Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept.

The Hildebeasty, ONE of my favorite targets!!!!!


State Department: Hillary decides what emails we can see

Washington Examiner ^ | March 7,2015 | BY BYRON YORK
"Will any attempt be made to check whether these are all the emails, or will you just be accepting the secretary's word on this?" asked a reporter. "Well, as we have said, her staff has said these were all the responsive emails they had to our request, and that's really a question for her staff to answer," Harf said. "Well, no, no," said the reporter. "My question is: Will the State Department be attempting in any way to verify whether they are all the emails? I mean, what I imagine is there are various methods you can use to look...
OK now time out. I am the last guy to backup Billary, but it is possible to work in a classified area with a personal unclassified email account. It will come down to the CONTENT in the emails. If any of the content is classified then her goose may be cooked. I just can't believe she would be that stupid.
Idiots like you seem to forget your brother mooosluts attacked us. Dimwits took control of congress in 2006, they are the ones that screwed it up.

Saddam didn't attack us. Fuck, even the Taliban didn't attack us. We took what should have been a simple operation - killing bin Laden and his followers - and turned it into invasions and nation building and a 15 year commitment to the region we don't need.
You are too stupid to explain it to, but here goes, Bush brave obuthole coward. That pretty much sums it up. Keep believing the stupidity of the left though, makes for great entertainment.
Yes, 2 million have retired since Feb 2009. But over 12 million less are working since that date. So that leaves 10 million not working that were. Now how did that happen., since that figure is not of those that retired? Ten million less are working than right after Obama took office.

Actually, more than 2 million have retired, guy. But do keep trying to paint the numbers as something they aren't.

You boy Bush fucked us all. Obama has fixed some of it.
Your master obuthole has screwed us worse.
You are too stupid to explain it to, but here goes, Bush brave obuthole coward. That pretty much sums it up. Keep believing the stupidity of the left though, makes for great entertainment.

Guy, Bush couldn't even show up to his National Guard Duty Sober, that's how "brave" he was. It's easy to be "Brave" when other people are doing the fighting and dying.

The thing was, the invasion of Iraq was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY. The invasion of Afghanistan was questionable, given we really didn't need to invade it, just take out the pockets of Al Qaeda that were there.

I can't believe there's anyone here still trying to claim Bush's wars were a good idea.
You are too stupid to explain it to, but here goes, Bush brave obuthole coward. That pretty much sums it up. Keep believing the stupidity of the left though, makes for great entertainment.

Guy, Bush couldn't even show up to his National Guard Duty Sober, that's how "brave" he was. It's easy to be "Brave" when other people are doing the fighting and dying.

The thing was, the invasion of Iraq was COMPLETELY UNNECESSARY. The invasion of Afghanistan was questionable, given we really didn't need to invade it, just take out the pockets of Al Qaeda that were there.

I can't believe there's anyone here still trying to claim Bush's wars were a good idea.
Gal, at least Bush knows what the National Guard is.
Your master obuthole has screwed us worse.

No, he really didn't. But I know that you are still freaking out there's a black man in the white house.
See that is the lie you believe. I have no problem him being half black, he is half white also. I have a problem him being inexperienced and unqualified. He is an embarrassment.

Guy, you had no problem with putting Palin, who was inexperienced, one heartbeat away from the presidency. You had no problem with BUsh being president, and that guy was clincally retarded.
Your master obuthole has screwed us worse.

No, he really didn't. But I know that you are still freaking out there's a black man in the white house.
See that is the lie you believe. I have no problem him being half black, he is half white also. I have a problem him being inexperienced and unqualified. He is an embarrassment.

Guy, you had no problem with putting Palin, who was inexperienced, one heartbeat away from the presidency. You had no problem with BUsh being president, and that guy was clincally retarded.
Gal, Bush was more intelligent than most you libtards, especially obuthole. Plain wasn't as scared as Biden the idiot runner up. You are delusional.
Bush was more intelligent than most you libtards, especially obuthole. Plain wasn't as scared as Biden the idiot runner up. You are delusional.

yeah, bush was so smart he crashed the economy twice, appointed a horse show guy to run FEMA, and got us into a war over weapons that didn't exist.
Bush was more intelligent than most you libtards, especially obuthole. Plain wasn't as scared as Biden the idiot runner up. You are delusional.

yeah, bush was so smart he crashed the economy twice, appointed a horse show guy to run FEMA, and got us into a war over weapons that didn't exist.
Still lies. You a funny guy for a libtard.

No, hilarious is watching you guys try to pretend that Bush wasn't a complete fuckup.

But when the only thing you got is his brother, what else can you do?
Bush was more intelligent than most you libtards, especially obuthole. Plain wasn't as scared as Biden the idiot runner up. You are delusional.

yeah, bush was so smart he crashed the economy twice, appointed a horse show guy to run FEMA, and got us into a war over weapons that didn't exist.
Still lies. You a funny guy for a libtard.

No, hilarious is watching you guys try to pretend that Bush wasn't a complete fuckup.

But when the only thing you got is his brother, what else can you do?
Obuthole is a bigger screw up. What do you have? Hillary? She is quite possibly a bigger screw up than obuthole. I am not a Jeb Bush fan.
Obuthole is a bigger screw up. What do you have? Hillary? She is quite possibly a bigger screw up than obuthole. I am not a Jeb Bush fan.

No, but you'll end up supporting him.

Hey, guy, I know you can't face it, but when your legacy includes two wars, two recessions, and a major city wiped off the map, you are pretty much the worst president in history.

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