Hillary holds huge lead against Trump (53-40%) in new Marist poll

A Perez

Gold Member
Jan 26, 2015
Details of a new poll show that Hillary Clinton destroys Donald Trump by 13% nationally. Other polls had shown Trump slightly ahead of Hillary, exciting overconfident conservatives.
Another bad news for Trump is that Biden kicks his ass even harder than Hillary.
This poll will make conservatives in this board very irritable. Liberals and moderates should brace for incoherent, angry comments due to the negative emotions elicited by this poll, such as "Bill Clinton received blowjobs from Monica Lewinsky " or "Obama was born in Kenya", or "Benghazi!" Poll: Democrats claim resounding Latino support over GOP
I will log the poll at my blog later. Thanks for posting it.

It is one of 2 polls in the last 12 days that show Hillary leading nationally. 2 others show her trailing or in a statistical tie, so it appears that the war of the dueling pollsters has now begun....

Never heard of your poll...

Even CNN's poll has them in a dead heat (with Bush or Carson beating her), and her poll numbers keep dropping like a rock.

Pack your bags, Taco.... You're going home.
Gee, what a surprise! MSNBC has a poll showing Democrats beating ALL Republicans. Whenever I want to put my finger on the pulse of the American voter I always tune into MSNBC. I just have to make sure I don't eat first because nothing says "puke" like watching that lip licking lesbian Rachel Maddow having orgasms over Bobby Jindal making fun of Trumps hair. You guys are really desperate, aren't you? Got anything from a credible source, Perez? ROTFL
Never heard of your poll...

Even CNN's poll has them in a dead heat (with Bush or Carson beating her), and her poll numbers keep dropping like a rock.

Pack your bags, Taco.... You're going home.
They reluctantly showed the source at the bottom of the poll. MSNBC/Telemundo/Marist LOL
"Hillary holds huge lead against Trump (53-40%) in new Marist poll"

Wow, Telemundo...huh? I did not see that one coming... hahahaha.....I wonder if the polling was in Spanish or English...
If that poll is accurate, it merely proves that many Americans are crazy.
I really do hope Biden gets in.

From here until the election, this is gonna be all about the polls in the battleground states - is anyone aware of a site that focuses on that?
Hillary holds huge lead against Trump (53-40%) in new Marxist poll

If the election is before her sentencing, she has "Winning chances"
Never heard of your poll...

Even CNN's poll has them in a dead heat (with Bush or Carson beating her), and her poll numbers keep dropping like a rock.

Pack your bags, Taco.... You're going home.

You've never heard of McClatchy / Marist?

Once enough Righties have made total asses out of themselves (and surely that won't take long), then I will share some info about the dreaded horrible 666 icky Telemundo stuff...
Once enough Righties have made total asses out of themselves (and surely that won't take long), then I will share some info about the dreaded horrible 666 icky Telemundo stuff...
I'm looking forward to you sharing more stuff...

Like how you have to pin your hopes on a candidate that's probably going to prison, because the only other ones you have are a crazy old socialist and Slow Uncle Joe (who can't keep his paws off underage girls)...
The MSNBC story is essentially a pre-announcement, but here is most of the data:


The margins:

Against Bush: Clinton +4, Biden +8
Against Rubio: Clinton +5, Biden +8
Against Cruz: Clinton +11, Biden +15
Against Trump: Clinton +13, Biden +18

Obama won in 2012 with +3.86%. Every single one of those 8 margins is bigger than that.

And, among Latinos only:

Clinton 69 / Trump 22, margin = Clinton +47
Biden 71 / Trump 20, margin = Biden +51

In 2012, Obama won the Latino vote by +44 and in 2008, he won the Latino vote by +47.
Both Clinton's and Biden's numbers are BETTER than Obama's statistic from 2012.

As soon as the complete tables are released, I will post some relevant internal data.
Once enough Righties have made total asses out of themselves (and surely that won't take long), then I will share some info about the dreaded horrible 666 icky Telemundo stuff...
I'm looking forward to you sharing more stuff...

Like how you have to pin your hopes on a candidate that's probably going to prison, because the only other ones you have are a crazy old socialist and Slow Uncle Joe (who can't keep his paws off underage girls)...

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than that in order to be taken seriously.
Once enough Righties have made total asses out of themselves (and surely that won't take long), then I will share some info about the dreaded horrible 666 icky Telemundo stuff...
I'm looking forward to you sharing more stuff...

Like how you have to pin your hopes on a candidate that's probably going to prison, because the only other ones you have are a crazy old socialist and Slow Uncle Joe (who can't keep his paws off underage girls)...

I am sorry, you are going to have to do better than that in order to be taken seriously.

I would think the DEMOCRATS would have to do better than that to be taken seriously.
Never heard of your poll...

Even CNN's poll has them in a dead heat (with Bush or Carson beating her), and her poll numbers keep dropping like a rock.

Pack your bags, Taco.... You're going home.
You never heard of this new poll because it's new, you retard.
Never heard of your poll...

Even CNN's poll has them in a dead heat (with Bush or Carson beating her), and her poll numbers keep dropping like a rock.

Pack your bags, Taco.... You're going home.
You never heard of this new poll because it's new, you retard.
Oh, so you can't show us what kind of track record they have???

The Marist college of Pohkeepsie N.Y.? That poll? Lefties must be desperate.
Let's see how popular Hillary is after Trump and the Koch Brothers spend $3 billion reminding everyone what a liar and crook she is-- assuming she's the nominee
Once enough Righties have made total asses out of themselves (and surely that won't take long), then I will share some info about the dreaded horrible 666 icky Telemundo stuff...
The only ass here is you. You prove it by readily admitting you support a lying elitist statist bitch.

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