Hillary Clinton's Latest Talking Points Leaked.

I find it amusing the Dims demonize successful people. Who knew working hard and making good money was bad? :lol:

Sounds like the standard class warfare bullshit is all she's got. 'Cos you know....Hillary can relate to "the little people and feel their pain." :lol:

So now we know....class warfare and "the war on women." :D That crap didn't seem to go down real well in the mid-terms six months ago. Anybody remember Mark "Uterus" Udall? Dude went down in flames hard.

To be fair the Hildabeast cannot run on her record. The Russian "reset," Benghazi....the rise of ISIS and the blow ups in the Middle East.

Poor Hildabeast. :(

Hey folks.....

The Hildabeast will give a speech tomorrow and they have distributed a list of talking points for the media drones to trumpet. If anyone is interested....here they are.

Dupes.....beware. :lol:

Hillary Clinton s talking points for friends and allies just leaked - Yahoo Finance

Here come the bumpa sticka slogans! Like I said in another thread, a genuine dog and pony show, a lot of fluff and horse shit. And what is this by invitation carp, more RSVP's than the venue can handle, give me a freaking break.
Another news leak. Apparently Hillary will give part of her speech tomorrow in ebonics. :thup:

Continuing Obama/Dem policies is just right for the USA. Including raising taxes on the bloated rich who are getting 95%+ of new wealth these day, hater dupes.
For all those mornings that keep saying class warfare, what th hell do you think the rich are doing taking all from us all? They are buying and selling lives of humans like they did in slave trade only know we are told by them its no immoral its just fair trade and business as usual. Please we over threw these kings pharoahs and corrupt politicians how many times now? And still we haven't learned?
Any BS to avoid talking about policies that actually HELP the country...hater dupes...

Nothing she has to say interests me anymore, she deserves absolutely no respect.
I Dont know how anyone cant stand being around her, god, they may as well use her as an option to the death penalty. stick her in an elevator with the worst criminals for 48 hours!,,kinda like, would u like to be electricuted or stuck in an elevator with Hillary Clinton for 48 hours?

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