Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

More funny nonsense! I love it, please don't stop, you put a smile on my face.

Me taking a dump on you every night puts a smile on your face?

Strange man. You're obviously into misogyny, like your hero Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, my guy lost and I went back to work. I am not a crying little bitch like you are. What a pussy, can't even man up when you lose.

Except for the fact that Clinton didn't lose, of course.

Whatever Repug dumb fuck that you supported had no business being in the White House, either.

Poor little girl, you got you whittle feelings hurt? You are a real poor loser, you got you panties in a wad. Lol! Loser!

Maybe you'll one day get to find out if I'm a poor loser....When the Repug candidate doesn't lose by over 2.5 million votes.

Only a dumb fuck like you honestly believes that someone losing by 2.5 million votes and 2% percent deserves to go to the White House.

I would do what I always do, get up and go to work. Your little temper tantrum will continue for decades, and you call others a dumb fuck? Look in the mirror. Loser!
More funny nonsense! I love it, please don't stop, you put a smile on my face.

Me taking a dump on you every night puts a smile on your face?

Strange man. You're obviously into misogyny, like your hero Trump.

I didn't vote for Trump, my guy lost and I went back to work. I am not a crying little bitch like you are. What a pussy, can't even man up when you lose.

Except for the fact that Clinton didn't lose, of course.

Whatever Repug dumb fuck that you supported had no business being in the White House, either.

Poor little girl, you got you whittle feelings hurt? You are a real poor loser, you got you panties in a wad. Lol! Loser!

Maybe you'll one day get to find out if I'm a poor loser....When the Repug candidate doesn't lose by over 2.5 million votes.

Only a dumb fuck like you honestly believes that someone losing by 2.5 million votes and 2% percent deserves to go to the White House.

I would do what I always do, get up and go to work. Your little temper tantrum will continue for decades, and you call others a dumb fuck? Look in the mirror. Loser!
Please forgive me, fucktard. I have to keep insulting you to entertain myself. A real intellectual debate with you would be boring.
It would be boring because you wouldn't be able to follow 99.8% of what I post. I mean, you're so fucking stupid, you actually slammed Ted Cruz for the exact same thing you suppport Hitlery Clinton for.

Seriously - that is a very special kind of stupid. Even by your standards!
Hey Dubya Da Last Repug Prez - have you noticed that literally everyone here can't stand you? You fight 24x7 with everyone. What does that tell us?

Well, a couple of things. First, you are clearly an asshole. You've very immature, you're very uneducated, and you are completely unsophisticated.

Second, it tells us that your experience in the virtual world is the exact same as the physical world. Which should tell you that you are the problem. If everyone hates you no matter where you go, then you need to look at yourself. You also need to do a LOT of growing up and educate yourself. You are completely uninformed on everything, which is why you are so angry (because you don't actually understand what has transpired).
Hillary Clinton Won FL, NC, PENN, and WI, according to Exit Polls

No she didn't

WTF? Yes she did .

Yes, Hillary did indeed win, according to the exit polls.

Is she the next president?

I don't think you are stupid, so why are are you asking that? Do you REALLY not understand the statement that if Hillary got votes corresponding to exit polls she would have won?
He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat,

Yup, but this time your Dem cheating wasn't enough to sell Hillary's new car smell, eh comrade?

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning",

It worked for you, until it didn't.

Except, of course, for the fact that a dishonest piece of shit like you has absolutely no evidence of Dem cheating.

Kind of blows up your whole theory, ass fuck.

From Chicago I'm laughing at your ignorance (lies, really) of massive Dem cheating.
Sadly, the recounts will not reveal how it was stolen. The only way we're gonna get to the bottom of this is through an incredibly thorough investigation of Interstate Crosscheck.

Yep, Interstate Crosscheck has been used by Repugs to purge thousands of legitimate minority voters from voting rolls:

The GOP's Stealth War Against Voters

Something very similar happened to Gore in 2000. 80,000 Democrats were illegally prevented from voting in FL in 2000 because they had similar names to a list of ex-felons maintained by Katherine Harris' office in Florida. Not identical names, just similar names. A shameful travesty and evidence of obvious cheating by Katherine Harris' crew.

If only a fraction of those 80,000 people had been allowed to vote, Gore wins Florida by several thousand votes. This is just another example of how Repugs are Nazi fascists and will cheat at all costs to win.
Oh the irony....the people who vehemently oppose Voter ID laws because it would prevent them from stealing elections by engaging in the voter fraud they live to engage in, now want to whine about voter fraud. Man is the left completely unhinged and irrational.

Voter IDs by themselves wouldn't be a problem, as long as everyone has equal access to a voter ID. The fact that you Repug Nazis make minority voters jump through 500 hoops to get a voter ID is the real problem. Like in Wisconsin, which undoubtedly cost Clinton thousands of votes and the state. Not that a fascist fuck like you cares about that.

I have now read your throw-away "voter ID" Repug straw man bullshit post. That is the extent of your worthless knowledge, I completely understand. That's all your unremarkable ass can provide, just like with your Wall Street bullshit. You may run along now, lightweight.

you Repug Nazis make minority voters jump through 500 hoops to get a voter ID is the real problem.

Poor helpless minorities, eh Kleagle?
How do you do a recount of exit polls, you fucking idiot?

THAT is my point, genius. How DO you recount an Exit poll?

THAT is exactly why no one gives a damn about Exit Polls...except YOU

THAT is why NO one is talking about Exit polls...except YOU

THAT is why Hillary and Stein are focused on recounting actual VOTES.

THAT is why the snowflakes on this board are whining about Popular VOTES instead of Exit Polls...except for YOU.

You ever stop to think people might LIE in Exit poll Interviews?
- They don't think their vote is any of your business.
- They are liberals who don't want it to be known they voted 'Trump.
- They just want to f* with the media and have 'em eat a sh*t sandwich by reporting bogus dope and be left with egg on their faces.

I actually personally know people who fit everyone of those categories.

Exit Polls are More Reliable than Actual Votes?! Yeah, maybe in DNC Primaries! :p

You are an example of why basic IQ tests should be given and passed before you are allowed to vote.

you Repug Nazis make minority voters jump through 500 hoops to get a voter ID is the real problem.

Poor helpless minorities, eh Kleagle?

Yeah, just like the Nazi Libs make you jump through 500 hoops to get a library card, get a driver's license, apply for a loan, apply for benefits, open a bank account, cash a check, etc...



Snowflakes are such fear-mongering drama queens!
Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

Telling the voters how stupid and deplorable they are is working wonderfully for you, isn't it, Rumpelstiltskin?
Last edited:
He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat,

Yup, but this time your Dem cheating wasn't enough to sell Hillary's new car smell, eh comrade?

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning",

It worked for you, until it didn't.

Except, of course, for the fact that a dishonest piece of shit like you has absolutely no evidence of Dem cheating.

Kind of blows up your whole theory, ass fuck.

The exit polls show Democrats are cheating
How about the fact that Cruz endorsed Trump, someone that insulted both his wife and his father?? Cruz is a spineless piece of shit who puts politics ahead of his own fucking family.
You know what is hilarious? Our little government-subsidized nitwit here worships the ground that Hitlery Clinton walks on. Well, Barack and Michelle Obama absolutely roasted Hitlery and her family during the 2007 primary. Michelle relentlessly mocked Bill Clinton's affair and infamously stated "if Hitlery can't take care of her own house, how in the hell is she going to take care of the White House".

What did Hitlery do? She promptly turned around and went to work for Barack Obama. So by your own definition, Hitlery Clinton is (and I quote the uncouth, unsophisticated nitwit) "a spineless piece of shit who puts politics ahead of her won fucking family".

One has to wonder why you vehemently oppose Ted Cruz for the same thing that you worship Hitlery Clinton for? Don't answer nitwit - that's rhetorical. We all know it's because you want government handouts and realize that Hitlery will give you more of them for voting Dumbocrat.

Partisan hack much, nitwit? You just got exposed. How humiliating.

Whoa!! You really told me, goober boy!

Let me break it down for you, dim one....if Barack Obama or Michelle Obama had implicated Clinton's father in the fucking assassination of Abraham Lincoln, then maybe you would have something. Yes, I'm making fun of you. You have reached new levels of stupidity. What an unsophisticated, moronic twat you are.

The fact that every Repug in the Senate hates Cruz should also tell you something, goober. The man is an unparalleled asshole truly despised by virtually everyone in Congress, Repug and Dem alike. No one would work with him if he did ever become president. Cruz and Ben Carson are the two Repugs who could potentially be worse presidents than Trump.

Wow...the establishment does not like Cruz.

People voted Trump in to fight the establishment.

I don't think you are stupid, so why are are you asking that? Do you REALLY not understand the statement that if Hillary got votes corresponding to exit polls she would have won?
Based on that statement, I think you are stupid. Do you REALLY not understand that exit polls cover a very small percentage of the voters and are no way indicative of anything?
You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Because there's nothing to defend. Just like I don't have to defend any of them. All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs and we simply swat you little flies with the back of our hands.

Let me break it down for you....if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago. Bush was easily the worst President in this country's history. If anyone is still a Repug after 8 years of Bush, they simply aren't very smart.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you. If you had any intelligence or decency, you would have denounced these slime balls and left the Repug Party a long time ago.

All of us liberals are simply much smarter than you Repugs

So smart, you nominated Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits as your candidate.

if you Repugs had any intelligence, you would have left the Repug party a long time ago

You mean the party that is stomping your Dems nationwide?

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists,

Nigga pleaz!

It's easy to "stomp" another party when you fucking cheat, like the Nazi Repug fascists that you are.

If you want to be a member of an immoral party just because they're "winning", that's your stupid mother fucking ass.

Telling the voters how stupid and deplorable they are is working wonderfully for you, isn't it, Rumpelstiltskin?

It's what tells you they are left wing......they take the Gore "We know what's better for you than you do" attitude.

Elitist is only on a good day.

Total morons on the rest.
Piss off, little Repug lightweight fucktard. My excrement could easily handle your unremarkable ass in a debate.

You simply know nothing and you're boring.

You always know the people who suck at debates are the ones who need to crow about your prowess, you know that no one would know if you didn't tell them ...

He is the silliest liberal poster. Not even other libs will defend him because they also realize he is nuts.

Not to mention that the Tea Party movement and the Trumpkin movement are full of racists, including some of you.
The race card is a Joker. Losers use it to make themselves look like winners.

Ain't a card, dipshit. It's simply the truth when it comes to Trump and all you miserable little racist tea baggers.
"Hit Me, Again, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You."

You have a hidden desire to be raped by some sweaty punk.
"Hit Me, Again, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You."

You have a hidden desire to be raped by some sweaty punk.

Sounds like you're the one with the desire to rape. Creep.

"Hit Me, Again, Tray Honey! I Won't Shoot You."

You have a hidden desire to be raped by some sweaty punk.

Sounds like you're the one with the desire to rape. Creep.

What do you know - yet another inappropriate post and a threat from SYTFE. He continues to be one of the leading a-holes on USMB.

Not a threat -- douchebag. An old meme for the "Sage of Main Street" who apparently fantasizes about raping Dubya Da Last Repug.
I believe the vote totals are an accurate count of votes cast. The real problem I keep seeing getting worse in the actual polling places is voter purging of legitimate voters. This problem is very real! It is hitting 10% of voters in targeted Democrat areas. In the end Clinton will be ahead by 3 million popular votes, but will lose because voter purging suppressed votes in targeted Democrat areas to engineer an electoral win for Republicans.

This problem needs to be fixed ASAP!

I hate to point out the obvious here, Kiss but Hillary Clinton didn't lose because of voter purging...she lost because she alienated the supporters of Bernie Sanders and they didn't turn out for her...she lost because the black vote didn't care about her like they did Barack Obama and they didn't turn out for her...and she lost because blue collar union voters in the Rust Belt didn't think she cared about them and a lot of them voted for the other guy. This race wasn't lost because of something the GOP did...it was lost because of the things that Hillary Clinton and her minions at the DNC did.

Yes Democrats did not turn out to vote like in 2008. But that is not the entire problem. I personally saw 10% of registered active Black Democrat Voters purged off the voter rolls. They came to vote & were denied or voted by affidavit provisional ballot. Since 2008 I personally oversaw every voter who voted in Normandy, Missouri, St. Louis county precinct 1906 NOR6,7 & they are 99.6% Black Voters who voted 99% Democrat in primary elections.

In 2008 there were 1824 registered voters of which 1319 voted = 72.31% turnout.
In 2016 there were 1560 registered voters of which 952 voted = 61.03% turnout.

In 2008 - 1288 voted Obama & 17 voted McCain
In 2016 - 907 voted Clinton & 21 voted Trump

Since 2008 there were 264 additional registered voters were purged off the rolls. 2016 had 367 fewer votes cast than 2008 of which about 95 in precinct 1906 NOR6,7 were due to purging of legitimate registered voters who were denied their constitutional right on election day 2016. This happen in all heavy Black Democrat precinct.

In 2008 & in 2012 someone at election headquarters loaded old voter roll into the St. Louis county system on election day removing everyone from the voter roll that had moved over the 4 prior years. Everyone knows working poor move the most & this prevented Obama from winning Missouri in 2008!

I'm always amused by the claims that voters were turned away and denied the right to vote, Kiss! If you're too damn stupid to know what precinct you should be voting in and your name isn't on the rolls then you are given the ability to vote with a provisional ballot which would then be counted once it was established that you were indeed a registered voter. How many of those "purged" voters were turned away and not allowed to vote? Any?

What your statistics tell me about Normandy Missouri is that the black vote didn't turn out in 2016 like they did in 2008 because they were not excited about the Democratic candidate. They didn't even care enough to register to vote.

There were 868 fewer places to vote in Democratic precincts nationwide in 2016 compared to 2012. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create extremely long lines so that Democratic voters would go home without voting:

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

There are many forms of voter suppression. And the fascist despicable Repug Party has mastered them all.
Guess democrats really did screw up then by losing control of all those districts. Tell you what, show us proof that vast numbers of democrats were not allowed to vote because the "lines were too long". Reality is, most places allow anyone in line when the polls close to vote. If you get there after closing time, that's your problem.

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