Hillary Clinton's lies


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
I can only cover the most recent lies. Like all democrats she constantly lies and there are too many to cover them all here.

1. She told Anderson Cooper: "actually, I've been very consistent." The Iraq War, Same Sex Marriage, and the Trans Pacific Partnership, are just three examples of a near complete 180 change in position.

2. Speaking of the TPP, she said that 3 years ago she hoped it would be the gold standard, but that when it was negotiated last week, it wasn't up to what she thought it was going to be. In 2012 Hillary Clinton stated that the TPP was the gold standard and spoke of it as if she knew exactly what it was going to be.

3. "I'm a Progressive that likes to get things done!" Not quite liar. As a Senator she did nothing at all. Her name was attached to NO legislation what so ever. Even as First Lady, she couldn't get Hillarycare done.

4. Hillary also tried to imply that she was involved in a coalition to impose sanctions on Iran. Sanctions have been in effect on Iran since the 80s and Hillary had nothing to do with them.

5. Hillary stated "The economy does better with a Democrat in the White House." Truth: Jimmy Carter no, Barack Obama no, and that only leaves Bill Clinton, who also had a Republican Congress. Liar, liar, pants on fire.

6. When asked what enemies she made that she is proud of, she said: "Well, in addition to the NRA, the Health Insurance Companies, the Drug companies, and the Iranians." Heath Insruance and drug companies love her and the left, LOVE them.
This is just the beginning of the lying. There is a lot of time for her to lie until the general.
Doesn't matter---Her constituency are all liars so they relate to her and will vote for her.

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