Hillary-Destroyed Trump, The GOP's Hard Choice & Making Lemonade Out Of Lemons

There's not enough sugar in the world to make palatable the sour "drink" that is the idea of Donald J. Trump as President.
Or to Congress, as anyone associated with him by label.

The word republican and Donald Trump is becoming synonymous. By endorsing him recently, all those establishment guys walked right into Hillary (Trump/Soros'?) trap...

You know I use Maddow as a litmus test. She has no poker face at all. When she didn't get that upset about Mike Pence (the one governor she didn't quit kill but merely maimed a bit) being Trump's running mate, it puzzled me. Now I know. She knew he would be destroyed that way. You wonder how many of these activist media heads know what Hillary has packing still in her holster? If I had to bet on anyone knowing, it would be Maddow. Just wasn't really that upset at all about Pence...weird... I mean she foaming HATED the guy awhile back. But "eh" :dunno: didn't raise much of a fuss as him potentially being the head of the country.

Because she knew he never would be...
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Trump is not quitting the race, you frightened desperate loons.
Oh, so he's going to wait until even more damning stuff about him shaves any hope he has at all of winning...taking the rest of the GOP hopefuls with him by association?
There is no "damning stuff" on him, jackass.
Right. Hillary played her ace of spades first. Uh huh...
She never had any cards in the first place.
She never had any cards in the first place.

So the "leaked" tape where Donald expresses glee at sexually assaulting a woman because he's "a star" (who can get away with anything he likes), is "nothing"? BTW, if he becomes president, I wonder what other laws he thinks he can break because not only will he be a star then, he'll be the most powerful man in the world...

Something to think about for a minute..
She never had any cards in the first place.

So the "leaked" tape where Donald expresses glee at sexually assaulting a woman because he's "a star" (who can get away with anything he likes), is "nothing"? BTW, if he becomes president, I wonder what other laws he thinks he can break because not only will he be a star then, he'll be the most powerful man in the world...

Something to think about for a minute..

Threatening to jail your political opponents; straight out of Stalin/Lenin.
Hollywood couldn't come up with this garbage...
She never had any cards in the first place.

So the "leaked" tape where Donald expresses glee at sexually assaulting a woman because he's "a star" (who can get away with anything he likes), is "nothing"?
It's just your imagination, jackass.

Yes, I and I alone am only imagining the tape made of Trump in Hollywood. It doesn't exist, according to you.

Did everyone get that? Muhammed says the Hollywood Trump tape doesn't exist.

Did they change your meds recently bro?
She never had any cards in the first place.

So the "leaked" tape where Donald expresses glee at sexually assaulting a woman because he's "a star" (who can get away with anything he likes), is "nothing"?
It's just your imagination, jackass.

Yes, I and I alone am only imagining the tape made of Trump in Hollywood. It doesn't exist, according to you.

Did everyone get that? Muhammed says the Hollywood Trump tape doesn't exist.

Did they change your meds recently bro?
Why are you are lying, jackass.

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