Hillary: ‘I Think About What Kind of President I Would Have Been All the Time.

You are editing history.

She was found to have committed crimes, but was allowed the "I didn't mean it" defense. Would that work for anyone else?
No editing, sticking to facts. Using your logic Trump committed crimes and got away with it because he is president.

No reasonble prosecute would prosecute but that doesn't satisfy the blood thirst.
No reasonable prosecutor would go after someone on hearsay evidence.

And I can name a lot of "lesser" people who went to jail for doing less with classified info.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
It seems that the only reason for Yovanovitch's testimony was to give an opportunity to smear Trump.
Trump canned her like Obama canned ambassadors of past administrations. No outcry
When asked if she had knowledge of bribery from Trump, her answer was no.
When asked if she had knowledge of Trump breaking the law, her answer was no.

Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” Republican Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah asked point blank.

“No,” Yovanovitch said.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?”

Another Democratic Star Witness Admits Trump Committed No Crime

Democrats can stop and point fingers at Trump, but, as they do there is usually three fingers pointing back to them
Hillary who? Is she the rightwingnutjob boogyman that hides under your beds and only comes out in your dreams to torcher you?
Nah, shes just the dummy you guys ran against our guy and lost. Now we mock her and people like you who support her. :laugh:

Its why they scream "dont mention Hillary!". Who would want to be reminded of that?

Until she runs again. You see...it was her turn....
Hillary was too lazy to become president, and the Electorate saw it.
I saw that. I smiled when I read it. It consumes her every waking moment.

Hillary who? And she consumes yours as well. Does she come out of your closet at night and invade your dreams?
In 60 days she’s going to be your candidate, so this thread will be fun to quote you then.
Delusional much? She isn’t running.

Then why does she keep TALKING ABOUT IT??? Or is it just the Chardonnay talking?

Another boogey man hiding under your bed. How can you sleep at nights?

Admit it..you wanted that lunatic as president. And every time she whines that it was her turn you have to be reminded of what you wanted.
No editing, sticking to facts. Using your logic Trump committed crimes and got away with it because he is president.

No reasonble prosecute would prosecute but that doesn't satisfy the blood thirst.
No reasonable prosecutor would go after someone on hearsay evidence.

And I can name a lot of "lesser" people who went to jail for doing less with classified info.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
It seems that the only reason for Yovanovitch's testimony was to give an opportunity to smear Trump.
Trump canned her like Obama canned ambassadors of past administrations. No outcry
When asked if she had knowledge of bribery from Trump, her answer was no.
When asked if she had knowledge of Trump breaking the law, her answer was no.

Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” Republican Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah asked point blank.

“No,” Yovanovitch said.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?”

Another Democratic Star Witness Admits Trump Committed No Crime

Democrats can stop and point fingers at Trump, but, as they do there is usually three fingers pointing back to them
I disagree Meister. He did not can her like any other a,bassador. He orchestrated a particularly vicious smear campaign against her. She has served under multiple administrations, non partisan. She has said she understands and supports the fact she serves at the presidents pleasure.

His latest tweet was vicious.

Why was it necessary to shred her reputation?
Hillary was too lazy to become president, and the Electorate saw it.
No she wasn’t lazy. Not by any means. She was hardworking...maybe more so than Trump.

She did not have a very likable personality. Imo...men can get a pass for that, women not so much.
No editing, sticking to facts. Using your logic Trump committed crimes and got away with it because he is president.

No reasonble prosecute would prosecute but that doesn't satisfy the blood thirst.
No reasonable prosecutor would go after someone on hearsay evidence.

And I can name a lot of "lesser" people who went to jail for doing less with classified info.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
we have the left doing all this over extreme partianship. why is that ok? the media, not Trump, keeps is divided as we pick and choose which stories to believe and which site to call fake. how is that Trump and not is just being stupid. he's a part of this game sure. but he's not the reason for it
I TrueType think at this point it is Trump who keeps us divided.
Hillary was too lazy to become president, and the Electorate saw it.
No she wasn’t lazy. Not by any means. She was hardworking...maybe more so than Trump.

She did not have a very likable personality. Imo...men can get a pass for that, women not so much.
If she wan't lazy she would have campaigned in those Blue Wall states right before the election like Slick Willy
told her to do.
No reasonable prosecutor would go after someone on hearsay evidence.

And I can name a lot of "lesser" people who went to jail for doing less with classified info.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
It seems that the only reason for Yovanovitch's testimony was to give an opportunity to smear Trump.
Trump canned her like Obama canned ambassadors of past administrations. No outcry
When asked if she had knowledge of bribery from Trump, her answer was no.
When asked if she had knowledge of Trump breaking the law, her answer was no.

Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” Republican Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah asked point blank.

“No,” Yovanovitch said.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?”

Another Democratic Star Witness Admits Trump Committed No Crime

Democrats can stop and point fingers at Trump, but, as they do there is usually three fingers pointing back to them
I disagree Meister. He did not can her like any other a,bassador. He orchestrated a particularly vicious smear campaign against her. She has served under multiple administrations, non partisan. She has said she understands and supports the fact she serves at the presidents pleasure.

His latest tweet was vicious.

Why was it necessary to shred her reputation?
Geeeze, Coyote....he shreds everybody, even his own party.
He's not a politician....and actually, the verdict is still out as to any shenanigans
going on in the Ukraine.
No reasonable prosecutor would go after someone on hearsay evidence.

And I can name a lot of "lesser" people who went to jail for doing less with classified info.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
we have the left doing all this over extreme partianship. why is that ok? the media, not Trump, keeps is divided as we pick and choose which stories to believe and which site to call fake. how is that Trump and not is just being stupid. he's a part of this game sure. but he's not the reason for it
I TrueType think at this point it is Trump who keeps us divided.
and it was Obama before him who had us divided out to who pees where and forcing views on others. we keep ourselves divided at this point because we must "be right" at all costs. ibl do agree Trump is not a uniter but he didn't create the divide. more a product of it.

I control my emotions. I like to think we all do. when other events in life certainly have an effect, it would still be our own choices to be divided. no Trump doesn't make it easy, but it's still my own choice in how I treat others.
Last edited:
Hillary was too lazy to become president, and the Electorate saw it.
No she wasn’t lazy. Not by any means. She was hardworking...maybe more so than Trump.

She did not have a very likable personality. Imo...men can get a pass for that, women not so much.
If she wan't lazy she would have campaigned in those Blue Wall states right before the election like Slick Willy
told her to do.
I don’t think it is laziness. She shown herself to be very capable and very hard working. I think rather, it was that she had a sense of entitlement and took a lot for granted. Big mistake.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
we have the left doing all this over extreme partianship. why is that ok? the media, not Trump, keeps is divided as we pick and choose which stories to believe and which site to call fake. how is that Trump and not is just being stupid. he's a part of this game sure. but he's not the reason for it
I TrueType think at this point it is Trump who keeps us divided.
and it was Obama before him who had us divided out to who pees where and forcing views on others. we keep ourselves divided at this point because we must "be right" at all costs. ibl do agree Trump is not a uniter but he didn't create the divide. more a product of it.

I control my emotions. I like to think we all do. when other events in life certainly have an effect, it would still be our own choices to be divided. no Trump doesn't make it easy, but it's still my own choice in how I treat others.
I don’t know if Trump was a product of the divide or the exploiter of it. I also don’t think Obama created it. I think it is much deeper than any one President and has been widening a long time. Trump took a log splitter to it and it is what fuels his campaign and his policies.

Us vs Them
Winners and losers.
You are with us, or against us.
We can’t just disagree some one has to be wrong.
And worse...if we disagree one us is evil, filth, racist, anti Semitic, treasonous....a traitor.

One way to view this is through the lens of impeachment:
Nixon, there was ultimately bipartisanship.
Clinton less so.
Trump even less.

Or...look at the political parties. The Republicans moved further to right with the Tea Party . And now more extreme right with a populist flavor with Trump. They have lost most of the moderates. And worse, they don’t want them.

The Dems are undergoing their own revolution with a strong push to go further left. Will there be room for moderates in the evolving Democratic Party?

Both parties seem to be basing support for candidates on ideological purity tests.

Bad news for us.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
It seems that the only reason for Yovanovitch's testimony was to give an opportunity to smear Trump.
Trump canned her like Obama canned ambassadors of past administrations. No outcry
When asked if she had knowledge of bribery from Trump, her answer was no.
When asked if she had knowledge of Trump breaking the law, her answer was no.

Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” Republican Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah asked point blank.

“No,” Yovanovitch said.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?”

Another Democratic Star Witness Admits Trump Committed No Crime

Democrats can stop and point fingers at Trump, but, as they do there is usually three fingers pointing back to them
I disagree Meister. He did not can her like any other a,bassador. He orchestrated a particularly vicious smear campaign against her. She has served under multiple administrations, non partisan. She has said she understands and supports the fact she serves at the presidents pleasure.

His latest tweet was vicious.

Why was it necessary to shred her reputation?
Geeeze, Coyote....he shreds everybody, even his own party.
He's not a politician....and actually, the verdict is still out as to any shenanigans
going on in the Ukraine.

Is that defense...because he does it to “everyone”? Come on Meister, when is enough enough? The most powerful man in the world publically punching down on someone like her who did nothing to deserve it?

It is wrong, bad behavior, unpresidential behavior. It should called out.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
It seems that the only reason for Yovanovitch's testimony was to give an opportunity to smear Trump.
Trump canned her like Obama canned ambassadors of past administrations. No outcry
When asked if she had knowledge of bribery from Trump, her answer was no.
When asked if she had knowledge of Trump breaking the law, her answer was no.

Do you have any information regarding the President of the United States accepting any bribes?” Republican Congressman Chris Stewart of Utah asked point blank.

“No,” Yovanovitch said.

“Do you have any information regarding any criminal activity that the President of the United States has been involved with at all?”

Another Democratic Star Witness Admits Trump Committed No Crime

Democrats can stop and point fingers at Trump, but, as they do there is usually three fingers pointing back to them
I disagree Meister. He did not can her like any other a,bassador. He orchestrated a particularly vicious smear campaign against her. She has served under multiple administrations, non partisan. She has said she understands and supports the fact she serves at the presidents pleasure.

His latest tweet was vicious.

Why was it necessary to shred her reputation?
Geeeze, Coyote....he shreds everybody, even his own party.
He's not a politician....and actually, the verdict is still out as to any shenanigans
going on in the Ukraine.

Is that defense...because he does it to “everyone”? Come on Meister, when is enough enough? The most powerful man in the world publically punching down on someone like her who did nothing to deserve it?

It is wrong, bad behavior, unpresidential behavior. It should called out.
So it's bad behavior with how the democrats have used him as a punching bag even before he took office?
He won an election and they've been non stop ever since.
If I was Trump, I would be punching too.
No editing, sticking to facts. Using your logic Trump committed crimes and got away with it because he is president.

No reasonble prosecute would prosecute but that doesn't satisfy the blood thirst.
No reasonable prosecutor would go after someone on hearsay evidence.

And I can name a lot of "lesser" people who went to jail for doing less with classified info.
I agree. They would not. And they are not.
I just want us playing by the same set of rules.

and we are not.

Here is how I see the rules are "different".

Today, we have social media smearing, slamming, lying and influencing.

Today we have such extreme partisanship dividing us we can not acknowledge that wrong is wrong, and by that, today - I mean Trump.

Did you listen to Maria Yovanovitch's testimony? How did we get to the point where smear campaigns and trolls and conspiracy theories determine our foreign policy and how we treat people?
we have the left doing all this over extreme partianship. why is that ok? the media, not Trump, keeps is divided as we pick and choose which stories to believe and which site to call fake. how is that Trump and not is just being stupid. he's a part of this game sure. but he's not the reason for it

He isn't the reason for it but as you note, he is a part of it.

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