Hillary Is A Greater Risk Than Trump And Here's Why


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Everyone knows Obama is reluctant to do anything when it comes to the military. Turns out Hillary was behind bombing Libya, stepping up the conflict in Afghanistan, and is behind the war in Syria. Seems Hillary is a warmonger. This woman has the nerve of questioning Donald Trumps impulsive nature when she in fact seems to be the cause of every disaster in the Middle-East the last 8 years, and I suspect the mess in Somalia back in 93' when she shared the White House with her husband, the real President of The United States.
Hillary as president creates a very real possibility that we will end up in a war, most likely with China or Russia. Donald Trump wants to get along with them, but Hillary has a history of starting conflicts and then leaving a mess behind, blaming it on some disgusting video.

Good Riddance to Warmonger Hillary Clinton

November 18, 2014
Hillary the Warmonger

by Paul Craig Roberts

Glenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the populist alternative. I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the campaign funds needed to run a campaign. If Warren becomes a threat, the Establishment will frame her with bogus charges and move her aside.
Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear.
If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until armageddon.
To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.
One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices, bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards come at the expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states.
When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one party state.

Hillary the Warmonger

Hillary And Her Shared Presidency

President Bush the Elder sent U.S. forces into Somalia in December 1992 to aid the United Nations in relieving a massive famine. In May of 1993, four months into his term, President Clinton declared that mission accomplished and pulled out most of the U.S. forces. In a speech on the South Lawn to associate himself with the effort, he extolled the decision to intervene: "If all of you who served had not gone, it is absolutely certain that tens of thousands would have died by now." It was a "successful mission," he said, and "proved yet again that American leadership can help to mobilize international action ..."

But back in Somalia, with no U.S. deterrent, Somalia's warlords began fighting again. After a series of bloody attacks on U.N. peacekeepers, Mr. Clinton launched a new mission: In August 1993, he sent in a force of Rangers and Special Forces units to capture the brutal warlord Mohammad Farrah Aidid and restore order.

That force asked for heavy armor -- in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles -- as well as the AC-130 gunship, but the Clinton Administration denied those requests. On October 3 on a mission to pick up Aidid, two Black Hawks were unexpectedly shot down; in the ensuing urban gun battle, 18 American soldiers were killed and another 73 injured.

Many military experts believe that if the U.S. forces had had armor, fewer would have died. Secretary of Defense Les Aspin resigned two months after Somalia, having acknowledged that his decision on the armor had been an error. A 1994 Senate Armed Services Committee investigation reached the same conclusion. But perhaps the most poignant statement came from retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Joyce, father of Sergeant Casey Joyce, a Ranger killed in Mogadishu: "Had there been armor ... I contend that my son would probably be alive today ..."

Mr. Clinton's responsibility in Somalia doesn't stop there. Despite the mistakes that October day, Aidid had been struck a blow. The U.S. military, with 18 dead, wanted nothing more than to finish what it had started. Mr. Clinton instead aborted the mission. The U.S. released the criminals it had captured that same day at such great cost, and the U.N., lacking U.S. support, was powerless to keep order. Somalia remains a lawless, impoverished nation. Worse, the terrorists of al Qaeda interpreted the U.S. retreat from Somalia as a sign of American weakness that may have convinced them we could be induced to retreat from the Middle East if they took their attacks to the U.S. homeland.

Those are the facts. The reason Mr. Clinton can't blame the events of "Black Hawk Down" on President Bush's father is because those events had nothing to do with him. They were Mr. Clinton's responsibility, and his alone.

Clinton's Black Hawk History - On Somalia, the ex-president is as mendacious as ever ~ WSJ.

With hitlery we know how hard and how deep we are going to get fucked.

With Dump we don't know if we're even going to get a steak dinner first.


Everyone knows Obama is reluctant to do anything when it comes to the military. Turns out Hillary was behind bombing Libya, stepping up the conflict in Afghanistan, and is behind the war in Syria. Seems Hillary is a warmonger. This woman has the nerve of questioning Donald Trumps impulsive nature when she in fact seems to be the cause of every disaster in the Middle-East the last 8 years, and I suspect the mess in Somalia back in 93' when she shared the White House with her husband, the real President of The United States.
Hillary as president creates a very real possibility that we will end up in a war, most likely with China or Russia. Donald Trump wants to get along with them, but Hillary has a history of starting conflicts and then leaving a mess behind, blaming it on some disgusting video.

Good Riddance to Warmonger Hillary Clinton

November 18, 2014
Hillary the Warmonger

by Paul Craig Roberts

Glenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the populist alternative. I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the campaign funds needed to run a campaign. If Warren becomes a threat, the Establishment will frame her with bogus charges and move her aside.
Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear.
If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until armageddon.
To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.
One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices, bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards come at the expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states.
When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one party state.

Hillary the Warmonger

Hillary And Her Shared Presidency

President Bush the Elder sent U.S. forces into Somalia in December 1992 to aid the United Nations in relieving a massive famine. In May of 1993, four months into his term, President Clinton declared that mission accomplished and pulled out most of the U.S. forces. In a speech on the South Lawn to associate himself with the effort, he extolled the decision to intervene: "If all of you who served had not gone, it is absolutely certain that tens of thousands would have died by now." It was a "successful mission," he said, and "proved yet again that American leadership can help to mobilize international action ..."

But back in Somalia, with no U.S. deterrent, Somalia's warlords began fighting again. After a series of bloody attacks on U.N. peacekeepers, Mr. Clinton launched a new mission: In August 1993, he sent in a force of Rangers and Special Forces units to capture the brutal warlord Mohammad Farrah Aidid and restore order.

That force asked for heavy armor -- in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles -- as well as the AC-130 gunship, but the Clinton Administration denied those requests. On October 3 on a mission to pick up Aidid, two Black Hawks were unexpectedly shot down; in the ensuing urban gun battle, 18 American soldiers were killed and another 73 injured.

Many military experts believe that if the U.S. forces had had armor, fewer would have died. Secretary of Defense Les Aspin resigned two months after Somalia, having acknowledged that his decision on the armor had been an error. A 1994 Senate Armed Services Committee investigation reached the same conclusion. But perhaps the most poignant statement came from retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Joyce, father of Sergeant Casey Joyce, a Ranger killed in Mogadishu: "Had there been armor ... I contend that my son would probably be alive today ..."

Mr. Clinton's responsibility in Somalia doesn't stop there. Despite the mistakes that October day, Aidid had been struck a blow. The U.S. military, with 18 dead, wanted nothing more than to finish what it had started. Mr. Clinton instead aborted the mission. The U.S. released the criminals it had captured that same day at such great cost, and the U.N., lacking U.S. support, was powerless to keep order. Somalia remains a lawless, impoverished nation. Worse, the terrorists of al Qaeda interpreted the U.S. retreat from Somalia as a sign of American weakness that may have convinced them we could be induced to retreat from the Middle East if they took their attacks to the U.S. homeland.

Those are the facts. The reason Mr. Clinton can't blame the events of "Black Hawk Down" on President Bush's father is because those events had nothing to do with him. They were Mr. Clinton's responsibility, and his alone.

Clinton's Black Hawk History - On Somalia, the ex-president is as mendacious as ever ~ WSJ.

She just hides it well, the ultimate politician. Why else would she choose Bill for a husband. But when it comes to the nuts and bolts of how things work, cause and effect she has no clue, your right, she would be dangerous.

Everyone knows Obama is reluctant to do anything when it comes to the military. Turns out Hillary was behind bombing Libya, stepping up the conflict in Afghanistan, and is behind the war in Syria. Seems Hillary is a warmonger. This woman has the nerve of questioning Donald Trumps impulsive nature when she in fact seems to be the cause of every disaster in the Middle-East the last 8 years, and I suspect the mess in Somalia back in 93' when she shared the White House with her husband, the real President of The United States.
Hillary as president creates a very real possibility that we will end up in a war, most likely with China or Russia. Donald Trump wants to get along with them, but Hillary has a history of starting conflicts and then leaving a mess behind, blaming it on some disgusting video.

Good Riddance to Warmonger Hillary Clinton

November 18, 2014
Hillary the Warmonger

by Paul Craig Roberts

Glenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the populist alternative. I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the campaign funds needed to run a campaign. If Warren becomes a threat, the Establishment will frame her with bogus charges and move her aside.
Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear.
If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until armageddon.
To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.
One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices, bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards come at the expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states.
When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one party state.

Hillary the Warmonger

Hillary And Her Shared Presidency

President Bush the Elder sent U.S. forces into Somalia in December 1992 to aid the United Nations in relieving a massive famine. In May of 1993, four months into his term, President Clinton declared that mission accomplished and pulled out most of the U.S. forces. In a speech on the South Lawn to associate himself with the effort, he extolled the decision to intervene: "If all of you who served had not gone, it is absolutely certain that tens of thousands would have died by now." It was a "successful mission," he said, and "proved yet again that American leadership can help to mobilize international action ..."

But back in Somalia, with no U.S. deterrent, Somalia's warlords began fighting again. After a series of bloody attacks on U.N. peacekeepers, Mr. Clinton launched a new mission: In August 1993, he sent in a force of Rangers and Special Forces units to capture the brutal warlord Mohammad Farrah Aidid and restore order.

That force asked for heavy armor -- in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles -- as well as the AC-130 gunship, but the Clinton Administration denied those requests. On October 3 on a mission to pick up Aidid, two Black Hawks were unexpectedly shot down; in the ensuing urban gun battle, 18 American soldiers were killed and another 73 injured.

Many military experts believe that if the U.S. forces had had armor, fewer would have died. Secretary of Defense Les Aspin resigned two months after Somalia, having acknowledged that his decision on the armor had been an error. A 1994 Senate Armed Services Committee investigation reached the same conclusion. But perhaps the most poignant statement came from retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Joyce, father of Sergeant Casey Joyce, a Ranger killed in Mogadishu: "Had there been armor ... I contend that my son would probably be alive today ..."

Mr. Clinton's responsibility in Somalia doesn't stop there. Despite the mistakes that October day, Aidid had been struck a blow. The U.S. military, with 18 dead, wanted nothing more than to finish what it had started. Mr. Clinton instead aborted the mission. The U.S. released the criminals it had captured that same day at such great cost, and the U.N., lacking U.S. support, was powerless to keep order. Somalia remains a lawless, impoverished nation. Worse, the terrorists of al Qaeda interpreted the U.S. retreat from Somalia as a sign of American weakness that may have convinced them we could be induced to retreat from the Middle East if they took their attacks to the U.S. homeland.

Those are the facts. The reason Mr. Clinton can't blame the events of "Black Hawk Down" on President Bush's father is because those events had nothing to do with him. They were Mr. Clinton's responsibility, and his alone.

Clinton's Black Hawk History - On Somalia, the ex-president is as mendacious as ever ~ WSJ.

How does that make her a "greater" risk than Trump? This seems to just support that she's the same risk.

And what makes Trump a bigger risk is that he says he's going to implement anti-capitalist, anti-free trade restrictions on our economy. Hillary's not threatening that
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.

Everyone knows Obama is reluctant to do anything when it comes to the military. Turns out Hillary was behind bombing Libya, stepping up the conflict in Afghanistan, and is behind the war in Syria. Seems Hillary is a warmonger. This woman has the nerve of questioning Donald Trumps impulsive nature when she in fact seems to be the cause of every disaster in the Middle-East the last 8 years, and I suspect the mess in Somalia back in 93' when she shared the White House with her husband, the real President of The United States.
Hillary as president creates a very real possibility that we will end up in a war, most likely with China or Russia. Donald Trump wants to get along with them, but Hillary has a history of starting conflicts and then leaving a mess behind, blaming it on some disgusting video.

Good Riddance to Warmonger Hillary Clinton

November 18, 2014
Hillary the Warmonger

by Paul Craig Roberts

Glenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the populist alternative. I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the campaign funds needed to run a campaign. If Warren becomes a threat, the Establishment will frame her with bogus charges and move her aside.
Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear.
If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until armageddon.
To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.
One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices, bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards come at the expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states.
When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one party state.

Hillary the Warmonger

Hillary And Her Shared Presidency

President Bush the Elder sent U.S. forces into Somalia in December 1992 to aid the United Nations in relieving a massive famine. In May of 1993, four months into his term, President Clinton declared that mission accomplished and pulled out most of the U.S. forces. In a speech on the South Lawn to associate himself with the effort, he extolled the decision to intervene: "If all of you who served had not gone, it is absolutely certain that tens of thousands would have died by now." It was a "successful mission," he said, and "proved yet again that American leadership can help to mobilize international action ..."

But back in Somalia, with no U.S. deterrent, Somalia's warlords began fighting again. After a series of bloody attacks on U.N. peacekeepers, Mr. Clinton launched a new mission: In August 1993, he sent in a force of Rangers and Special Forces units to capture the brutal warlord Mohammad Farrah Aidid and restore order.

That force asked for heavy armor -- in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles -- as well as the AC-130 gunship, but the Clinton Administration denied those requests. On October 3 on a mission to pick up Aidid, two Black Hawks were unexpectedly shot down; in the ensuing urban gun battle, 18 American soldiers were killed and another 73 injured.

Many military experts believe that if the U.S. forces had had armor, fewer would have died. Secretary of Defense Les Aspin resigned two months after Somalia, having acknowledged that his decision on the armor had been an error. A 1994 Senate Armed Services Committee investigation reached the same conclusion. But perhaps the most poignant statement came from retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Joyce, father of Sergeant Casey Joyce, a Ranger killed in Mogadishu: "Had there been armor ... I contend that my son would probably be alive today ..."

Mr. Clinton's responsibility in Somalia doesn't stop there. Despite the mistakes that October day, Aidid had been struck a blow. The U.S. military, with 18 dead, wanted nothing more than to finish what it had started. Mr. Clinton instead aborted the mission. The U.S. released the criminals it had captured that same day at such great cost, and the U.N., lacking U.S. support, was powerless to keep order. Somalia remains a lawless, impoverished nation. Worse, the terrorists of al Qaeda interpreted the U.S. retreat from Somalia as a sign of American weakness that may have convinced them we could be induced to retreat from the Middle East if they took their attacks to the U.S. homeland.

Those are the facts. The reason Mr. Clinton can't blame the events of "Black Hawk Down" on President Bush's father is because those events had nothing to do with him. They were Mr. Clinton's responsibility, and his alone.

Clinton's Black Hawk History - On Somalia, the ex-president is as mendacious as ever ~ WSJ.

She just hides it well, the ultimate politician. Why else would she choose Bill for a husband. But when it comes to the nuts and bolts of how things work, cause and effect she has no clue, your right, she would be dangerous.

She chose that asshole Bill because it was politically expedient and offered a direct route to "superstardom". Ask the Secret Service and the White House Military detail how much THEY liked her worthless ass......it's scary the shit that she did while First Lady.
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.

AND if she becomes POTUS, just think how much more money Bill will make for his speeches, ( much more than when she was Secretary of State), and think of the favors she will be able to grant as POTUS to the contributors to the CLInton Library. Its a scammers dream come true
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.

AND if she becomes POTUS, just think how much more money Bill will make for his speeches, ( much more than when she was Secretary of State), and think of the favors she will be able to grant as POTUS to the contributors to the CLInton Library. Its a scammers dream come true

Hillary and Billy boy have been all about the cash from day one. Nothing new there. Hillary, however, sees herself as the first "Queen" of America. God help us if, for some strange reason. the bitch is elected.

I'm not really concerned - I expect her to be curb stomped by Trump in November.
ahhh, so the Secretary of State Clinton was responsible for Libya now, and not the President, or not our Allies? Much like SOS Colin Powell was the one who pulled the trigger on a war in Iraq??? :rofl:

SOS's, don't make these decisions goofball...they are usually just the diplomat delivering the message of the commander in chief, much like Powell, they are left in the dark on the most in depth part of these decisions....they simply present the message from above.

ALLIED Countries begged for the USA to help THEM in Libya, Hillary brought their pleas to Obama as they asked her to do.... Obama and his Intelligence heads, Military heads, and Secretary of Defense decided on it.... the SOS simply carries and delivers the message.

I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.

AND if she becomes POTUS, just think how much more money Bill will make for his speeches, ( much more than when she was Secretary of State), and think of the favors she will be able to grant as POTUS to the contributors to the CLInton Library. Its a scammers dream come true

ahemmm....he got paid this amount for his speeches BECAUSE he was a US President, nitwit.
ahhh, so the Secretary of State Clinton was responsible for Libya now, and not the President, or not our Allies? Much like SOS Colin Powell was the one who pulled the trigger on a war in Iraq??? :rofl:

SOS's, don't make these decisions goofball...they are usually just the diplomat delivering the message of the commander in chief, much like Powell, they are left in the dark on the most in depth part of these decisions....they simply present the message from above.

ALLIED Countries begged for the USA to help THEM in Libya, Hillary brought their pleas to Obama as they asked her to do.... Obama and his Intelligence heads, Military heads, and Secretary of Defense decided on it.... the SOS simply carries and delivers the message.


Allied countries didn't want Libya to have a gold backed currency like the dinar and insist that countries pay for their oil instead of the monopoly money that is the fiat dollar...that was why they wanted help. You are kinda stupid, aren't ya?

Everyone knows Obama is reluctant to do anything when it comes to the military. Turns out Hillary was behind bombing Libya, stepping up the conflict in Afghanistan, and is behind the war in Syria. Seems Hillary is a warmonger. This woman has the nerve of questioning Donald Trumps impulsive nature when she in fact seems to be the cause of every disaster in the Middle-East the last 8 years, and I suspect the mess in Somalia back in 93' when she shared the White House with her husband, the real President of The United States.
Hillary as president creates a very real possibility that we will end up in a war, most likely with China or Russia. Donald Trump wants to get along with them, but Hillary has a history of starting conflicts and then leaving a mess behind, blaming it on some disgusting video.

Good Riddance to Warmonger Hillary Clinton

November 18, 2014
Hillary the Warmonger

by Paul Craig Roberts

Glenn Greenwald has revealed that Hillary Clinton is the presidential candidate of the banksters and warmongers. Pam and Russ Martens note that Elizabeth Warren is the populist alternative. I doubt that a politician who represents the people can acquire the campaign funds needed to run a campaign. If Warren becomes a threat, the Establishment will frame her with bogus charges and move her aside.
Hillary as president would mean war with Russia. With neocon nazis such as Robert Kagan and Max Boot running her war policy and with Hillary’s comparison of Russia’s president Putin to Adolf Hitler, war would be a certainty. As Michel Chossudovsky and Noam Chomsky have written, the war would be nuclear.
If Hillary is elected president, the financial gangsters and profiteering war criminals would complete their takeover of the country. It would be forever or until armageddon.
To understand what we would be getting with Hillary, recall the Clinton presidency. The Clinton presidency was transformative in ways not generally recognized. Clinton destroyed the Democratic Party with “free trade” agreements, deregulated the financial system, launched Washington’s ongoing policy of “regime change” with illegal military attacks on Yugoslavia and Iraq, and his regime used deadly force without cause against American civilians and covered up the murders with fake investigations. These were four big changes that set the country on its downward spiral into a militarized police state with massive income and wealth inequality.
One can understand why Republicans wanted the North American Free Trade Agreement, but it was Bill Clinton who signed it into law. “Free trade” agreements are devices used by US corporations to offshore their production of goods and services sold in American markets. By moving production abroad, labor cost savings increase corporate profits and share prices, bringing capital gains to shareholders and multi-million dollar performance bonuses to executives. The rewards to capital are large, but the rewards come at the expense of US manufacturing workers and the tax base of cities and states.
When plants are closed and the work shipped overseas, middle class jobs disappear. Industrial and manufacturing unions are eviscerated, destroying the labor unions that financed the Democrats’ election campaigns. The countervailing power of labor against capital was lost, and Democrats had to turn to the same sources of funding as Republicans. The result is a one party state.

Hillary the Warmonger

Hillary And Her Shared Presidency

President Bush the Elder sent U.S. forces into Somalia in December 1992 to aid the United Nations in relieving a massive famine. In May of 1993, four months into his term, President Clinton declared that mission accomplished and pulled out most of the U.S. forces. In a speech on the South Lawn to associate himself with the effort, he extolled the decision to intervene: "If all of you who served had not gone, it is absolutely certain that tens of thousands would have died by now." It was a "successful mission," he said, and "proved yet again that American leadership can help to mobilize international action ..."

But back in Somalia, with no U.S. deterrent, Somalia's warlords began fighting again. After a series of bloody attacks on U.N. peacekeepers, Mr. Clinton launched a new mission: In August 1993, he sent in a force of Rangers and Special Forces units to capture the brutal warlord Mohammad Farrah Aidid and restore order.

That force asked for heavy armor -- in the form of Abrams tanks and Bradley armored vehicles -- as well as the AC-130 gunship, but the Clinton Administration denied those requests. On October 3 on a mission to pick up Aidid, two Black Hawks were unexpectedly shot down; in the ensuing urban gun battle, 18 American soldiers were killed and another 73 injured.

Many military experts believe that if the U.S. forces had had armor, fewer would have died. Secretary of Defense Les Aspin resigned two months after Somalia, having acknowledged that his decision on the armor had been an error. A 1994 Senate Armed Services Committee investigation reached the same conclusion. But perhaps the most poignant statement came from retired Lieutenant Colonel Larry Joyce, father of Sergeant Casey Joyce, a Ranger killed in Mogadishu: "Had there been armor ... I contend that my son would probably be alive today ..."

Mr. Clinton's responsibility in Somalia doesn't stop there. Despite the mistakes that October day, Aidid had been struck a blow. The U.S. military, with 18 dead, wanted nothing more than to finish what it had started. Mr. Clinton instead aborted the mission. The U.S. released the criminals it had captured that same day at such great cost, and the U.N., lacking U.S. support, was powerless to keep order. Somalia remains a lawless, impoverished nation. Worse, the terrorists of al Qaeda interpreted the U.S. retreat from Somalia as a sign of American weakness that may have convinced them we could be induced to retreat from the Middle East if they took their attacks to the U.S. homeland.

Those are the facts. The reason Mr. Clinton can't blame the events of "Black Hawk Down" on President Bush's father is because those events had nothing to do with him. They were Mr. Clinton's responsibility, and his alone.

Clinton's Black Hawk History - On Somalia, the ex-president is as mendacious as ever ~ WSJ.

She just hides it well, the ultimate politician. Why else would she choose Bill for a husband. But when it comes to the nuts and bolts of how things work, cause and effect she has no clue, your right, she would be dangerous.
She has already proved to be dangerous. What we end up with is years of congressional hearings in some attempt to get at the truth.
Yes. We need more of that BS for the next 8 damned years.
ahhh, so the Secretary of State Clinton was responsible for Libya now, and not the President, or not our Allies? Much like SOS Colin Powell was the one who pulled the trigger on a war in Iraq??? :rofl:

SOS's, don't make these decisions goofball...they are usually just the diplomat delivering the message of the commander in chief, much like Powell, they are left in the dark on the most in depth part of these decisions....they simply present the message from above.

ALLIED Countries begged for the USA to help THEM in Libya, Hillary brought their pleas to Obama as they asked her to do.... Obama and his Intelligence heads, Military heads, and Secretary of Defense decided on it.... the SOS simply carries and delivers the message.


Allied countries didn't want Libya to have a gold backed currency like the dinar and insist that countries pay for their oil instead of the monopoly money that is the fiat dollar...that was why they wanted help. You are kinda stupid, aren't ya?
Why don't you tell us all about it Dale? You calling everyone on this board Stupid and calling yourself the smartest man on Earth, instead of trying to actually explain what you believe to be the true situation, does zip to your cause of informing people of this conspiracy.

No wonder everyone thinks you're a loon, when all you can do is call others stupid.
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.
Democrats gunna take your guns

Better start stocking up and hiding them before Hillary comes a knocking
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.

AND if she becomes POTUS, just think how much more money Bill will make for his speeches, ( much more than when she was Secretary of State), and think of the favors she will be able to grant as POTUS to the contributors to the CLInton Library. Its a scammers dream come true

ahemmm....he got paid this amount for his speeches BECAUSE he was a US President, nitwit.

Frankly - he got paid that amount of money because he extorted it from those organizations.
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.
Well, she does consider Republicans to we her worst enemies.......but what she really means is anyone who votes Republican.
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.
Democrats gunna take your guns

Better start stocking up and hiding them before Hillary comes a knocking

Jesus - you just go from thread to thread to thread, don't you little fella?
I believe that the "cornerstone" of her campaign will be gun confiscation. Watch and see. If SHE can't pull it off by herself, the 2-3 SCOTUS judges she'll nominate will. That murdering bitch will destroy this country.
Well, she does consider Republicans to we her worst enemies.......but what she really means is anyone who votes Republican.

Indeed. That monster sees ANYONE that disagrees with her as a threat. Just ask Vince Foster.
ahhh, so the Secretary of State Clinton was responsible for Libya now, and not the President, or not our Allies? Much like SOS Colin Powell was the one who pulled the trigger on a war in Iraq??? :rofl:

SOS's, don't make these decisions goofball...they are usually just the diplomat delivering the message of the commander in chief, much like Powell, they are left in the dark on the most in depth part of these decisions....they simply present the message from above.

ALLIED Countries begged for the USA to help THEM in Libya, Hillary brought their pleas to Obama as they asked her to do.... Obama and his Intelligence heads, Military heads, and Secretary of Defense decided on it.... the SOS simply carries and delivers the message.


Allied countries didn't want Libya to have a gold backed currency like the dinar and insist that countries pay for their oil instead of the monopoly money that is the fiat dollar...that was why they wanted help. You are kinda stupid, aren't ya?
Why don't you tell us all about it Dale? You calling everyone on this board Stupid and calling yourself the smartest man on Earth, instead of trying to actually explain what you believe to be the true situation, does zip to your cause of informing people of this conspiracy.

No wonder everyone thinks your a loon, when all you can do is call others stupid.

No, I call misinformed morons like you that post blatant lies "stupid". You have to post those lies so you can justify supporting POS like Barrypuppet and Hitlery Clinton. Gaddafi wasn't doing anything but trying to change the way his oil was sold instead of being forced to accept this shitty dollar that isn't backed by anything and it is nothing more than Monopoly money. USA.INC has a habit of doing that to countries that are not happy with this arrangement known as the "petro-dollar". It's nothing but legalized thievery. It was THEIR fucking oil....if they wanted to be paid in bananas that was their fucking right to do so....get it now?

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