Hillary for 2020 !!!!!

Yet Trump won the votes of 2623 counties while Hillary won only 428 counties.

Well, It seems you don’t quit understand how it should work. We have national elections in the USA. Here, the population votes for who they wand to lead our country for the next four (4) years, NOT “counties”

I just wanted to remind you of this simple fact.

from one friend to another :)-
Sorry to enlighten you, but Electors actually vote to see who gets to be president. The populace votes to elect said electors, aka electoral college votes.
The problem is she does not inspire young people, blacks, and Hispanics as she once did.

Ok, she doesn't inspire you but she sure inspires a lot of other people
USA 1016 election

Here are the final numbers:

Clinton received 65,844,610 votes, or 48.2% of the total vote.

Trump received 62,979,636 votes, or 46.1% of the total vote. (That's a difference of 2.86 million votes.)


It was the Electoral College that got Trump into the White House, not the U.S. citizens vote.

I think it is time for the Electoral College to be looked at. The general public doesn’t even know what or who they are and yet they decide who will be President regardless of the popular vote.

What do you think?
Unfortunately, she does not inspire those people in places she needs to win, swing states. Sure, she would carry New York, California, the solid blue states, but she looses all the red states and swing states, and the election. Many people in 2016, voted for Trump because they disliked Hillary more than they disliked Trump.

Trump is going to be very vulnerable in 2020. The chances are good that we are going have a worst economic climate over the next two years than the pass, there will no Trump wall, the swamp Trump has drained is of his own making, and the immigration issue will not be solved. Most people in the country don't support Trump on immigration, climate change, or his foreign policy and don't approve of his job performance.

All the democrats need to do to win is get behind a candidate, that is at least likable without all baggage Hillary has.
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Many people in 2016, voted for Trump because they disliked Hillary more than they disliked Trump.

That’s not the way I saw it. People voted for trump because they believed what he said. It wasn’t until latter that we discovered that he was lying from top to bottom.

A mistake we can readily fix :)-
Hillary for 2020

Hillary has been around the block. She knows Trump & his kind & she has the experience to do something about it.

We need someone who has been there, knows the players & above all can see through Trump’s never-ending lies.

If we were living in a calm and peaceful world then; ok, elect someone new;


Many people in 2016, voted for Trump because they disliked Hillary more than they disliked Trump.

That’s not the way I saw it. People voted for trump because they believed what he said. It wasn’t until latter that we discovered that he was lying from top to bottom.

A mistake we can readily fix :)-
I think we can safely say that most people voted for a candidate because they believed in that candidate, at least more so than opposition.
The only way I vote for Shrillary in 2020 is if she out-Trumps Trump, with respect to Illegal Immigration and Trade and Foreign Policy.

But a change-in-attitude about Illegal Aliens - to stop kissing Beaner ass - is the most important of those, to me.
Yet Trump won the votes of 2623 counties while Hillary won only 428 counties.

Well, It seems you don’t quit understand how it should work. We have national elections in the USA. Here, the population votes for who they wand to lead our country for the next four (4) years, NOT “counties”

I just wanted to remind you of this simple fact.

from one friend to another :)-
And you seem to believe that we live in a democracy. We live in a democratic republic. If we did away with the electoral college the only states that would end up electing the president would be New York and California since that is the largest population areas. So we might as well not even bother with elections in any other states. Which means you would disenfranchise most of the U.S. The last election is not the only one to be won do to the way our election system is set up.

It just happens to be the only time that some felt they should have received a participation trophy.

Just a little bit of knowledge for you.
From one person to another.
Hillary for 2020

Hillary has been around the block. She knows Trump & his kind & she has the experience to do something about it.

We need someone who has been there, knows the players & above all can see through Trump’s never-ending lies.

If we were living in a calm and peaceful world then; ok, elect someone new;


/———/ Which of Trump’s successes will Hildabeast reverse first, low unemployment, job growth, tax cuts, NK halt to firing rockets over Japan, NAFTA reform, reduction in regulations? Which one?
Yet Trump won the votes of 2623 counties while Hillary won only 428 counties.

Well, It seems you don’t quit understand how it should work. We have national elections in the USA. Here, the population votes for who they wand to lead our country for the next four (4) years, NOT “counties”

I just wanted to remind you of this simple fact.

from one friend to another :)-
/——/ No, the populace votes for the Electors in their state who then vote for the president. Got civics 101?
Many people in 2016, voted for Trump because they disliked Hillary more than they disliked Trump.

That’s not the way I saw it. People voted for trump because they believed what he said. It wasn’t until latter that we discovered that he was lying from top to bottom.

A mistake we can readily fix :)-
Trump has kept almost all his campaign promises, what are you blabbering about?
Hillary for 2020

Hillary has been around the block. She knows Trump & his kind & she has the experience to do something about it.

We need someone who has been there, knows the players & above all can see through Trump’s never-ending lies.

If we were living in a calm and peaceful world then; ok, elect someone new;


Please run her again!!!
Many people in 2016, voted for Trump because they disliked Hillary more than they disliked Trump.

That’s not the way I saw it. People voted for trump because they believed what he said. It wasn’t until latter that we discovered that he was lying from top to bottom.

A mistake we can readily fix :)-
Actually people voted for Trump over Hillary for a number of reasons.
1. They were not happy with the economic recovery and lackadaisical economy.
2. They realized that Hillary was the worst candidate in modern times.
3. They felt that Hillary and her plans were a continuation of 44.
4. They felt that we had voted for political animals for most of the nations history and they had always promised at election and never carried out those promises.
5. Change could be a good thing.
6. The better of two bad choices.

Take one ,two, three or all of those points and you have the reason why a person voted for Trump.

Trump is going to be very vulnerable in 2020. The chances are good that we are going have a worst economic climate over the next two years than the pass, there will no Trump wall, the swamp Trump has drained is of his own making, and the immigration issue will not be solved. Most people in the country don't support Trump on immigration, climate change, or his foreign policy and don't approve of his job performance.

All the democrats need to do to win is get behind a candidate, that is at least likable without all baggage Hillary has.

Why must the Left HOPE FOR ECONOMIC DISASTER to win in 2020? There are no indications they economy will tank in the next two years. We have low unemployment, great housing market, lower taxes, a more secure border, détente with N. Korea, Stock markets are performing, Low Energy Prices, etc. So Trump has made great progress in less than two years.

So you're wrong, and hoping for economic chaos. Nice. It's not going to happen.
Trump is going to be very vulnerable in 2020. The chances are good that we are going have a worst economic climate over the next two years than the pass, there will no Trump wall, the swamp Trump has drained is of his own making, and the immigration issue will not be solved. Most people in the country don't support Trump on immigration, climate change, or his foreign policy and don't approve of his job performance.

All the democrats need to do to win is get behind a candidate, that is at least likable without all baggage Hillary has.

Why must the Left HOPE FOR ECONOMIC DISASTER to win in 2020? There are no indications they economy will tank in the next two years. We have low unemployment, great housing market, lower taxes, a more secure border, détente with N. Korea, Stock markets are performing, Low Energy Prices, etc. So Trump has made great progress in less than two years.

So you're wrong, and hoping for economic chaos. Nice. It's not going to happen.
That’s the only way Mexicrats can stay relevant and win elections....they would be thrilled if the entire constituency was made up of nothing but low iQ barely legal wetbacks, lowlifes and degenerates...all of whom are easily OWNED for eternity.
What is it that you liberals find so veneration-worthy about a psychopath who has spent the past two years spewing her utter hatred at the American public for not electing her? Are you liberals such sexual masochists you can't get a hard-on unless someone is hissing/spitting baby-tantrum venom at your own country? I was more correct than I thought whenever I refered to your liberal ilk as the "ultimate self-loathing Americans."
Trump is going to be very vulnerable in 2020. The chances are good that we are going have a worst economic climate over the next two years than the pass, there will no Trump wall, the swamp Trump has drained is of his own making, and the immigration issue will not be solved. Most people in the country don't support Trump on immigration, climate change, or his foreign policy and don't approve of his job performance.

All the democrats need to do to win is get behind a candidate, that is at least likable without all baggage Hillary has.

Why must the Left HOPE FOR ECONOMIC DISASTER to win in 2020? There are no indications they economy will tank in the next two years. We have low unemployment, great housing market, lower taxes, a more secure border, détente with N. Korea, Stock markets are performing, Low Energy Prices, etc. So Trump has made great progress in less than two years.

So you're wrong, and hoping for economic chaos. Nice. It's not going to happen.
Low unemployment and a strong housing market are lagging financial indicators; that is they are the result of strong growth, not a good forecasting tool. Strong borders can be good or bad for the economy depending how that is achieved. If it involves closing the border, more disputes with the Mexican government, and a major reduction in labor and trade from Mexico and Central America, it will certainly be a drag on the economy.

There are actually, a number of indications pointing to poor economic performance between now and 2020. However, over the near term, the leading economic indicators rose in October pointing to continued growth over the next 3 to 6 months. However falling building permits, and a falling overpriced stock market points to trouble ahead. There're good reasons to believe Trump's next two years are not going to be near as good as the past two years. For example:
  1. The fiscal-stimulus policies that are currently pushing the annual US growth rate above its 2 per cent are unsustainable. By 2020, the stimulus will run out, and a modest fiscal drag will pull growth from 3 per cent to below 2 per cent.
  2. The US economy is now overheating, and inflation is rising above target. The US Federal Reserve will thus continue to raise the federal funds rate from its current 2 per cent to at least 3.5 per cent by 2020, and that will likely push up short- and long-term interest rates as well as the US dollar.
  3. The Trump administration's trade disputes with China, Europe, Mexico, Canada and others will almost certainly escalate, leading to slower growth and higher inflation.
  4. Other US policies will continue to add stagflationary pressure, prompting the Fed to raise interest rates higher still.
  5. Growth in the rest of the world will likely slow down, more so as other countries see fit to retaliate against US protectionism. China must slow its growth to deal with overcapacity and excessive leverage; otherwise a hard landing will be triggered.
  6. Europe, too, will experience slower growth, owing to monetary-policy tightening and trade frictions. Moreover, populist policies in countries such as Italy may lead to an unsustainable debt dynamic within the eurozone.
  7. US and global equity markets are frothy. Price-to-earnings ratios in the US are 50 per cent above the historic average, private-equity valuations have become excessive, and government bonds are far too expensive, given their low yields and negative term premia. And high-yield credit is also becoming increasingly expensive now that the US corporate-leverage rate has reached historic highs.
  8. Once a correction occurs, the risk of illiquidity and fire sales/undershooting will become more severe.
  9. Trump was already attacking the Fed when the growth rate was recently 4 per cent. Just think about how he will behave in the 2020 election year, when growth will likely have fallen below 1 per cent and job losses emerge. The temptation for Trump to "wag the dog" by manufacturing a foreign-policy crisis will be high, especially with Democrats controlling the House of Representatives and thus all new spending bills.
  10. The policy tools for addressing a financial slowdown are sorely lacking. The space for fiscal stimulus is already limited by massive public debt. The possibility for more unconventional monetary policies will be limited by bloated balance sheets and the lack of headroom to cut policy rates.
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