Hillary interviewed today for 3 and half hours by the FBI

Could this be why Bill was in such a rush to meet with Loretta Lynch...despite all the backlash that generated.

I would guess he had lynch relay a message to obama...something to the effect...if you indict hillary we will reveal stuff you do not want revealed. Just my opinion...I could be wrong.

Breaking News: Clinton Interviewed by FBI for 3 and 1/2 Hours About Private Email Server
She still got special treatment
They should have taken her in and interviewed her on their turf like they would have with any of us

She "volunteered" to come in that specific day because it was a long weekend and would be out of the news cycle and she'd be home free.
She also didn't want the appearance that a subpoena was needed to get her fat ass into see the FBI!

It clearly wasn't illegal since The FBI said, "Nuthin to see here". You guys keep throwing this word "illegal" around, and yet the people who are paid, and trained to recognise crimes have made no such determinations. Like I said, "We have already made up our minds. Please do not try to confuse us with the facts,"

Please post the source and link you have to confirm your quote that the FBI said: "Nuthin to see here".
Wrong. The entire point of the investigation was whether she committed a crime having the servers in her house, or wherever it was she had it, and whether she transmitted classified information. The FBI said, "Nope". So, you can keep calling it "illegal' if you want, no law enforcement investigatory agency agrees with your assessment. Not that that matters to you guys. You know full well that Hillary is going to beat the orangutan-haired Carnival Barker cockslpat hands down, so you're desperate to find a scandal, any scandal, that you can tie her to, to disqualify her from running. Sorry. You tried. You failed. She's running. Trump is toast.
. Czernobog
No matter how much you wish it to be, the FBI has not said nothing to see here regarding the criminal rerouting of sensitive government documents on an illegal non-government server.

And regardless of the outcome, Trump is going to win hands down. The political ads have yet to play.
It clearly wasn't illegal since The FBI said, "Nuthin to see here". You guys keep throwing this word "illegal" around, and yet the people who are paid, and trained to recognise crimes have made no such determinations. Like I said, "We have already made up our minds. Please do not try to confuse us with the facts,"
You're mixing up your Clinton scandals. The FBI hasn't said there is nothing to see here regarding the State Dept emails illegally kept on Clinton's server.

Oh BTW, the Clinton Foundation is being looked into as well.
Wrong. The entire point of the investigation was whether she committed a crime having the servers in her house, or wherever it was she had it, and whether she transmitted classified information. The FBI said, "Nope". So, you can keep calling it "illegal' if you want, no law enforcement investigatory agency agrees with your assessment. Not that that matters to you guys. You know full well that Hillary is going to beat the orangutan-haired Carnival Barker cockslpat hands down, so you're desperate to find a scandal, any scandal, that you can tie her to, to disqualify her from running. Sorry. You tried. You failed. She's running. Trump is toast.

You are confusing CNN with the FBI...the FBI has issued no such statements as you falsely claim....admit you are a liar and take a hike.

Meanwhile back at the Ranch: FBI drops hints they will indict hillary.................BREAKING NEWS: FBI Drops Hints They Are Ready to INDICT Hillary Clinton!

Breaking: FBI Will Make A HUGE Move Against Hillary Rodham Clinton
And you're confusing FOX with the FBI. Well...we'll see. Apparently the FBI isn't going to release their report until after the conventions. I can't wait. I am so sick of this stupid distraction.
Look dumbass. Did Clinton store secret government documents on her server or not? Answer that truthfully. Then tell us how could General Patraeous not get away with showing a woman one document? Are you really so power mad to push the liberal agenda, you would have a liar and criminal sit in the Oval Office?

I think I know the answer.
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8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.
Hmm. Very interesting. I wonder what will be revealed next?

If FBI recommend indictment, they literally handing over documentation implying the entire government is involved in treason at the highest levels and everyone is about to duck and cover, as well as some sensitive details of SAPs which would obliterate national security.

If FBI do not recommend, it will look like cover-up and Trump will use the perception to bolster his message. It worked for PsyOps once and Trump's use of confirmation bias is legendary.

Lynch saying she will accept FBI recommendation doesn't mean she'll do anything about it.
I accept its 4th of July today and that tomorrow is a new day. Nothing changes.

If Lynch does nothing, and most likely under her boss instruction she will not, then all the FBI work was for nothing. Hillary will parade around claiming vast right wing conspiracy.

However, there are few things that could still happen: leaks and resignations. Some foreign powers are in possession of hacked server files. It's just matter of timing and releasing them in non-transparent fashion.
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8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.
8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.


Benghazi investigation led to private email server. Check.
Private email server led to exposed national security and Clinton Foundation. Check.
Clinton Foundation led to many players, domestic and foreign, that's fucking up this country. Check.
8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.


Benghazi investigation led to private email server. Check.
Private email server led to exposed national security and Clinton Foundation. Check.
Clinton Foundation led to many players, domestic and foreign, that's fucking up this country. Check.

Bengazi committee came out nothing that is after 2 years of investigation. Check mate.

Emails ............ Will come out nothing. Guarantee. Check..... Move or cover your king. Remember you cannot castle to cover your king.
8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.


Benghazi investigation led to private email server. Check.
Private email server led to exposed national security and Clinton Foundation. Check.
Clinton Foundation led to many players, domestic and foreign, that's fucking up this country. Check.

Has Hillary been convicted or charges any of your checks?
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.


Benghazi investigation led to private email server. Check.
Private email server led to exposed national security and Clinton Foundation. Check.
Clinton Foundation led to many players, domestic and foreign, that's fucking up this country. Check.

Has Hillary been convicted or charges any of your checks?

Not yet. There is still ongoing investigation.

Only reason she's not charged is because Bongo is stalling it. They're trying to find out what will hurt them less and who is going to fall if they indict vs. if they don't. Either way they're screwed. Less screwed if they come out clean then if emails get leaked by Putin or another Snowden.
Im logging out for today to watch the fireworks in Anaheim Disneyland with my family. I'll be back later when I'm bored at the park.
8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.
Anne Stevens doesn't know shit. I believe the 3 special ops who told the real story on Fox. Why did Hillary lie to the relatives about the video? She admitted she lied. That's enough to indict her.
8 Benghazi hearings, including that circus your guys ran, and Hillary was not found to have done anything wrong
Nothing wrong except she is responsible for the deaths of. 4 Americans and blamed it on a guy who made a video. She is a criminal.

Anne Stevens sister of ambassador Stevens blamed the Republicans not Hillary. Start with that maybe you will make some common sense to yourself.
The GOP wasn't in charge of Benghazi nor were they in charge of deploying help that night. This was political cover because Obama said he whipped the ass of Al K-duh and to admit there was a problem in Benghazi would prove he lied to the people. Hillary lied to the parents of those men about the video. She even admitted that to Chelsea.

1. After 2 years of investigation led by GOP Bengazi committee. Gowdy came out nothing.
2. Don't tell me Anne Stevens is also lying.


Benghazi investigation led to private email server. Check.
Private email server led to exposed national security and Clinton Foundation. Check.
Clinton Foundation led to many players, domestic and foreign, that's fucking up this country. Check.
The entire Obama regime should be indicted and sent to Leavenworth.
Bengazi committee came out nothing that is after 2 years of investigation. Check mate.

Emails ............ Will come out nothing. Guarantee. Check..... Move or cover your king. Remember you cannot castle to cover your king.
You are admitting criminal activity should be rewarded.

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