests jailing Americans for posting "misinformation"

What did she say about Paula Jones, Juanita Brodderick, and Kathleen Willey....

The greatest ever enabler of a sexual predator seems to think she is perceived as credible.


And according to Democrats, Hillary spazzed out like a total mental case when Trump was declared the winner in 2016....
Does this Democrat realize the implications of her statements? She's calling for the prosecution of Americans
for political speech. She is a tyrant.

I don't have a problem with this.

The thing is, the established media, even a shitshow like Fox News, can be held accountable for spreading misinformation. They can be held liable in civil court, they can have the FCC Licenses revoked, etc.

Social Media is largely held immune from this sort of thing, "Why, I had no idea that Naziboi1488 was going to post a racist meme that gets people killed!"

Now, if one of those bomb threats turned out to be real, and someone was hurt because of the FALSE rumors that she spread about eating cats, shouldn't she be held liable?
Pay attention to what Trump and Trumpers accuse the opposition of because they are telling you what THEY are guilty of

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I don't have a problem with this.

The thing is, the established media, even a shitshow like Fox News, can be held accountable for spreading misinformation. They can be held liable in civil court, they can have the FCC Licenses revoked, etc.

Social Media is largely held immune from this sort of thing, "Why, I had no idea that Naziboi1488 was going to post a racist meme that gets people killed!"

Now, if one of those bomb threats turned out to be real, and someone was hurt because of the FALSE rumors that she spread about eating cats, shouldn't she be held liable?

I do. I have a problem with suppression of any type of free speech.
But that's only for people who hurt the feelings of Jews... because they hurt her feelings.
Honestly, it’s so blatant I don’t understand how they can be the same person trying to have it both ways.

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