Hillary is a congentital liar

Is there ONE lefty on this forum who will admit that Hillary is a prolific liar?

Who will be the first?

Of course she isn't a liar:

Can't you hear, she said she is not. Therefore it's impossible that it's the case, for she would have to be a liar for that not to be true, but she just said she wasn't!
The left is perfectly fine with Hilary lying through her teeth at every opportunity. Lying is what the left does best, they can't win an election without lying and they know it. So they lie and not small white lies either big fat whopper lies. They get away with it because the press looks the other way and allows it. Hell some in the press are active participants in the lying.

So understand the enemy, first and foremost the left are liars you can't believe one damn word coming out of their filthy sewer mouths.

the good thing coming out is this is that most of the American people now know that she is a habitual lifelong liar. 60-70% say she is untrustworthy and lies.

The media has said similar things about Trump, but the people know that the media is also creating lies to cover Hillary's lies.

Sorry dems, but the American people are not as stupid as you need them to be.

There is that I guess. We'll have to wait and see if Trump can finally hold her accountable for her lying on national tv during the debates. I guarantee you this, even if Hillary manages to win the election Trump is going to do a LOT of damage to her before and after the election. She's not going to get to skate into the White House, Trump isn't a GOP establishment hack with no balls like McCain and Romney, he's going to lay into Hillary in a very public way. Its LONG overdue that these politicians be called on the carpet.
Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives? As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie . Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .

You have to admit, though -- "I did not have sex with that woman" -- was a WHOPPER!


Well that was Bill.

Ok , give me 5 HILLARY lies .

She should slash this talking point


Says unlike Tim Kaine, who "invested" in education, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence "slashed education funding."

— PolitiFact National on Sunday, July 24th, 2016

UPDATED: Contradicted by the FBI


Says she "never received nor sent any material that was marked classified" on her private email server while secretary of state.

— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

A talking point, shattered


"It was allowed," referring to her email practices.

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

We counted a lot more than one


"Let me say that I don't think (Bernie Sanders has) had a single negative ad ever run against him."

— PolitiFact National on Sunday, May 22nd, 2016

Sanders wants more ambitious plan, but supports this one


"The Clean Power Plan is something that Sen. Sanders has said he would delay implementing."

— PolitiFact National on Thursday, March 10th, 2016

Thank you for replying ! I'll read up on your links .

Politifact is ok now ? Cause some righties here claim it's BS .
She's not . It's the old propaganda line . "Say a lie enough times, it becomes the truth ." The GOP just slanders her all the time so the term sticks .

25 years in politics and what do you have ? Email snafus , and exaggerating being under fire .

She wasn't under fire at all. So saying she was is a LIE.

Saying you didn't do something you did with emails is LIE.
She's not . It's the old propaganda line . "Say a lie enough times, it becomes the truth ." The GOP just slanders her all the time so the term sticks .

25 years in politics and what do you have ? Email snafus , and exaggerating being under fire .
>"She's not a liar"
>Admits she's a liar in the next line

As expected of Timmy.

Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives?

As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie .

Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .

Many Democrats in positions of power said the same things about WMDs for which you say Bush lied. Does that mean they lied?

Apparently you think Hillary has been 100% truthful. You won't admit she lied. You make excuses for her by saying she exaggerated being fired upon. When you weren't fired upon at all and say that you were, it's a lie not an exaggeration. For it to be an exaggeration, it actually would have had to happen.
She's not . It's the old propaganda line . "Say a lie enough times, it becomes the truth ." The GOP just slanders her all the time so the term sticks .

25 years in politics and what do you have ? Email snafus , and exaggerating being under fire .
>"She's not a liar"
>Admits she's a liar in the next line

As expected of Timmy.

Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives?

As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie .

Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .
See, there's a difference between lying at some point, and intentionally lying and continuing said lie after being found out, because you think everyone you're speaking to is stupid. The other difference here is that lying is intentionally misleading someone. It's not that Hillary somehow didn't realize she had used multiple devices for her email, dismantled her server to hide the contents, didn't organize her emails at all, didn't send all work-related emails; It's that she didn't want us to know she did those things.

Let's also not forget that she also lied about a video causing the terrorist attack in Benghazi. They used missile launchers and it was on the anniversary of 9/11. She knew it was a terrorist attack, she just didn't want us to know it was a terrorist attack.

Same goes for policies. She's advocating socialism, knows she's advocating socialism. When Bernie Sanders said the same things she was copying and she had to go on the offensive, she pointed out the policies don't work, despite her saying they would work when she was advocating the same things.

Hillary is a liar not because she has been wrong, she's a liar because she's intentionally misleading the American people. Well, attempting to, not everyone is gullible enough to believe the lies she spews on a constant basis.
Is there ONE lefty on this forum who will admit that Hillary is a prolific liar?

Who will be the first?

I'm a conservative and I don't think she lied.

To lie you have to try and deceive people of the truth. Hillary simply does not have enough brain matter to be capable of that.

In fact, she is probably still using her private server.

So when you see Hillary in the debates lying her arse off, just remember, she has no idea what the truth really is.

Lie is such a harsh word. The PC term is "short circuit".
Is there ONE lefty on this forum who will admit that Hillary is a prolific liar?

Who will be the first?

I'm a conservative and I don't think she lied.

To lie you have to try and deceive people of the truth. Hillary simply does not have enough brain matter to be capable of that.

In fact, she is probably still using her private server.

So when you see Hillary in the debates lying her arse off, just remember, she has no idea what the truth really is.

Lie is such a harsh word. The PC term is "short circuit".

that's hysterical...rightwingnuts are so clueless
Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives? As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie . Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .

You have to admit, though -- "I did not have sex with that woman" -- was a WHOPPER!


Well that was Bill.

Ok , give me 5 HILLARY lies .

She should slash this talking point


Says unlike Tim Kaine, who "invested" in education, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence "slashed education funding."

— PolitiFact National on Sunday, July 24th, 2016

UPDATED: Contradicted by the FBI


Says she "never received nor sent any material that was marked classified" on her private email server while secretary of state.

— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

A talking point, shattered


"It was allowed," referring to her email practices.

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

We counted a lot more than one


"Let me say that I don't think (Bernie Sanders has) had a single negative ad ever run against him."

— PolitiFact National on Sunday, May 22nd, 2016

Sanders wants more ambitious plan, but supports this one


"The Clean Power Plan is something that Sen. Sanders has said he would delay implementing."

— PolitiFact National on Thursday, March 10th, 2016
Thanks for the link!

Hillary Clinton's file

True ................. 53 ... (22%)
Mostly True ..... 67 ... (28%)
Half True ......... 50 ... (21%)
Mostly False .... 34 ... (14%)
False ................ 27 ... (11%)
Pants on Fire ..... 5 ..... (2%)

Donald Trump's file

True ................... 9 ..... (4%)
Mostly True ..... 24 ... (11%)
Half True .......... 32 ... (15%)
Mostly False .... 32 ... (15%)
False ................ 79 ... (37%)
Pants on Fire ... 40 ... (19%)
Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives? As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie . Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .

You have to admit, though -- "I did not have sex with that woman" -- was a WHOPPER!


Well that was Bill.

Ok , give me 5 HILLARY lies .

She should slash this talking point


Says unlike Tim Kaine, who "invested" in education, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence "slashed education funding."

— PolitiFact National on Sunday, July 24th, 2016

UPDATED: Contradicted by the FBI


Says she "never received nor sent any material that was marked classified" on her private email server while secretary of state.

— PolitiFact National on Wednesday, July 6th, 2016

A talking point, shattered


"It was allowed," referring to her email practices.

— PolitiFact National on Tuesday, May 31st, 2016

We counted a lot more than one


"Let me say that I don't think (Bernie Sanders has) had a single negative ad ever run against him."

— PolitiFact National on Sunday, May 22nd, 2016

Sanders wants more ambitious plan, but supports this one


"The Clean Power Plan is something that Sen. Sanders has said he would delay implementing."

— PolitiFact National on Thursday, March 10th, 2016

From the first link :

The Clinton campaign pointed out that Pence asked universities to cut their state spending by 2 percent in fiscal year 2014 to account for a revenue shortfall. And the 2015 state budget took money from some urban school districts and redistributed them to suburban districts, which some commentators saw as disproportionately benefiting wealthier students.

Pence did, though, successfully push for $15 million to fund a preschool program for poor families.
She's not . It's the old propaganda line . "Say a lie enough times, it becomes the truth ." The GOP just slanders her all the time so the term sticks .

25 years in politics and what do you have ? Email snafus , and exaggerating being under fire .
>"She's not a liar"
>Admits she's a liar in the next line

As expected of Timmy.

Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives?

As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie .

Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .
See, there's a difference between lying at some point, and intentionally lying and continuing said lie after being found out, because you think everyone you're speaking to is stupid. The other difference here is that lying is intentionally misleading someone. It's not that Hillary somehow didn't realize she had used multiple devices for her email, dismantled her server to hide the contents, didn't organize her emails at all, didn't send all work-related emails; It's that she didn't want us to know she did those things.

Let's also not forget that she also lied about a video causing the terrorist attack in Benghazi. They used missile launchers and it was on the anniversary of 9/11. She knew it was a terrorist attack, she just didn't want us to know it was a terrorist attack.

Same goes for policies. She's advocating socialism, knows she's advocating socialism. When Bernie Sanders said the same things she was copying and she had to go on the offensive, she pointed out the policies don't work, despite her saying they would work when she was advocating the same things.

Hillary is a liar not because she has been wrong, she's a liar because she's intentionally misleading the American people. Well, attempting to, not everyone is gullible enough to believe the lies she spews on a constant basis.

But she didn't lie about benghazhi. They we're wrong . You act as if they knew all the facts about a surprise terror attack as soon as it happened ?
She's not . It's the old propaganda line . "Say a lie enough times, it becomes the truth ." The GOP just slanders her all the time so the term sticks .

25 years in politics and what do you have ? Email snafus , and exaggerating being under fire .
>"She's not a liar"
>Admits she's a liar in the next line

As expected of Timmy.

Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives?

As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie .

Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .
See, there's a difference between lying at some point, and intentionally lying and continuing said lie after being found out, because you think everyone you're speaking to is stupid. The other difference here is that lying is intentionally misleading someone. It's not that Hillary somehow didn't realize she had used multiple devices for her email, dismantled her server to hide the contents, didn't organize her emails at all, didn't send all work-related emails; It's that she didn't want us to know she did those things.

Let's also not forget that she also lied about a video causing the terrorist attack in Benghazi. They used missile launchers and it was on the anniversary of 9/11. She knew it was a terrorist attack, she just didn't want us to know it was a terrorist attack.

Same goes for policies. She's advocating socialism, knows she's advocating socialism. When Bernie Sanders said the same things she was copying and she had to go on the offensive, she pointed out the policies don't work, despite her saying they would work when she was advocating the same things.

Hillary is a liar not because she has been wrong, she's a liar because she's intentionally misleading the American people. Well, attempting to, not everyone is gullible enough to believe the lies she spews on a constant basis.

But she didn't lie about benghazhi. They we're wrong . You act as if they knew all the facts about a surprise terror attack as soon as it happened ?
I don't think a riot uses missile launchers. They knew. She even continued to perpetuate that lie after they had learned more. Not that they ever truly believed it was a riot to start with.
She's not . It's the old propaganda line . "Say a lie enough times, it becomes the truth ." The GOP just slanders her all the time so the term sticks .

25 years in politics and what do you have ? Email snafus , and exaggerating being under fire .
>"She's not a liar"
>Admits she's a liar in the next line

As expected of Timmy.

Then everyone is a liar ! Who's been 100% truthful their whole lives?

As for those videos . There mostly opinion and /or consider being incorrect as being a lie .

Bush was incorrect about WMDS . Doesn't mean he lied about WMDS .
See, there's a difference between lying at some point, and intentionally lying and continuing said lie after being found out, because you think everyone you're speaking to is stupid. The other difference here is that lying is intentionally misleading someone. It's not that Hillary somehow didn't realize she had used multiple devices for her email, dismantled her server to hide the contents, didn't organize her emails at all, didn't send all work-related emails; It's that she didn't want us to know she did those things.

Let's also not forget that she also lied about a video causing the terrorist attack in Benghazi. They used missile launchers and it was on the anniversary of 9/11. She knew it was a terrorist attack, she just didn't want us to know it was a terrorist attack.

Same goes for policies. She's advocating socialism, knows she's advocating socialism. When Bernie Sanders said the same things she was copying and she had to go on the offensive, she pointed out the policies don't work, despite her saying they would work when she was advocating the same things.

Hillary is a liar not because she has been wrong, she's a liar because she's intentionally misleading the American people. Well, attempting to, not everyone is gullible enough to believe the lies she spews on a constant basis.

But she didn't lie about benghazhi. They we're wrong . You act as if they knew all the facts about a surprise terror attack as soon as it happened ?
I don't think a riot uses missile launchers. They knew. She even continued to perpetuate that lie after they had learned more. Not that they ever truly believed it was a riot to start with.

What did the republican lead 2 year investigation find ?

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