Hillary forces Fox and Durham to drop slanderous lies

Did Biden ever have sex in common with his daughter?

Yes, but only when she was a teenager. As Ashley got older, the stuttering fuck lost interest.

He's a professional child molester... not an amateur.

inappropriate showers.jpg

All it took from Hillary was to remind Fox about what slander is. They apparently did not know, but must have looked it up. Durham ran for the hills also. The death penalty for Hillary??? Really??? Another embarrassing loss for Trump. Bigly!!!

Good riddance!

Um....and can you prove it?
Did he ever say that he wanted to fuck his daughter? Did he have her grind on his lap like a stripper?

Ashley says (in writing) that daddy molested her in the shower when she was a teenager. "Daddy" is your stuttering shit clown. Are you still with me?

The only place that's acceptable is california. Are you from california fuckboy?

Ashley Biden.jpg
Mary Trump's dad says she's a fucking lunatic. I'll take his word for it.

You still good with Josef Stolen showering with, and molesting, his young daughter.... per her written testimony?

daddy get your hand out of my pants.jpg
Riiiiiiight and by that you mean how Dems rigged and cheated and stole it. We all know Biden is illegitimate, don't worry the corrupt Dem infestation is being dealt with.
Thank you for proving my point.
I clearly stated that her being a poor campaigner didn't have bearing on trump’s running for president. I clearly stated it was President Obama.
you said and i quote......The former 1-term president won because Hillary wasn't a good campaigner.....and i said thats an excuse....she lost because a hell of a lot of people,including many democrats,couldnt stand the woman......if the white people in this country were as racist as many on the left say they are obama would not have won a second term....
you said and i quote......The former 1-term president won because Hillary wasn't a good campaigner.....and i said thats an excuse....she lost because a hell of a lot of people,including many democrats,couldnt stand the woman......if the white people in this country were as racist as many on the left say they are obama would not have won a second term....

I posted this

"The former 1-term president won because Hillary wasn't a good campaigner, but that wasn't the reason he won. It was white grievance after having a 2-term Black president who made jokes about him."

President Obama woke up the racist right and the former 1-term president played that to a win over Hillary. Her not being a good campaigner with short simple racist dog whistle slogans.
I clearly stated that her being a poor campaigner didn't have bearing on trump’s running for president. I clearly stated it was President Obama.
i cant agree with that....you were not here when the trump hillary election was going....people were saying they dont like trump but they hate hillary more.....obama was done his time was over...
I don’t watch Fox News anymore. If I really want to know what they’re up to, I’ll read watchdog sites like Media Matters or Mediaite. Or I’ll check my mom’s bedroom closet to see if she’s been stress-buying Trumpy Bears again.
That said, Fox has an outsized influence on our national dialogue—i.e., they feed their troglodytic horde chicken-fried red meat heavily breaded in lies—and so when they want to advance a narrative, it’s typically as easy as convincing dirt-poor red-staters that they’d be better off with marginally more Donald Trump caterwauling and far less money.

So when one of their narratives falls by the wayside, one is naturally forced to wonder why. And in the case of Fox’s latest guileful pile o’ piffle—their accusation that Hillary Clinton “spied” on Trump—they appear to have tucked their tails and run.

Of course they ran with their tails between their legs. Dominion is getting ready to separate them from $1.6 billion, and they're lucky if Clinton doesn't separate them from another $1.6 billion.
I don’t watch Fox News anymore.
So, you've given up on them since all of the conservatives left the show and now it is mainly CNN-lite and there is no reason anymore to sit there 24/7 collecting info to spy on.

I’ll check my mom’s bedroom closet to see if she’s been stress-buying Trumpy Bears again.
At least that won't be much of a long walk for you being only 15 feet from your own bedroom. You better check your mom's underwear drawer too for any hidden bears there as well.

they feed their troglodytic horde chicken-fried red meat heavily breaded in lies
Mmmmm. Is that your dinner for tonight? Don't forget the hot sauce!

as easy as convincing dirt-poor red-staters that they’d be better off
Made so by oppressive democrat policies?

So when one of their narratives falls by the wayside, one is naturally forced to wonder why.
Guess you'll never know now that your directors have pulled you off your Fox-Watch.

their accusation that Hillary Clinton “spied” on Trump—they appear to have tucked their tails and run.
That isn't their accusation but Durham's. They only backed away for now because there isn't yet the substantive proof yet from Durham that she was central to it all but don't worry, Durham and others will be looking up Hillary's dress 24/7 the rest of her natural life for the dirt on her corruption.

Either that or Hillary should confess she had no idea how her own campaign money was being spent or what on.
So, you've given up on them since all of the conservatives left the show and now it is mainly CNN-lite and there is no reason anymore to sit there 24/7 collecting info to spy on.

At least that won't be much of a long walk for you being only 15 feet from your own bedroom. You better check your mom's underwear drawer too for any hidden bears there as well.

Mmmmm. Is that your dinner for tonight? Don't forget the hot sauce!

Made so by oppressive democrat policies?

Guess you'll never know now that your directors have pulled you off your Fox-Watch.

That isn't their accusation but Durham's. They only backed away for now because there isn't yet the substantive proof yet from Durham that she was central to it all but don't worry, Durham and others will be looking up Hillary's dress 24/7 the rest of her natural life for the dirt on her corruption.

Either that or Hillary should confess she had no idea how her own campaign money was being spent or what on.

Hillary Clinton punks Fox News once again.

Tell me something panty waste, how does it feel knowing every single day that this woman owns you?


All it took from Hillary was to remind Fox about what slander is. They apparently did not know, but must have looked it up. Durham ran for the hills also. The death penalty for Hillary??? Really??? Another embarrassing loss for Trump. Bigly!!!

Good riddance!

How did he "run for the hills?" When did FOX stop reporting Hillary's crimes?
I don’t watch Fox News anymore. If I really want to know what they’re up to, I’ll read watchdog sites like Media Matters or Mediaite. Or I’ll check my mom’s bedroom closet to see if she’s been stress-buying Trumpy Bears again.
That said, Fox has an outsized influence on our national dialogue—i.e., they feed their troglodytic horde chicken-fried red meat heavily breaded in lies—and so when they want to advance a narrative, it’s typically as easy as convincing dirt-poor red-staters that they’d be better off with marginally more Donald Trump caterwauling and far less money.

So when one of their narratives falls by the wayside, one is naturally forced to wonder why. And in the case of Fox’s latest guileful pile o’ piffle—their accusation that Hillary Clinton “spied” on Trump—they appear to have tucked their tails and run.

Of course they ran with their tails between their legs. Dominion is getting ready to separate them from $1.6 billion, and they're lucky if Clinton doesn't separate them from another $1.6 billion.
That's funny. I was aware of how they portrayed the Durham submission and how FOX NEWS talking head had portrayed it. I guess FOX NEWS does not want to have to disavow any more of its opinion News/Entertainment people as they had to with Tuck, saying nobody could take him seriously, if it generated another lawsuit again in such a short period of time, less they have trouble getting water out of that same shallow well, so soon.
While no fan of The Hill, she has always displayed a talent for getting herself out of whatever charges leveled against her, no matter the circumstance.

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