Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever
December 17, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Defeat Parties are never all that cheerful. Much like Hillary. Combine the two and you get a truly, truly depressing event.

“It was like a wake with a band,” quipped one guest who was at the Plaza on Thursday for Hillary Clinton’s holiday party to thank top-tier donors, VIP boosters and campaign advisers.

The source said, “It was a little bit of group therapy and a lot of love” among the losing Democratic rainmakers.

Haven't they had enough group therapy yet? Was this supposed to be a really expensive safe space?


I'm sure they really loved seeing yet more money wasted. At this point, Hillary Clinton has probably burned through a billion of other people's money on her political ambitions.

Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever
A billion dollars from rich donors back to the hard working members of her campaign, security details, event coordinators, media companies... sounds like a nice little stimulus!
Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever
December 17, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Defeat Parties are never all that cheerful. Much like Hillary. Combine the two and you get a truly, truly depressing event.

“It was like a wake with a band,” quipped one guest who was at the Plaza on Thursday for Hillary Clinton’s holiday party to thank top-tier donors, VIP boosters and campaign advisers.

The source said, “It was a little bit of group therapy and a lot of love” among the losing Democratic rainmakers.

Haven't they had enough group therapy yet? Was this supposed to be a really expensive safe space?


I'm sure they really loved seeing yet more money wasted. At this point, Hillary Clinton has probably burned through a billion of other people's money on her political ambitions.

Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever

Yes, I went to a cry in, played with Play Doh, drew with crayons, walked a therapy dog, worked at a smile, went for a ride, sang a sad song just to turn it around ...

A billion dollars from rich donors back to the hard working members of her campaign, security details, event coordinators, media companies... sounds like a nice little stimulus!
But now that she's clearly the loser, I wonder if anyone groped her this time? I heard that one or two journalist coped a feel .... but no earnest grope within striking distance.
Yeah, dey was goin' `round all mopey an' dejected...

... till dey ate some o' Granny's 'special' brownies...

... den dey all mellowed out an' didn't care...

... whether dey won or lost.
A billion dollars from rich donors back to the hard working members of her campaign, security details, event coordinators, media companies... sounds like a nice little stimulus!
Democrat fascism is not a stimulus.....:lol:
Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever
December 17, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Defeat Parties are never all that cheerful. Much like Hillary. Combine the two and you get a truly, truly depressing event.

“It was like a wake with a band,” quipped one guest who was at the Plaza on Thursday for Hillary Clinton’s holiday party to thank top-tier donors, VIP boosters and campaign advisers.

The source said, “It was a little bit of group therapy and a lot of love” among the losing Democratic rainmakers.

Haven't they had enough group therapy yet? Was this supposed to be a really expensive safe space?


I'm sure they really loved seeing yet more money wasted. At this point, Hillary Clinton has probably burned through a billion of other people's money on her political ambitions.

Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever

Yes, I went to a cry in, played with Play Doh, drew with crayons, walked a therapy dog, worked at a smile, went for a ride, sang a sad song just to turn it around ...

Dems need to get a grip...

September 7, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

(looks like orange agrees with her)

Cockroaches, lice and Clintons.

Name three things that are almost impossible to get rid of.

The Clintons triggered their first civil war in the party during the '08 primaries. Then came the second civil war in the last election. Both of those were between the Clintons, their careerist pals and the party's harder left. The Clintons lost the first one and won the second one. And then cost the party the election.

The third civil war is likely to be the Clintons against everyone. Because Hillary still won't go away. And she won't stop bashing fellow Dems. Including 2020 prospects like Sanders and Biden.

So here we are.


The Dems Are Headed for a Third Hillary Civil War
Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever
December 17, 2016
Daniel Greenfield

Defeat Parties are never all that cheerful. Much like Hillary. Combine the two and you get a truly, truly depressing event.

“It was like a wake with a band,” quipped one guest who was at the Plaza on Thursday for Hillary Clinton’s holiday party to thank top-tier donors, VIP boosters and campaign advisers.

The source said, “It was a little bit of group therapy and a lot of love” among the losing Democratic rainmakers.

Haven't they had enough group therapy yet? Was this supposed to be a really expensive safe space?


I'm sure they really loved seeing yet more money wasted. At this point, Hillary Clinton has probably burned through a billion of other people's money on her political ambitions.

Hillary Clinton's Defeat Party Was the Most Depressing Thing Ever
Funny, I was thinking it was Republicans trying to take away healthcare from 32 million Americans just to give a huge tax break to billionaires.
How can you do something that evil and pretend you still have a conscience?
It's depressing that such people live right here in this country and work to bring terrible harm to it's people.

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