Hillary Clinton to Donald Trump 'HELL NO' on Apology

If Trump were to say the word "Purple", you libs would accusing him of the most despicable use of the word purple ever uttered in history. His use of the word purple is being used as a recruiting tool by terrorists. He should quit running for president because the of the way he says purple disqualifies him for the office.

LOL, it must be killing you guys to realize Hillary has bigger balls than Donald Trump.
Captain vomitosus trump demands someone else apologize but he isn't sorry for anything he's ever done? Laughable. The poor guy is a child. Let him whine, its what he does best and his base of supporters are the whiner party.
I can hardly wait until 2016 when all of you are curled up in a fetal position clutching a bottle of whiskey moaning Benghazi, Benghazi, but but Benghazi.

Enjoy it while it last. If that happens.......it may all crash down (DEBT) w/i few years. Be better off with Sanders. At least he honest about needing 90% of rich money to fund the giveaways.

Not one mention of $20T debt or $0.5T INTEREST ONLY payments.
He doesn't want an apology, He only wants to POINT OUT, and he did this well, the Hildebeast LIE!

Trump: Hillary lied about ISIS recruitment video
thehill.com ^ | December 20, 2015, 10:15 am | Bradford Richardson
Donald Trump is accusing Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton of lying in her claim that terrorists are using the Republican primary front-runner in recruitment videos. "Right, nobody has been able to back that up. It's nonsense," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "It's just another Hillary lie." "She lies like crazy about everything, whether it's trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she's a liar and everybody knows that," he added. "But she just made this up in thin air." Clinton claimed at the Saturday Democratic primary debate that Trump was...


Captain vomitosus trump demands someone else apologize but he isn't sorry for anything he's ever done? Laughable. The poor guy is a child. Let him whine, its what he does best and his base of supporters are the whiner party.
YEAH.......Well you're ugly.
I can hardly wait until 2016 when all of you are curled up in a fetal position clutching a bottle of whiskey moaning Benghazi, Benghazi, but but Benghazi.

Enjoy it while it last. If that happens.......it may all crash down (DEBT) w/i few years. Be better off with Sanders. At least he honest about needing 90% of rich money to fund the giveaways.

Not one mention of $20T debt or $0.5T INTEREST ONLY payments.
He doesn't want an apology, He only wants to POINT OUT, and he did this well, the Hildebeast LIE!

Trump: Hillary lied about ISIS recruitment video
thehill.com ^ | December 20, 2015, 10:15 am | Bradford Richardson
Donald Trump is accusing Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton of lying in her claim that terrorists are using the Republican primary front-runner in recruitment videos. "Right, nobody has been able to back that up. It's nonsense," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "It's just another Hillary lie." "She lies like crazy about everything, whether it's trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she's a liar and everybody knows that," he added. "But she just made this up in thin air." Clinton claimed at the Saturday Democratic primary debate that Trump was...



LOL, still waiting for that New Jersey terrorist video to surface..........
Actually it seems the abused wife of a serial sexual predator could dish it out when she threatened women who were raped or molested by her husband while she had the backing of state or federal authority but she can't take it as a civilian and she seems confused about a simple thing like a courtesy apology to a political opponent.
I seriously doubt a corrupt piece of shit like Hillary Clinton would ever apologize for anything. If she won't apologize to Trump, she should at least apologize for viciously attacking her serial rapist husband's numerous victims. Her bahavior was appalling. They were victims. To hell with her and her pervert husband.
I can hardly wait until 2016 when all of you are curled up in a fetal position clutching a bottle of whiskey moaning Benghazi, Benghazi, but but Benghazi.

Enjoy it while it last. If that happens.......it may all crash down (DEBT) w/i few years. Be better off with Sanders. At least he honest about needing 90% of rich money to fund the giveaways.

Not one mention of $20T debt or $0.5T INTEREST ONLY payments.
He doesn't want an apology, He only wants to POINT OUT, and he did this well, the Hildebeast LIE!

Trump: Hillary lied about ISIS recruitment video
thehill.com ^ | December 20, 2015, 10:15 am | Bradford Richardson
Donald Trump is accusing Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton of lying in her claim that terrorists are using the Republican primary front-runner in recruitment videos. "Right, nobody has been able to back that up. It's nonsense," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "It's just another Hillary lie." "She lies like crazy about everything, whether it's trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she's a liar and everybody knows that," he added. "But she just made this up in thin air." Clinton claimed at the Saturday Democratic primary debate that Trump was...



LOL, still waiting for that New Jersey terrorist video to surface..........

Already posted, weeks ago!
Trump-wimps, Hillary kicked your ass, and she's going to keep kicking your ass. You need to get used to that, otherwise it will be a long year for you.

Now, for everyone's amusement, I'll leave you with yet another "conservatives are bedwetters" demonstration, by showing the Republican debate, edited down to its core message.

Actually it seems the abused wife of a serial sexual predator could dish it out when she threatened women who were raped or molested by her husband while she had the backing of state or federal authority but she can't take it as a civilian and she seems confused about a simple thing like a courtesy apology to a political opponent.

Those weren't victims, they were stalkers looking for a payday and no one apologizes to a serial liar like Trump.
Trump-wimps, Hillary kicked your ass, and she's going to keep kicking your ass. You need to get used to that, otherwise it will be a long year for you.

Now, for everyone's amusement, I'll leave you with yet another "conservatives are bedwetters" demonstration, by showing the Republican debate, edited down to its core message.

I can hardly wait until 2016 when all of you are curled up in a fetal position clutching a bottle of whiskey moaning Benghazi, Benghazi, but but Benghazi.

Enjoy it while it last. If that happens.......it may all crash down (DEBT) w/i few years. Be better off with Sanders. At least he honest about needing 90% of rich money to fund the giveaways.

Not one mention of $20T debt or $0.5T INTEREST ONLY payments.
He doesn't want an apology, He only wants to POINT OUT, and he did this well, the Hildebeast LIE!

Trump: Hillary lied about ISIS recruitment video
thehill.com ^ | December 20, 2015, 10:15 am | Bradford Richardson
Donald Trump is accusing Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton of lying in her claim that terrorists are using the Republican primary front-runner in recruitment videos. "Right, nobody has been able to back that up. It's nonsense," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "It's just another Hillary lie." "She lies like crazy about everything, whether it's trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she's a liar and everybody knows that," he added. "But she just made this up in thin air." Clinton claimed at the Saturday Democratic primary debate that Trump was...



LOL, still waiting for that New Jersey terrorist video to surface..........

Already posted, weeks ago!
If that is your idea of thousands and thousands you are as delusional as Donald Trump.
I can hardly wait until 2016 when all of you are curled up in a fetal position clutching a bottle of whiskey moaning Benghazi, Benghazi, but but Benghazi.

Enjoy it while it last. If that happens.......it may all crash down (DEBT) w/i few years. Be better off with Sanders. At least he honest about needing 90% of rich money to fund the giveaways.

Not one mention of $20T debt or $0.5T INTEREST ONLY payments.
He doesn't want an apology, He only wants to POINT OUT, and he did this well, the Hildebeast LIE!

Trump: Hillary lied about ISIS recruitment video
thehill.com ^ | December 20, 2015, 10:15 am | Bradford Richardson
Donald Trump is accusing Democratic primary front-runner Hillary Clinton of lying in her claim that terrorists are using the Republican primary front-runner in recruitment videos. "Right, nobody has been able to back that up. It's nonsense," Trump said on NBC's "Meet the Press" on Sunday. "It's just another Hillary lie." "She lies like crazy about everything, whether it's trips where she was being gunned down in a helicopter or an airplane, she's a liar and everybody knows that," he added. "But she just made this up in thin air." Clinton claimed at the Saturday Democratic primary debate that Trump was...



LOL, still waiting for that New Jersey terrorist video to surface..........

Already posted, weeks ago!
If that is your idea of thousands and thousands you are as delusional as Donald Trump.

It's like Obuma's saying "the ACA will save you $2500.00!"
This is interesting. On one hand you have Clinton that CLEARLY made a blatant and false statement about trump and doubling down on it even though it is clearly a false charge. Reminds me of when the democrats outright lied about Romney's taxes. Hell, this is the type of headline that I expect to see from Trump himself rather than Clinton. On the other had, you have Trump demanding an apology for said lie when he is BY FAR the most guilty of telling outrageous falsehoods this election cycle. Why would Clinton apologize - Trump has said far worse and simply refuses to even acknowledge when he does.

It is just rather ironic that the headline reads this way rather than the exact opposite.

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