Hillary Clinton Used Personal Email Account at State Dept.

Here come Her Thighness slug looking for someone to 'Foster'.


Artist s Impression Of Hillary Clinton s Campaign Trail Zero Hedge

What major city got wiped off the map?

New Orleans. Pretty much totally abandoned by the time Katrina was done. still hasn't fully recovered.

You have no room to talk about wars. Had clinton taken osama when he was offered up on a silver platter we wouldnt have had 9/11.

Uh, no, guy, you really need to stop listening to hate Radio. Bin Laden was never "offered up" to the US and the Sudan really didn't have him in custody. They just wanted to deport him to Saudi Arabia, but the Saudis didn't want him because they are having enough trouble with radicals. So Afghanistan took him instead.

Bush was a mediocre pres,obama makes carter look like a genius.

Sorry, guy, unemployment was down to 5.5% yesterday. Lowest point in 7 years. Bush truly fucked things up.
New Orleans, from 2012-
Results from data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau prove that New Orleans is now the fastest growing city in America, but it doesn’t just represent a repopulation of a city that lost nearly sixty percent of its residents. After being completely evacuated almost seven years ago, New Orleans has recovered most of its population – a remarkable accomplishment for a city that was witnessing a significant out migration in the years before disaster struck.
A Look Into America s Fastest Growing City - Forbes

Clinton: So we tried to be quite aggressive with them [al Qaeda]. We got – well, Mr. bin Laden used to live in Sudan. He was expelled from Saudi Arabia in 1991, then he went to Sudan. And we’d been hearing that the Sudanese wanted America to start dealing with them again. They released him. At the time, 1996, he had committed no crime against America, so I did not bring him here because we had no basis on which to hold him, though we knew he wanted to commit crimes against America. So I pleaded with the Saudis to take him, ’cause they could have. But they thought it was a hot potato and they didn’t and that’s how he wound up in Afghanistan.

Bill Clinton I could have killed Osama bin Laden - CBS News

The day before the terror attacks on September 11, 2001, former President Bill Clinton told a group of businessmen in Australia that he "could have killed" the man behind those attacks, Osama bin Laden, in 1998, but he decided against launching a strike out of concern for civilian casualties.

It's a startling and tragic bit of irony that remained hidden until Wednesday, when Michael Kroger, the former head of the Liberal Party in Australia, released the audio during an interview on Sky News. Mr. Clinton knew he was being recorded, but the audio was never released because Kroger said he'd forgotten about it until last week.

And let's look at the black unemployment figure 10.4%
And we won't mention those of all ethnicity, that have simply quit looking, not included in the overall unemployment number, or all the part time jobs vs full time.

What major city got wiped off the map?

New Orleans. Pretty much totally abandoned by the time Katrina was done. still hasn't fully recovered.

You have no room to talk about wars. Had clinton taken osama when he was offered up on a silver platter we wouldnt have had 9/11.

Uh, no, guy, you really need to stop listening to hate Radio. Bin Laden was never "offered up" to the US and the Sudan really didn't have him in custody. They just wanted to deport him to Saudi Arabia, but the Saudis didn't want him because they are having enough trouble with radicals. So Afghanistan took him instead.

Bush was a mediocre pres,obama makes carter look like a genius.

Sorry, guy, unemployment was down to 5.5% yesterday. Lowest point in 7 years. Bush truly fucked things up.
And remember Sandy Berger's mad scramble to the national archives to remove documents...
Hillary learned well, keep a personal server and scrubbing is easier. Noone has to take a fall for you. Probably many less people willing to do that for them these days I would imagine.
Berger Case Still Roils Archives Justice Dept.
What major city got wiped off the map?

New Orleans. Pretty much totally abandoned by the time Katrina was done. still hasn't fully recovered.

You have no room to talk about wars. Had clinton taken osama when he was offered up on a silver platter we wouldnt have had 9/11.

Uh, no, guy, you really need to stop listening to hate Radio. Bin Laden was never "offered up" to the US and the Sudan really didn't have him in custody. They just wanted to deport him to Saudi Arabia, but the Saudis didn't want him because they are having enough trouble with radicals. So Afghanistan took him instead.

Bush was a mediocre pres,obama makes carter look like a genius.

Sorry, guy, unemployment was down to 5.5% yesterday. Lowest point in 7 years. Bush truly fucked things up.

So you want to blame Bush for a hurricane and the poor preparations of a bunch of democrats? What a moron.

Clinton in his own words admitted he passed on osama. Strike two...

And if employment is up we should see the record number of people on government assistance go down any day now right?
And besides,what good are a couple of million jobs when you let in twice that many mexicans?

You sure make it easy ......
a private e-mail account? Oh, Noes!!!!

Even a notable hack bitch such as you, JoeBitch, OUGHT to comprehend HOW wrong it is for a government "official" who has a lawful DUTY under our laws to use only the government's provided e-mail services.

The requirement exists for very good reasons. Reasons even the Shrillary-beast seemingly understood when she, that utterly hypocritical twat, was busy yapping about the use of "secret" e-mails in the Bush Administration.

For example, it could happen that during her tenure as Secretary of State, some terrorist incident could take place on the grounds of a U.S. consulate and she might have to be questioned about what the State Department knew, and when and to get to the bottom of it, her e-mails might need to be combed through. But lo and behold, possibly, she used some PRIVATE e-mail service contrary to the law. So the investigation could get undermined or thwarted.

A willing tool like you might dutifully lap up whatever she might choose to claim about the incident and her knowledge of the incident at the time. But other people -- who don't trust that bitch as implicitly as you do -- might actually wonder why she hadn't used the GOVERNMENT'S e-mail service as the LAW REQUIRED.
Last edited:
New Orleans, from 2012-
Results from data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau prove that New Orleans is now the fastest growing city in America, but it doesn’t just represent a repopulation of a city that lost nearly sixty percent of its residents. After being completely evacuated almost seven years ago, New Orleans has recovered most of its population – a remarkable accomplishment for a city that was witnessing a significant out migration in the years before disaster struck.

Yeah, but it took, what, 7 years to do it? Another Bush fuckup someone else had to clean up.

And we won't mention those of all ethnicity, that have simply quit looking, not included in the overall unemployment number, or all the part time jobs vs full time.

Hey jackass- Republicans counted unemployment the same way. Now you want to raise the bar for the black guy.

Got it.
Even a notable hack bitch such as you, JoeBitch, OUGHT to comprehend HOW wrong it is for a government "official" who has a lawful DUTY under our laws to use only the government's provided e-mail services.

The requirement exists for very good reasons. Reasons even the Shrillary-beast seemingly understood when she, that utterly hypocritical twat, was busy yapping about the use of "secret" e-mails in the Bush Administration.

Not the same thing. first, there was no requirement then or now to use an official government e-mail.

Second, this wasn't a secret. People have known for years Hillary used a private server with a private domain name.

so once again, we have the GOP slime machine trying to gin up yet another fake scandal instead of, I odn't know, actually trying to run candidates we'd want to vote for. It's why you guys have to steal elections because you can't win them.

For example, it could happen that during her tenure as Secretary of State, some terrorist incident could take place on the grounds of a U.S. consulate and she might have to be questioned about what the State Department knew, and when and to get to the bottom of it, her e-mails might need to be combed through. But lo and behold, possibly, she used some PRIVATE e-mail service contrary to the law. So the investigation could get undermined or thwarted.

Your right. She could also be conspiring with the Aliens from Area 51 to launch a massive attack by Bigfoots (Bigfeet?) on middle America!

Point was. No legal requirement and what she was doing was not a secret.

A willing tool like you might dutifully lap up whatever she might choose to claim about the incident and her knowledge of the incident at the time. But other people -- who don't trust that bitch as implicitly as you do -- might actually wonder why she hadn't used the GOVERNMENT'S e-mail service as the LAW REQUIRED.

Well, again, no law required it. And frakly, while I know you dream of the e-mail that says she wanted to pull a Foster on Chris Stevens, what you guys don't have is any evidence.
So you want to blame Bush for a hurricane and the poor preparations of a bunch of democrats? What a moron.

Clinton in his own words admitted he passed on osama. Strike two...

No, he admitted he didn't have legal grounds to arrest Bin Laden. I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

You can't arrest people for what they are going to do in the future.


And if employment is up we should see the record number of people on government assistance go down any day now right?
And besides,what good are a couple of million jobs when you let in twice that many mexicans?

first, Obama has deported more Mexicans than Bush did.

second, we have record numbers of people on assistance because 1) The population is aging and 2) a lot of companies like your beloved WalMart are paying people starvation wages. Want people off assistance? Simple enough. Raise the minimum wage.
So you want to blame Bush for a hurricane and the poor preparations of a bunch of democrats? What a moron.

Clinton in his own words admitted he passed on osama. Strike two...

No, he admitted he didn't have legal grounds to arrest Bin Laden. I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

You can't arrest people for what they are going to do in the future.


And if employment is up we should see the record number of people on government assistance go down any day now right?
And besides,what good are a couple of million jobs when you let in twice that many mexicans?

first, Obama has deported more Mexicans than Bush did.

second, we have record numbers of people on assistance because 1) The population is aging and 2) a lot of companies like your beloved WalMart are paying people starvation wages. Want people off assistance? Simple enough. Raise the minimum wage.

LOL...Keep on,keepen on you dolt.
92,898,000 not in workforce today.
80,699,000 not in work force Feb 2009
New Orleans, from 2012-
Results from data collected by the U.S. Census Bureau prove that New Orleans is now the fastest growing city in America, but it doesn’t just represent a repopulation of a city that lost nearly sixty percent of its residents. After being completely evacuated almost seven years ago, New Orleans has recovered most of its population – a remarkable accomplishment for a city that was witnessing a significant out migration in the years before disaster struck.

Yeah, but it took, what, 7 years to do it? Another Bush fuckup someone else had to clean up.

And we won't mention those of all ethnicity, that have simply quit looking, not included in the overall unemployment number, or all the part time jobs vs full time.

Hey jackass- Republicans counted unemployment the same way. Now you want to raise the bar for the black guy.

Got it.
Actually, no. They now count capture and release, which they didn't under Bush.
So you want to blame Bush for a hurricane and the poor preparations of a bunch of democrats? What a moron.

Clinton in his own words admitted he passed on osama. Strike two...

No, he admitted he didn't have legal grounds to arrest Bin Laden. I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

You can't arrest people for what they are going to do in the future.


And if employment is up we should see the record number of people on government assistance go down any day now right?
And besides,what good are a couple of million jobs when you let in twice that many mexicans?

first, Obama has deported more Mexicans than Bush did.

second, we have record numbers of people on assistance because 1) The population is aging and 2) a lot of companies like your beloved WalMart are paying people starvation wages. Want people off assistance? Simple enough. Raise the minimum wage.
I'm not to worried about billary. She has to much baggage and will get torn apart.

Weren't you one of these twits who INSISTED Obama couldn't get re-elected?
With informed intelligent voters he wouldn't have.

How is it when the voters elect someone like Bush, they were perfectly informed and intelligent? The guy proceeded to give us two wars and two recessions and watched stupidly as a major city got wiped off the map, but the voters, they sure were informed. They knew very well this guys father was a fuckup and they elected him anyway. (Well, not really the first time, but never mind.) Hey, let's elect his brother, what's the worst that can happen.

But, boy, they elect the scary Negro after Bush fucked it all up, and it's obvious those voters weren't "informed".
Idiots like you seem to forget your brother mooosluts attacked us. Dimwits took control of congress in 2006, they are the ones that screwed it up.
Sorry, those aged 65 on social security retirement has grown by 2 million since Feb 2009 is all.
So you want to blame Bush for a hurricane and the poor preparations of a bunch of democrats? What a moron.

Clinton in his own words admitted he passed on osama. Strike two...

No, he admitted he didn't have legal grounds to arrest Bin Laden. I'm sorry you can't see the difference.

You can't arrest people for what they are going to do in the future.


And if employment is up we should see the record number of people on government assistance go down any day now right?
And besides,what good are a couple of million jobs when you let in twice that many mexicans?

first, Obama has deported more Mexicans than Bush did.

second, we have record numbers of people on assistance because 1) The population is aging and 2) a lot of companies like your beloved WalMart are paying people starvation wages. Want people off assistance? Simple enough. Raise the minimum wage.
Idiots like you seem to forget your brother mooosluts attacked us. Dimwits took control of congress in 2006, they are the ones that screwed it up.

Saddam didn't attack us. Fuck, even the Taliban didn't attack us. We took what should have been a simple operation - killing bin Laden and his followers - and turned it into invasions and nation building and a 15 year commitment to the region we don't need.
Yes, 2 million have retired since Feb 2009. But over 12 million less are working since that date. So that leaves 10 million not working that were. Now how did that happen., since that figure is not of those that retired? Ten million less are working than right after Obama took office.
92,898,000 not in workforce today.
80,699,000 not in work force Feb 2009

Yes, lots of people retired. You did hear about this thing called 'The Baby Boom", which started in 1945, and the first people retiring from it started retiring in - wait for it - 2010!
Yes, 2 million have retired since Feb 2009. But over 12 million less are working since that date. So that leaves 10 million not working that were. Now how did that happen., since that figure is not of those that retired? Ten million less are working than right after Obama took office.

Actually, more than 2 million have retired, guy. But do keep trying to paint the numbers as something they aren't.

You boy Bush fucked us all. Obama has fixed some of it.

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