Hillary forces Fox and Durham to drop slanderous lies

The former 1-term president won because Hillary wasn't a good campaigner, but that wasn't the reason he won. It was white grievance after having a 2-term Black president who made jokes about him.
Trump won because he's a first class bullshit artist who suckered the gullible into voting for him.

If more people took the time to look into Trump's past they would have known that he's a degenerate lowlife unfit for any public office.
Take away Hillarys over 4 million more votes in California and Trump
beats her by over one million votes nationally..PLus Trump took 30 states.
Therefore Numbers Do Matter.
Yes. The Framers were well aware of the threat of mob rule. The electoral college is there to force a broad majority, and insure that a President can't be elected by just a few large States.

It's the same rationale for giving every State 2 Senators in the Leg branch.

Those Constitutional bulwarks are there to protect the standing of the smaller States, which is why they're always on the democrat's chopping block.
How's that been workin out for ya after 25 years of you Clown's trying to nail the Clinton's & every single time you've ended up with nothing but a deuce sitting on your doorstep that you bedwetters had to clean up.

This time around you have the Durham report to assist you in clean up.

It's worked fine for me. You?
Take away Hillarys over 4 million more votes in California and Trump
beats her by over one million votes nationally..PLus Trump took 30 states.
Therefore Numbers Do Matter.
Yea & if the Queen had balls she'd be King.
Trump won because he's a first class bullshit artist who suckered the gullible into voting for him.

If more people took the time to look into Trump's past they would have known that he's a degenerate lowlife unfit for any public office.
You just described most of the politicians in Washington.

What was Trump U?

How did that end?
What was the Clinton Foundation?

How has that foundation done since she left her position of power?

As far as Trump U, a successful businessman could teach you everything he knew about how to be a success and that would not make you successful. On the other hand a different student could learn from the course and turn out to be a multimillionaire. Much depends on individual personality, drive and luck. Some people can sell freezers to eskimos and some couldn’t sell a jug of water to a thirsty man in a hot desert.

A professional basefball player could teach you everything he knows about baseball and that might make you an educated fan but not necessarily a professioal baseball player.

All it took from Hillary was to remind Fox about what slander is. They apparently did not know, but must have looked it up. Durham ran for the hills also. The death penalty for Hillary??? Really??? Another embarrassing loss for Trump. Bigly!!!

Good riddance!

Funny, they talked about Durham and his filings tonight. Guess they aren't really that scared. :auiqs.jpg:


All it took from Hillary was to remind Fox about what slander is. They apparently did not know, but must have looked it up. Durham ran for the hills also. The death penalty for Hillary??? Really??? Another embarrassing loss for Trump. Bigly!!!

Good riddance!

This is an admission that she's knowingly and willingly guilty, because she now can't say her campaign staff and people in investigative branches did things without her knowledge, cause she's claiming to know-oops.
This is also slander of Durham and a contradiction to past claims about trusting the DOJ and not questioning the integrity of these investigators, the busting on Trump for questioning the integrity of the Mueller investigation (which Trump ended up warranted as we see and as Hillary had her lawyers on the team=conflict of interest). In other words every B.S. comment and attack on Trump's comments on Mueller's investigation has to be mirrored back at CNN, Hillary, and other smokescreen media attempts. Their own words boomeranging right back at them.
Hillary just smacked herself with her own former commentary. -oops!
Takes a special kind of stupid to bust on yourself without knowing you are digging deeper. 🤐
What was the Clinton Foundation?

How has that foundation done since she left her position of power?

As far as Trump U, a successful businessman could teach you everything he knew about how to be a success and that would not make you successful. On the other hand a different student could learn from the course and turn out to be a multimillionaire. Much depends on individual personality, drive and luck. Some people can sell freezers to eskimos and some couldn’t sell a jug of water to a thirsty man in a hot desert.

A professional basefball player could teach you everything he knows about baseball and that might make you an educated fan but not necessarily a professioal baseball player.
The Clinton Fiundation's books are wide open.

They can document that they aren't thieves who steal from charities, unlike the Trump family of criminal idiots.
What was the Clinton Foundation?

How has that foundation done since she left her position of power?

As far as Trump U, a successful businessman could teach you everything he knew about how to be a success and that would not make you successful. On the other hand a different student could learn from the course and turn out to be a multimillionaire. Much depends on individual personality, drive and luck. Some people can sell freezers to eskimos and some couldn’t sell a jug of water to a thirsty man in a hot desert.

A professional basefball player could teach you everything he knows about baseball and that might make you an educated fan but not necessarily a professioal baseball player.
And how did the trump U end?
Not only did he lose, he had to pay 25 million to his victims and can never operate a charity in NY again.
The later isn't the result of a the lawsuit, moron.

Paying money to the plaintiffs is a typical result of a lawsuit. It's still not a crime.
Funny, they talked about Durham and his filings tonight. Guess they aren't really that scared. :auiqs.jpg:

I'll bet they were a LOT more careful about what they said.

Post a link and we'll see
In other words, the later wasn't part of the lawsuit over Trump U.
True. That was the $25 mil settlement.

The part about the thieving criminal Trump family never being able to operate a charity again is not accurate. They can, but they have to take educational classes and have independent board members. This was a settlement from a different lawsuit. There are just so many Trump family scams, I know it can be hard to keep them straight. I can't imagine being a prostrate cultist freak like you, trying to defend them all like whack-a-mole. It must be like having a second job.

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