Hillary Faces Perjury Charge

Every time one of the accusations against Hillary is fully vetted, it hits...
This will go precisely nowhere as Obama controls the DOJ and hiLIARy is able to blackmail Obama (he is a co-conspirator in her violation of the Espionage Act).
We all knew it. Hillary lied before the Senate Investigating Committee. FBI Chief James Comney testified that she lied. The problem again is that the request to investigate will have to be made before Loretta Lynch's corrupt Justice Department.

BREAKING: GOP To Charge Hillary Clinton With... • USA Newsflash
If Clinton faces a perjury charge like the title of the OP says, when and where was the indictment issued?

Apparently a Congressional recommendation will hit a brick wall of corruption and go nowhere.

Congress is corrupt, the whole damn thing is a dog and pony show sham.
Did you know the price of beer went up in the last 4 years? Thanks to Hillary Clinton and Obama

Look at whats happening with Hurricane Matthew right now. It happened during Hillary's disastrous campaign

My stomach is upset and it never was before.....Hillary Clinton
Not at all. I just pointed out how the most criminal administration in US history
The Grant, Harding and Nixon administration may argue with you a bit on that "conclusion".....

You could combine all of those and still not reach the criminal level of this administration.

Refuse to enforce existing US Law

Violated Constitution and Rule of Law

Protected violent criminal illegals

Released violent criminal illegals

Protected Human Traffickers

Engaged in Human Trafficking

Protecting federal-law-violating Sanctuary Cities

Refused to comply with Court Orders (still doing so)

Found in Contempt of Court Twice

Aided / armed terrorist Muslim Brotherhood

Dragged the US into 2 Un-Sanctioned Wars to aid terrorists
- Financed, armed, trained, took the nation to war illegally to aid Al Qaeida take over Libya
- Financed, supplied, armed, trained, protected ISIS - 2nd Un-authorized War, in Syria

Armed Mexican Drug Cartels: 500+ deaths to include 4 Americans
-- Refuses to comply w/Court Orders to release documents, trying to run out the clock on his scandal that began 7 1/2 years ago

Hillary/Obama's gun-running to Syria through Benghazi - 4 Americans dead
-- Just pardoned their gun runner to buy his silence

STOLE $500 million for 'Zika' only to give it to the UN for their Global Warming initiative

Paid a Ransom to terrorists for Bo Bergdahl, used it as smokescreen to release the Taliban 5

Paid a Ransom to Iran for American hostages

Continually released terrorists after Congress refused to authorize the shutdown of Gitmo
-- Many terrorists recaptured on the battle field

'Nationalized' GM as part of his 'bailout', violating US Bankruptcy law in doing so

By-passing Congress to forge his own 'treaty'/'agreement' with Iran NOT in the best interest of the US

Protected his US AG, head of his IRS, Lois Lerner, Julian Castro, Harry Reid, Hillary Clinton, Sheryl Mills, Pagliano, and others from prosecution for their CRIMES...

...and this is not even all of it.

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We all knew it. Hillary lied before the Senate Investigating Committee. FBI Chief James Comney testified that she lied. The problem again is that the request to investigate will have to be made before Loretta Lynch's corrupt Justice Department.

BREAKING: GOP To Charge Hillary Clinton With... • USA Newsflash
No, everyone knows how desperate and pathetic conservatives are.

Your Bitch has spent over $200 Million dollars of the Nazi George Soros's and Wall Street's money and has only managed to lead Trump by a few points.
Name a Hillary accusation, and I'll "vet" it...

Cattle Futures
Castle Grande
Madison S&L
Vince Foster
who is Chelsea's real bio daddy
enabling sex predator "husband"
selling out America via Clinton Foundation

the list is ENDLESS with this witch.
Well, if it is then the FBI Director is the rightwing liar.
ACTUALLY he pointed it out / told the truth during his testimony before Congress by pointing out Hillary lied about not having any classified, lied about sending/receiving classified, lied about having only 1 device, and lied about not breaking the law - he testified the FBI found 'thousands' of work-related documents she was required by law to turn in but failed to do so.
We all knew it. Hillary lied before the Senate Investigating Committee. FBI Chief James Comney testified that she lied. The problem again is that the request to investigate will have to be made before Loretta Lynch's corrupt Justice Department.

BREAKING: GOP To Charge Hillary Clinton With... • USA Newsflash
If Clinton faces a perjury charge like the title of the OP says, when and where was the indictment issued?

Every time I read a post by a retarded lib^^^^^
It's over. The fix is in. The corrupt criminal and her rapist husband will be occupying the White House again. Sorry, but it is a done-deal. The NWO Globalist Elites who decide these matters, want the Clintons in there. So sadly, that's what's gonna happen.

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