Hillary forces Fox and Durham to drop slanderous lies

what slander? what did durham and fox drop?

Durham filed another brief on Friday denying that his previous filings were any sort of attempt to link the Clinton Campaign to Sussman and the charges against him, and has gone out of his way to say that his previous filing was completely misconstrued by FOX News.

FOX News which was mentioning Clinton 200 times a day after Durham's first filing has stopped saying her name completely.

The slander is all of the bullshit you clowns were posting that Durham had linked the Clinton Campaign to spying on Trump, and the new chants of "lock her up".

Hillary has noticed that the more legal trouble Trump is in, the more FOX News attacks her. Clinton has been cleared by more than 25 investigations, of any wrong doing in anything, yet here you are claiming Clinton is a criminal, and Donald Trump is not.

How stupid are you????
Speaking of a fool no checking “sources” ^^^^ Yes it was unprotected, as it was hacked on multiple occasions by various regimes. Hidden in a bathroom. Give back to cheering police beating truckers and running down grandmothers with horses.

What was the grandmother doing in a "no go" zone, in violation of the law? Apparently, she thought the law doesn't apply to her, and that nothing bad could happen to her, because she's one of the privileged "real Canadians". This is the absolute essence of "white privilege". Thinking you can disobey the laws, the court, and the government, and nothing bad can happen to you as a result, because you have "rights".

Anyone still on the streets in Ottawa at this point, is simply looking to make trouble.

You're all for minorities, and people who don't look like you getting charged with breaking the law, but you're not breaking the law, you're exercising your god-given rights. When you break the law, you lose a lot rights. When you go out of your way to break knowingly break the law, like Ashley Babbitt at the Capitol, and you put yourself in the middle of a volatile police action, shit is going to get real, and that's on your head for putting yourself in that position.

Why do wish to go through life the ignorant tool of lying scum? I guess that you really are that stupid.
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Why do wish to go through life the ignorant tool of lying scum? I guess that you really are that stupid.
No, just live in a place called reality. Where lying Nazi shits like you aren’t allowed. You claim Hitlery committed no crime despite Comey going on national television and describing in detail every law she broke. Since you kiss Turdeau’s Nazi ass, seems you’re an ignorant tool of a lying scumbag.
Durham filed another brief on Friday denying that his previous filings were any sort of attempt to link the Clinton Campaign to Sussman and the charges against him, and has gone out of his way to say that his previous filing was completely misconstrued by FOX News.

FOX News which was mentioning Clinton 200 times a day after Durham's first filing has stopped saying her name completely.

The slander is all of the bullshit you clowns were posting that Durham had linked the Clinton Campaign to spying on Trump, and the new chants of "lock her up".

Hillary has noticed that the more legal trouble Trump is in, the more FOX News attacks her. Clinton has been cleared by more than 25 investigations, of any wrong doing in anything, yet here you are claiming Clinton is a criminal, and Donald Trump is not.

How stupid are you????
Actually Durham has done exactly none of that pile of shit. No mention of Fox anywhere. The only reason Hitlery isn’t in prison is because a crookedness DOJ refused to arrest her even after all the evidence. How stupid are you? Too stupid for words.
Durham filed another brief on Friday denying that his previous filings were any sort of attempt to link the Clinton Campaign to Sussman and the charges against him, and has gone out of his way to say that his previous filing was completely misconstrued by FOX News.

FOX News which was mentioning Clinton 200 times a day after Durham's first filing has stopped saying her name completely.

The slander is all of the bullshit you clowns were posting that Durham had linked the Clinton Campaign to spying on Trump, and the new chants of "lock her up".

Hillary has noticed that the more legal trouble Trump is in, the more FOX News attacks her. Clinton has been cleared by more than 25 investigations, of any wrong doing in anything, yet here you are claiming Clinton is a criminal, and Donald Trump is not.

How stupid are you????
haha no he didn’t! haha

And still you believe the lies. In the face of 25 plus investigations with no crimes found, no evidence found, and no charges filed.

It should have occurred to you by now that if the Clintons really are criminals, why is their never a shred of evidence against them, or any witnesses to these crimes. Either the Republican Party and right wing media has been lying to you all these years, or the Clintons are the BEST criminals who ever lived.
The reason Hillary has not been indicted and prosecuted is obvious. She is above the law.

I can understand why you are defending Hillary as she may be the only viable candidate the Democratic Party can find to run to 2024. If she swings and misses this time that will be strike three and perhaps FINALLY she will be out.

Hillary Clinton has been above the law for 50 years
With the release of the latest finding from the special council's report, there can no longer be any doubt that Hillary Clinton was the initiator and mastermind behind the Trump-Russia collusion hoax.

Make no mistake, it was Hillary who invented the elaborate collusion hoax, financed it, and directed the conspiracy. The stunning revelation that lawyers for the Hillary Clinton campaign paid a computer technology company to spy on a sitting United States president shows that more than half a dozen crimes may have been committed to advance the false accusation that Trump colluded with Russia.


Hillary's crowning criminal achievement came after years of criminality, in which she has been up to her eyeballs in shady deals, corruption, evidence tampering and destruction. questionable legal maneuverings, and scandals since her humble country bumpkin beginnings in Arkansas.
Speaking of a fool no checking “sources” ^^^^ Yes it was unprotected, as it was hacked on multiple occasions by various regimes. Hidden in a bathroom. Give back to cheering police beating truckers and running down grandmothers with horses.

Clinton's servers were NOT hacked.

The account she WOULD have been using ...WAS

Ironic huh?
You really are too gullible to be left on your own. You believe every lie FOX News broadcasts. How helpful your are to America's enemies when you are so easily persuaded that Democrats are evil. Only a fool doesn't investigate where their sources get their information from. You truly are that stupid.

The server was neither "unclassified" nor "unprotected". It was built to for the former President who routinely received classified information.

The FBI reported that their investigations revealed multiple attempts to hack the server, but none which were successful.

Gullible I am not. I didn’t relay on just Fox News. I listened to James Comey discuss the incident live on TV.

Note that the following link comes from fbi.gov not FoxNews.

Remarks prepared for delivery at press briefing.

Good morning. I’m here to give you an update on the FBI’s investigation of Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail system during her time as Secretary of State.

After a tremendous amount of work over the last year, the FBI is completing its investigation and referring the case to the Department of Justice for a prosecutive decision. What I would like to do today is tell you three things: what we did; what we found; and what we are recommending to the Department of Justice.


Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information.

For example, seven e-mail chains concern matters that were classified at the Top Secret/Special Access Program level when they were sent and received. These chains involved Secretary Clinton both sending e-mails about those matters and receiving e-mails from others about the same matters. There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton’s position, or in the position of those government employees with whom she was corresponding about these matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation. In addition to this highly sensitive information, we also found information that was properly classified as Secret by the U.S. Intelligence Community at the time it was discussed on e-mail (that is, excluding the later “up-classified” e-mails).

None of these e-mails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these e-mails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government—or even with a commercial service like Gmail.

Separately, it is important to say something about the marking of classified information. Only a very small number of the e-mails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. But even if information is not marked “classified” in an e-mail, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it.

While not the focus of our investigation, we also developed evidence that the security culture of the State Department in general, and with respect to use of unclassified e-mail systems in particular, was generally lacking in the kind of care for classified information found elsewhere in the government.

With respect to potential computer intrusion by hostile actors, we did not find direct evidence that Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail domain, in its various configurations since 2009, was successfully hacked. But, given the nature of the system and of the actors potentially involved, we assess that we would be unlikely to see such direct evidence. We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial e-mail accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton’s use of a personal e-mail domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent. She also used her personal e-mail extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related e-mails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton’s personal e-mail account.
…emphasis added


Suspension of disbelief is the term that came to mind when I watched FBI Director James Comey’s decision to recommend no charges against Hillary.

As Comey went through the litany of Hillary’s misdeeds, lies, defalcations of duty, extreme carelessness, cunning and risks to national security, Comey made the case for any of a series of charges against Hillary. Then, with the reputation of the FBI about to be vindicated, Comey dropped the dreaded “however.”

In House testimony, Comey again confirmed every factual point demanding prosecution, yet defended his decision not to recommend charges because he was treating Hillary just like he would any other citizen.

Can anyone seriously claim, as Comey has, that Hillary was treated as any other citizen would? It’s laughable and requires the suspension of disbelief. Either Comey is the dumbest person on earth, or he thinks we are.
Durham filed another brief on Friday denying that his previous filings were any sort of attempt to link the Clinton Campaign to Sussman and the charges against him, and has gone out of his way to say that his previous filing was completely misconstrued by FOX News.
No, that is the NYT made-up narrative. The left-wing echo chamber parroted the NYT as always, and "Durham distanced himself from Fox/Right Wing media" became the word of the day.

Here is the filing from Durham. If you can read into this response Durham backing off from anything, you are more imaginative than I am.


All it took from Hillary was to remind Fox about what slander is. They apparently did not know, but must have looked it up. Durham ran for the hills also. The death penalty for Hillary??? Really??? Another embarrassing loss for Trump. Bigly!!!

Good riddance!

What was the grandmother doing in a "no go" zone, in violation of the law? Apparently, she thought the law doesn't apply to her, and that nothing bad could happen to her, because she's one of the privileged "real Canadians". This is the absolute essence of "white privilege". Thinking you can disobey the laws, the court, and the government, and nothing bad can happen to you as a result, because you have "rights".

Anyone still on the streets in Ottawa at this point, is simply looking to make trouble.

You're all for minorities, and people who don't look like you getting charged with breaking the law, but you're not breaking the law, you're exercising your god-given rights. When you break the law, you lose a lot rights. When you go out of your way to break knowingly break the law, like Ashley Babbitt at the Capitol, and you put yourself in the middle of a volatile police action, shit is going to get real, and that's on your head for putting yourself in that position.

Why do wish to go through life the ignorant tool of lying scum? I guess that you really are that stupid.
Oh and it turns out that the "Run over by a horse" thing is


Fake news
Sure, the Clintons are not thieves.
Oh, they might be. But lies are lies. Keep at it, maybe you will turn something up that isn't a lie spoonfed to you by paid white wing liars.

My advice for all Trump cultists: probably stay away from the charity thing. It backfires on them every time.
Repubs just can‘t stop humiliating themselves over Hillary Clinton. As the OP correctly pointed out, even John Durham is running away from the wing nuts.

No, Durham just said he is not responsible for any interpretation someone may derive from his statement. That would also include alt-left wing nuts.
I am a Trump Deplorable but if Trump mishandled highly classifed documents he should be held accountable just as Hillary should have been And still should be. 1
He should be bit to this point you are the only one in America who says so.
The problem is Hillary will likely get away with putting classified info on an unauthorized and unprotected server where it was hacked by a number of nations

Where's the evidence of that? You might like it to have happened to incriminate her but it didn't.
but Trump will be found guilty and perhaps even imprisoned.
So he should be because he is a corrupt arsehole, violated his oath of office and orchestrated the ONLY
Attempt to over throw democracy.

Under a fair system of law where the rule of law applies equally to all — what is good for the goose is good for the gander.
How noble. I repeat, until such time as Hilary is found guilty of an indictable offence, you hollow accusation and assumptions are bullshit.
They've had 5 years to be ping her and still nothing.
If Trump is ever prosecuted then Hillary should also be prosecuted.
Only if both can be proven to be guilty. You're implying she should be found guilty purely for revenge. Not gonna happen son.
If both face justice for negligently handling classified information that is fine with me.
Couldnt agree more but you've had a couple of swings at Hilary and still produce the evidence.
I had a security clearance for almost four decades and if I would have been caught doing what either Trump or Hillary are accused of doing I would have faced prosecution.
Big deal. The difference being trump cannot possibly say he didnt steal docos because they got d them there. He was is guilty. Hilary is still never been charged with anything
The D.C. Swamp is overflowing with corruption and the only thing that will reduce the level of corruption is making sure the rule of law applies equally to Swamp critters and to the ‘little people.”
Well. Trump had 4 years to drain the swamp and he did nothing now You are blaming Biden for it. Turn it up son. That blame shifting won't work on me.
One rule of law for all Is the hallmark of a well functioning representative democracy. By that standard we live in a banana republic today.
You obviously don't know the meaning of a banana republic.

I know you are frustrated at trump being hauled over the coals but that's because he is guilty.
Don't attempt to get away from that.
The question is did Hilary break any laws with the email thing when ivanka and others did exactly the same. Yes they did.
So when you bellow about Hilary, don't forget ivanka.
You really are too gullible to be left on your own. You believe every lie FOX News broadcasts. How helpful your are to America's enemies when you are so easily persuaded that Democrats are evil. Only a fool doesn't investigate where their sources get their information from. You truly are that stupid.

The server was neither "unclassified" nor "unprotected". It was built to for the former President who routinely received classified information.

The FBI reported that their investigations revealed multiple attempts to hack the server, but none which were successful.

They rant & rave about Hillary but intel briefings given to former POTUS' was denied to Trump because he can't be trusted with secret intel.
tRump's own CIA chief advised against it.

Trumpsters - "so what"?

"But, but Hillary"!

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