Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept.

Again, if classified information was on her account, its a felony

Oh, here's my take and her thighness...

Hey Joe, cut to the 7 minute mark and listen to hillary slam the use of......wait..... 'private/secret email accounts and the shredding of the constitutinon

The e-mail account she used wasn't secret.

Sorry, Ahab, this is not the White Whale you all have been looking for.

"She tasks me, she tasks me, and I shall have her. If I have to chase her around Foggy Bottom to the shores of Chappaqau and around Perdition's flames before I give her up!"

Hey. Here's your real challenge. In 2000 and 2004 I voted for Bush. At the end of it, I wound up with an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K and a job that paid less than the one I had before.

In 2012, I voted for Obama. Things have gotten a little bit better on most of those fronts for me and most people I know.

In 2016, you don't win without getting people like me back. You just don't. And we aren't coming back because Hillary didn't follow a silly rule on e-mails.

Its the law Joe. If classified information is on her private account, then she should become a felon.

Did you go listen to her slam what she actually does? Go to the 7 minute mark, its real entertaining

Its the law Joe. If classified information is on her private account, then she should become a felon.

Did you go listen to her slam what she actually does? Go to the 7 minute mark, its real entertaining

No, I don't waste time on that.

You have yet to convince me this is a big deal.

Okay, I'm in the voting booth. My vote is going to be the one that decides this whole fucking thing.

Tell me why I should REALLY CARE that she used a private e-mail account instead of a governmetn one.

Go on, tell me why I should give a fuck.
The State Department could not definitively say that the personal email account used by Hillary Clinton to conduct state department business did not transmit classified information.

The House Select Committee on Benghazi has said it will subpoena all of Hillary’s emails regarding the 2012 attack. If any of those end up containing classified information, Hillary could be in trouble.

How Hillary s Private Emails Could Lead To Prosecution The Daily Caller
Its the law Joe. If classified information is on her private account, then she should become a felon.

Did you go listen to her slam what she actually does? Go to the 7 minute mark, its real entertaining

No, I don't waste time on that.

You have yet to convince me this is a big deal.

Okay, I'm in the voting booth. My vote is going to be the one that decides this whole fucking thing.

Tell me why I should REALLY CARE that she used a private e-mail account instead of a governmetn one.

Go on, tell me why I should give a fuck.

You state you were in the Army as a supply clerk, yet you don't know the rules about handing classified information?

Lets have a remedial session relative to

18 U.S. Code § 798 - Disclosure of classified information

(a)Whoever knowingly and willfully communicates, furnishes, transmits, or otherwise makes available to an unauthorized person, or publishes, or uses in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States any classified information—
(1) concerning the nature, preparation, or use of any code, cipher, or cryptographic system of the United States or any foreign government; or
(2) concerning the design, construction, use, maintenance, or repair of any device, apparatus, or appliance used or prepared or planned for use by the United States or any foreign government for cryptographic or communication intelligence purposes; or
(3) concerning the communication intelligence activities of the United States or any foreign government; or
(4) obtained by the processes of communication intelligence from the communications of any foreign government, knowing the same to have been obtained by such processes—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
You have now reached level "stupid ****" Care to reach higher?

No, Stupid is claiming she was Secretary of Defense when she was Secretary of State...

That's stupid.

Which you totally did in this thread.

Thats a typo and fixable ....your stupid is permanent.

well, no, a typo is when you hit the wrong key.

Ignorance is when you get her office completely wrong.

But keep dreaming that THIS fake outrage is going to be the one that brings down the Clintons. I know you really need to believe that.

I'm not to worried about billary. She has to much baggage and will get torn apart.
Speaks to Republican ineptitude that they held 7 Benghazi investigations in which they received 300 e-mails from then Sec. Clinton and still they didn't even realize what would have been obvious to any intelligent person that the e-mail address wasn't a State Department one.

What's lost in all of this so far is that in the age of Anonymous, Julian Assange, whistleblowers, and hackers, Hillary Clinton actually kept the importance of her job at the time safe from anyone who might have caused America harm. From Palin to Romney, from Dubya to the Obama administration, they've all faced security breaches. But not Hillary. And not Jeb, either, who had 10 times the number of e-mails in his personal account alone.

As a tech nerd, I applaud the both of them for having secure servers that actually worked.
Speaks to Republican ineptitude that they held 7 Benghazi investigations in which they received 300 e-mails from then Sec. Clinton and still they didn't even realize what would have been obvious to any intelligent person that the e-mail address wasn't a State Department one.

What's lost in all of this so far is that in the age of Anonymous, Julian Assange, whistleblowers, and hackers, Hillary Clinton actually kept the importance of her job at the time safe from anyone who might have caused America harm. From Palin to Romney, from Dubya to the Obama administration, they've all faced security breaches. But not Hillary. And not Jeb, either, who had 10 times the number of e-mails in his personal account alone.

As a tech nerd, I applaud the both of them for having secure servers that actually worked.
You don't consider the Guccifer hack a breach?
a private e-mail account? Oh, Noes!!!!

If true then this is certainly a breach you should be very concerned about. If our government ignores the laws then the corporations you seem to hate will follow suit. Emails, and keeping them is very important to corporations to comply with the law. But Hillary? Her husband didn't care about the law why should she? Is that the argument?

Out here in the real world, I get private e-mails from my co-workers all the time, especially when they are out of the office. Just not seeing getting terribly upset about a common practice.

and you wouldn't either if it wasn't Hillary doing it.
Problem is the server is in her house with state department info on it. Then at night she tweets she wants her e-mails made public. Well she is playing games as usual, she can release them herself.
And yet she can erase any she wants to. I understand her server was the type that can permanently erase wihout leaving a trace. A subpoena, once again, does no good, unless they know everyone she may have corresponded with, and since her aid's also used the server email system, even that is useless.
The State Department could not definitively say that the personal email account used by Hillary Clinton to conduct state department business did not transmit classified information.

The House Select Committee on Benghazi has said it will subpoena all of Hillary’s emails regarding the 2012 attack. If any of those end up containing classified information, Hillary could be in trouble.

How Hillary s Private Emails Could Lead To Prosecution The Daily Caller
You apparently dont know the rules regarding the use of undocumented private email accounts for government business.
Think Billary will claim the same nonsense?

Yeah, i'm aware of the rules... which are archaic and most people won't get that upset about them.

I think if you guys want to harp on something, it should be that all these foreign governments gave money to the Clinton Foundation.
You would deny that also even though you just acknowledged it being a libtard.
(from 1996) Hillary Clinton's Fingerprints Among Those Found on Papers

NY TIMES ^ | 1996 | Neil Lewis
WASHINGTON, June 4— Republicans on the special Senate Whitewater committee released a report from the Federal Bureau of Investigation today showing that the fingerprints of the First Lady, Hillary Rodham Clinton, were found on records discovered in the White House family quarters two years after they were first sought by investigators. The F.B.I. report also found that the documents, copies of billing records from Mrs. Clinton's work as a lawyer in Arkansas, revealed fingerprints of five others. They were Vincent W. Foster Jr., the deputy White House counsel who committed suicide in July 1993; a personal assistant to the Clintons...
You state you were in the Army as a supply clerk, yet you don't know the rules about handing classified information?

Yeah, here's the thing, guy, I know you guys fantasize about the E-mail ordering a "Foster" on Chris Stevens, but really, there ain't no there, there.


It really isn't.

I mean, frankly, this kind of huffing didn't fly in the 1990's, why do you think this shit is going to fly today?

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