Hillary is a congentital liar

Trump is POTUS

The left is perfectly fine with Hilary lying through her teeth at every opportunity. Lying is what the left does best, they can't win an election without lying and they know it. So they lie and not small white lies either big fat whopper lies. They get away with it because the press looks the other way and allows it. Hell some in the press are active participants in the lying.

So understand the enemy, first and foremost the left are liars you can't believe one damn word coming out of their filthy sewer mouths.

the good thing coming out is this is that most of the American people now know that she is a habitual lifelong liar. 60-70% say she is untrustworthy and lies.

The media has said similar things about Trump, but the people know that the media is also creating lies to cover Hillary's lies.

Sorry dems, but the American people are not as stupid as you need them to be.

The media has pointed out that Trump lies every day.

Trumpsters hate that but the American people are smart enough to see that both Trump and Clinton lie- just that Trump lies far, far, far more often.

And then he lies about lying.

you have the candidates reversed in your foolish post.
The left is perfectly fine with Hilary lying through her teeth at every opportunity. Lying is what the left does best, they can't win an election without lying and they know it. So they lie and not small white lies either big fat whopper lies. They get away with it because the press looks the other way and allows it. Hell some in the press are active participants in the lying.

So understand the enemy, first and foremost the left are liars you can't believe one damn word coming out of their filthy sewer mouths.

the good thing coming out is this is that most of the American people now know that she is a habitual lifelong liar. 60-70% say she is untrustworthy and lies.

The media has said similar things about Trump, but the people know that the media is also creating lies to cover Hillary's lies.

Sorry dems, but the American people are not as stupid as you need them to be.

The media has pointed out that Trump lies every day.

Trumpsters hate that but the American people are smart enough to see that both Trump and Clinton lie- just that Trump lies far, far, far more often.

And then he lies about lying.

you have the candidates reversed in your foolish post.

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact
The left is perfectly fine with Hilary lying through her teeth at every opportunity. Lying is what the left does best, they can't win an election without lying and they know it. So they lie and not small white lies either big fat whopper lies. They get away with it because the press looks the other way and allows it. Hell some in the press are active participants in the lying.

So understand the enemy, first and foremost the left are liars you can't believe one damn word coming out of their filthy sewer mouths.

the good thing coming out is this is that most of the American people now know that she is a habitual lifelong liar. 60-70% say she is untrustworthy and lies.

The media has said similar things about Trump, but the people know that the media is also creating lies to cover Hillary's lies.

Sorry dems, but the American people are not as stupid as you need them to be.

The media has pointed out that Trump lies every day.

Trumpsters hate that but the American people are smart enough to see that both Trump and Clinton lie- just that Trump lies far, far, far more often.

And then he lies about lying.

you have the candidates reversed in your foolish post.

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

I understand, you have your head completely up hillary's fat butt. I get it. What I don't get is why.
The left is perfectly fine with Hilary lying through her teeth at every opportunity. Lying is what the left does best, they can't win an election without lying and they know it. So they lie and not small white lies either big fat whopper lies. They get away with it because the press looks the other way and allows it. Hell some in the press are active participants in the lying.

So understand the enemy, first and foremost the left are liars you can't believe one damn word coming out of their filthy sewer mouths.

the good thing coming out is this is that most of the American people now know that she is a habitual lifelong liar. 60-70% say she is untrustworthy and lies.

The media has said similar things about Trump, but the people know that the media is also creating lies to cover Hillary's lies.

Sorry dems, but the American people are not as stupid as you need them to be.

The media has pointed out that Trump lies every day.

Trumpsters hate that but the American people are smart enough to see that both Trump and Clinton lie- just that Trump lies far, far, far more often.

And then he lies about lying.

you have the candidates reversed in your foolish post.

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

I understand, you have your head completely up hillary's fat butt. I get it. What I don't get is why.
Sadly, you're too mentally retarded to deal with reality. Perhaps staring at a balloon floating about the room is more your speed?
according to Newt..,"This is a person who has lied repeatedly. She lies about lying and now she lies about having lied about lying," Gingrich said. "This is the Clinton model which is to drag it out, to lawyer it up, to say whatever you need to to get through the next interview."

Breaking News at Newsmax.com Newt Gingrich: Clinton 'Lies About Having Lied About Lying'
Urgent: Do You Back Trump or Hillary? Vote Here Now!
the good thing coming out is this is that most of the American people now know that she is a habitual lifelong liar. 60-70% say she is untrustworthy and lies.

The media has said similar things about Trump, but the people know that the media is also creating lies to cover Hillary's lies.

Sorry dems, but the American people are not as stupid as you need them to be.

The media has pointed out that Trump lies every day.

Trumpsters hate that but the American people are smart enough to see that both Trump and Clinton lie- just that Trump lies far, far, far more often.

And then he lies about lying.

you have the candidates reversed in your foolish post.

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

I understand, you have your head completely up hillary's fat butt. I get it. What I don't get is why.
Sadly, you're too mentally retarded to deal with reality. Perhaps staring at a balloon floating about the room is more your speed?

same question for you that I asked the two headed poster known as jake and winger.

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
The media has pointed out that Trump lies every day.

Trumpsters hate that but the American people are smart enough to see that both Trump and Clinton lie- just that Trump lies far, far, far more often.

And then he lies about lying.

you have the candidates reversed in your foolish post.

All Mostly False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All False statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

All Pants on Fire! statements involving Donald Trump | PolitiFact

I understand, you have your head completely up hillary's fat butt. I get it. What I don't get is why.
Sadly, you're too mentally retarded to deal with reality. Perhaps staring at a balloon floating about the room is more your speed?

same question for you that I asked the two headed poster known as jake and winger.

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
First, you have to prove she lies more than Crazy Donald. I gave you 154 Crazy Donald lies. If you think I should be concerned about Hillary lying, you need to convince me she lies more than her competition.
Sadly, you're too mentally retarded to deal with reality. Perhaps staring at a balloon floating about the room is more your speed?

same question for you that I asked the two headed poster known as jake and winger.

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
First, you have to prove she lies more than Crazy Donald. I gave you 154 Crazy Donald lies. If you think I should be concerned about Hillary lying, you need to convince me she lies more than her competition.

I don't have to prove anything, her lies are well documented and proven by the FBI, as well as the "lost" emails that have been published by wikileaks.

Let me guess, you are a lesbian female, 50+ years old, who thinks Rosie O'Donnell is really cool. right?
Sadly, you're too mentally retarded to deal with reality. Perhaps staring at a balloon floating about the room is more your speed?

same question for you that I asked the two headed poster known as jake and winger.

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
First, you have to prove she lies more than Crazy Donald. I gave you 154 Crazy Donald lies. If you think I should be concerned about Hillary lying, you need to convince me she lies more than her competition.

I don't have to prove anything, her lies are well documented and proven by the FBI, as well as the "lost" emails that have been published by wikileaks.

Let me guess, you are a lesbian female, 50+ years old, who thinks Rosie O'Donnell is really cool. right?
So you can't prove she lies more. Think I'm shocked?
I understand, you have your head completely up hillary's fat butt. I get it. What I don't get is why.
Sadly, you're too mentally retarded to deal with reality. Perhaps staring at a balloon floating about the room is more your speed?

same question for you that I asked the two headed poster known as jake and winger.

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
First, you have to prove she lies more than Crazy Donald. I gave you 154 Crazy Donald lies. If you think I should be concerned about Hillary lying, you need to convince me she lies more than her competition.

I don't have to prove anything, her lies are well documented and proven by the FBI, as well as the "lost" emails that have been published by wikileaks.

Let me guess, you are a lesbian female, 50+ years old, who thinks Rosie O'Donnell is really cool. right?
So you can't prove she lies more. Think I'm shocked?

The FBI proved it. I don't need to.
Is there ONE lefty on this forum who will admit that Hillary is a prolific liar?

Who will be the first?


She lied about emails.

Her husband lied about a blow job.

Trump lies about everything else that matters and doesn't pay his bills and cons people out of their money (Trump U.) Trump is a compulsive liar, lying like a child every time he gets caught. He lies about stupid things.

In fact, Trump is lying about being a Republican or even a conservative. He's a self-serving opportunists playing on the fringe-right fear of Muslims, Mexicans, and education.

Uneducated whites support Trump. That's his base. He's playing and their lack of education and their fear.
Sadly, you're too mentally retarded to deal with reality. Perhaps staring at a balloon floating about the room is more your speed?

same question for you that I asked the two headed poster known as jake and winger.

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
First, you have to prove she lies more than Crazy Donald. I gave you 154 Crazy Donald lies. If you think I should be concerned about Hillary lying, you need to convince me she lies more than her competition.

I don't have to prove anything, her lies are well documented and proven by the FBI, as well as the "lost" emails that have been published by wikileaks.

Let me guess, you are a lesbian female, 50+ years old, who thinks Rosie O'Donnell is really cool. right?
So you can't prove she lies more. Think I'm shocked?

The FBI proved it. I don't need to.
The FBI proved no such thing as they did not produce either a number of lies she told nor the number of lies Trump has told.

Your desperation is noted though.
same question for you that I asked the two headed poster known as jake and winger.

I am just curious, jake winger. Why do you want a president who is a proven habitual liar, who has never accomplished anything, is a life time corrupt politician, whose incompetence directly caused the deaths of at least 4 americans, who destroyed women that were attacked by her husband, who owes huge debts to wall street and corporate interests, who has taken millions from arab nations that support terrorism, and who is physically and mentally incapable to handling the job of president?

Why do you want this terrible human being to be president? Is it the D behind her name or the vagina between her legs?
First, you have to prove she lies more than Crazy Donald. I gave you 154 Crazy Donald lies. If you think I should be concerned about Hillary lying, you need to convince me she lies more than her competition.

I don't have to prove anything, her lies are well documented and proven by the FBI, as well as the "lost" emails that have been published by wikileaks.

Let me guess, you are a lesbian female, 50+ years old, who thinks Rosie O'Donnell is really cool. right?
So you can't prove she lies more. Think I'm shocked?

The FBI proved it. I don't need to.
The FBI proved no such thing as they did not produce either a number of lies she told nor the number of lies Trump has told.

Your desperation is noted though.

Gowdy: "Sec Clinton said she never sent classified data on her personal server, is that true?"

Comey: "There was classified data sent on that server"

go back and read Comey's testimony, her lies were proven, all of them. For corrupt partisan reasons she was not indicted, but her guilt was clearly proven.

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