Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept.

I'm not to worried about billary. She has to much baggage and will get torn apart.

Weren't you one of these twits who INSISTED Obama couldn't get re-elected?
With informed intelligent voters he wouldn't have.

How is it when the voters elect someone like Bush, they were perfectly informed and intelligent? The guy proceeded to give us two wars and two recessions and watched stupidly as a major city got wiped off the map, but the voters, they sure were informed. They knew very well this guys father was a fuckup and they elected him anyway. (Well, not really the first time, but never mind.) Hey, let's elect his brother, what's the worst that can happen.

But, boy, they elect the scary Negro after Bush fucked it all up, and it's obvious those voters weren't "informed".
Colin Powell used a private email account but not exclusively. Hillary immediately upon her appointment installed a server and set up the address never using her official address at all. That's the difference.
Colin Powell used a private email account but not exclusively. Hillary immediately upon her appointment installed a server and set up the address never using her official address at all. That's the difference.

Hillary has a classified account at the State Dept. She better have used it... If not... stick a fork in her... She's done

I'm not to worried about billary. She has to much baggage and will get torn apart.

Weren't you one of these twits who INSISTED Obama couldn't get re-elected?
With informed intelligent voters he wouldn't have.

How is it when the voters elect someone like Bush, they were perfectly informed and intelligent? The guy proceeded to give us two wars and two recessions and watched stupidly as a major city got wiped off the map, but the voters, they sure were informed. They knew very well this guys father was a fuckup and they elected him anyway. (Well, not really the first time, but never mind.) Hey, let's elect his brother, what's the worst that can happen.

But, boy, they elect the scary Negro after Bush fucked it all up, and it's obvious those voters weren't "informed".

What major city got wiped off the map?
You have no room to talk about wars. Had clinton taken osama when he was offered up on a silver platter we wouldnt have had 9/11.
Bush was a mediocre pres,obama makes carter look like a genius.
Colin Powell used a private email account but not exclusively. Hillary immediately upon her appointment installed a server and set up the address never using her official address at all. That's the difference.

Hillary has a classified account at the State Dept. She better have used it... If not... stick a fork in her... She's done

She never used it. Even when a private email is used officials forward department related emails to their official account. Hillary didn't even do that much.
Not only did she use a personal email account, she BANNED OTHERS FROM DOING SO.

National Review

Fox News’s Catherine Herridge reports (via Fox’s Greta Van Susteren) that, in an internal 2011 State Department cable, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton directed employees not to use personal email accounts for official business due to security concerns. Nevertheless, throughout her tenure as Secretary, Mrs. Clinton used personal email accounts to conduct her State Department business – setting up her own personal servers in her New York home precisely to avoid the State Department system under which government electronic communications were maintained and disclosed pursuant to federal law.
Hillary lovers would appear more intelligent and informed if they totally disregarded everything republicans say and concentrate only on what democrats are saying.
Again, if classified information was on her account, its a felony

Oh, here's my take and her thighness...

Hey Joe, cut to the 7 minute mark and listen to hillary slam the use of......wait..... 'private/secret email accounts and the shredding of the constitutinon

The e-mail account she used wasn't secret.

Sorry, Ahab, this is not the White Whale you all have been looking for.

"She tasks me, she tasks me, and I shall have her. If I have to chase her around Foggy Bottom to the shores of Chappaqau and around Perdition's flames before I give her up!"

Hey. Here's your real challenge. In 2000 and 2004 I voted for Bush. At the end of it, I wound up with an underwater mortgage and a busted 401K and a job that paid less than the one I had before.

In 2012, I voted for Obama. Things have gotten a little bit better on most of those fronts for me and most people I know.

In 2016, you don't win without getting people like me back. You just don't. And we aren't coming back because Hillary didn't follow a silly rule on e-mails.

^ Fucking Liar
My only complaint in all this so far. Why did they waste an entire pine forest worth of photo copy paper to make the e-mail transfer? Couldn't they have just loaded all that shit on a disc instead ?
We need a special prosecutor who will go directly to her email accounts and not wait for the "State Dept. to release emails."
We need a special prosecutor who will go directly to her email accounts and not wait for the "State Dept. to release emails."

Remember...hilary worked on the staff of the democrats who tried to impeach nixon......she learned....don't just get rid of 18 minutes...get rid of all the tapes....those servers are gone.....
We need a special prosecutor who will go directly to her email accounts and not wait for the "State Dept. to release emails."

Remember...hilary worked on the staff of the democrats who tried to impeach nixon......she learned....don't just get rid of 18 minutes...get rid of all the tapes....those servers are gone.....
We need a Special Prosecutor to investigate this and find out if that is true. If true, that could be the end of her.:)
Emailgate: How media mistakes created Hillary Clinton's fake, fake identity

(ZDNet) There is more to the Hillary Clinton personal email story than just Hillary Clinton and her personal email use. It's also a story about a trusted news establishment that broke a story in the morning about the leading presumptive presidential candidate using a fake identity, let it run through an entire day's news cycle, and then changed that story in the same article later that evening -- without ever releasing an update or correction. What I'm about to describe is how the media can create its own misinformation, resulting in an entirely new (and incorrect) mythology. The result: leaving an already overly partisan citizenry with an impression of an odd Clinton misdeed that is, in fact, wholly false.
As I just read a point made by someone else, it rang so true.
Someone had to approve of her email server as a trusted source to be allowed into the .gov system as legitimate mail for secure, official business. Or are they truly that lax? Please tell me no.

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