Hillary interviewed today for 3 and half hours by the FBI

8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.
Anne Stevens doesn't know shit. I believe the 3 special ops who told the real story on Fox. Why did Hillary lie to the relatives about the video? She admitted she lied. That's enough to indict her.

Her brother died and she doesn't know anything?
If Hillary is responsible Stevens relatives will be screaming all over the media.......... don't you think? But she didn't blame Hillary. Try again.
Bengazi committee came out nothing that is after 2 years of investigation. Check mate.

Emails ............ Will come out nothing. Guarantee. Check..... Move or cover your king. Remember you cannot castle to cover your king.
You are admitting criminal activity should be rewarded.

Bengazi investigation took 2 years. No charges. Emails no charges.

Who am I to admit or reward such criminal activities?

Bengazi .......... CHECKMATE.
Emails.............. CHECKMATE.
And, Comey has made the official announcement:

The FBI recommended Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her use of a private email server as secretary of State, even though she and aides were "extremely careless" in handling classified information.

While FBI Director James Comey criticized Clinton and her aides for carelessly handling classified, top-secret information, he said there is no evidence she intended to do so, the basis for criminal charges.

We can expect the frothing Right Wing exclamations that Clinton is guilty, and a criminal, and the system is rigged, along with the requisite parsing of Comey's words, to cast Clinton in the worst possible light, even though she has been officially cleared, in...


Im logging out for today to watch the fireworks in Anaheim Disneyland with my family. I'll be back later when I'm bored at the park.

I don't think anyone cares.

No kidding.

No one cares? Two of you responded. If both of you didn't care why bother to waste your post? Shit headS.

I am logging of for the next half an hour. First I am going to take a two pounder dump, then have a coffee and few smokes. I'll be back later when I am bored at work.
And, Comey has made the official announcement:

The FBI recommended Tuesday that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should not face criminal charges over her use of a private email server as secretary of State, even though she and aides were "extremely careless" in handling classified information.

While FBI Director James Comey criticized Clinton and her aides for carelessly handling classified, top-secret information, he said there is no evidence she intended to do so, the basis for criminal charges.

We can expect the frothing Right Wing exclamations that Clinton is guilty, and a criminal, and the system is rigged, along with the requisite parsing of Comey's words, to cast Clinton in the worst possible light, even though she has been officially cleared, in...



I called that CHECKMATE.
...or they'll just run away, and wait for the news cycle to change so they don't have to deal with the reality that their last three months of absolute certainty that this e-mail thing was going to be the downfall of Hillary, and she was positively going to be indicted, and go to jail.
Um...who cares?
She didn't break any laws. So, her e-mails are now just a useless distraction.
it's proof the enemy hacked her system dude.
So? the entire argument for the last three months has been she broke the law. She is going to jail. she is, therefore, disqualified to run for President.

She didn't. She isn't. So who cares?
FBI is dirty and your excusing the Criminal who got away with it.
Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Benghazi Committee
Um...who cares?
She didn't break any laws. So, her e-mails are now just a useless distraction.
She did break laws, the FBI said she didn't intendo to break them
The FBI said No. Crime. Was. Committed. You can parse the words any way you like, that means she didn't break any laws.
The fact that the FBI is pursuing this does not mean she's not a crime violator.
The truth is the truth no matter what the Liberals tell you.
Um...who cares?
She didn't break any laws. So, her e-mails are now just a useless distraction.
it's proof the enemy hacked her system dude.
So? the entire argument for the last three months has been she broke the law. She is going to jail. she is, therefore, disqualified to run for President.

She didn't. She isn't. So who cares?
FBI is dirty and your excusing the Criminal who got away with it.
Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Benghazi Committee
LMFAO. That's precious. You get to insist on your narrative, regardless of outcome.

FBI indicts: Hillary is a criminal.

FBI Clears. FBI is corrupt, and Hillary is STILL a criminal.

You reality deniers are just adorable.
Um...who cares?
She didn't break any laws. So, her e-mails are now just a useless distraction.
She did break laws, the FBI said she didn't intendo to break them
The FBI said No. Crime. Was. Committed. You can parse the words any way you like, that means she didn't break any laws.
The fact that the FBI is pursuing this does not mean she's not a crime violator.
The truth is the truth no matter what the Liberals tell you.
Pursuing what? The FBI is done pursuing this. Comey made the announcement today. I included the quote with his direct statements. Hillary was cleared of any criminal activity.
Um...who cares?
She didn't break any laws. So, her e-mails are now just a useless distraction.
She did break laws, the FBI said she didn't intendo to break them
The FBI said No. Crime. Was. Committed. You can parse the words any way you like, that means she didn't break any laws.
The fact that the FBI is pursuing this does not mean she's not a crime violator.
The truth is the truth no matter what the Liberals tell you.
Still adorable.

"We know what we know. Please do not try to confuse us with the facts,"
Um...who cares?
She didn't break any laws. So, her e-mails are now just a useless distraction.
it's proof the enemy hacked her system dude.
So? the entire argument for the last three months has been she broke the law. She is going to jail. she is, therefore, disqualified to run for President.

She didn't. She isn't. So who cares?
FBI is dirty and your excusing the Criminal who got away with it.
Hillary Clinton Committed Perjury Before Benghazi Committee

yes.... everyone must be dirty if they don't carry out the wing nut agenda.

you heard the criteria for criminal charges. there were no facts that met those criteria.

if you're so desperate, maybe you should have picked a better GOP candidate.

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