Hillary Is Back And Wants To Start A New Movement/Resistence


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Democrats have only themselves to blame for their loss to Trump. They were stupid enough to back a lying, corrupt, problematic candidate.

This mess with Trump is a direct result of what Hillary did.

Everything going on in Washington is because of this terrible woman.


This video spells it out in detail.
I know......the video was friggen hillaryous.
Another money grabbing organization since the other one is dying...
Here's a timeline of the pertinent events that resulted in Comey's firing. Here's a Timeline of What Led to James Comey's Firing

September 4, 2013: Comey sworn in as director of the FBI

March 2, 2015: The New York Times reports that Clinton used a personal email server while she was secretary of state

July 24, 2015: Discovery of classified information on Clinton's server announced. The matter is then referred to the FBI

August 4, 2015: The Washington Post reports the FBI is investigating the security of Clinton's private email server

June 27, 2016: Attorney General Loretta Lynch meets with Bill Clinton. They later deny discussing the email investigation

July 1, 2016: Lynch announces she’ll accept the recommendation of the FBI and career prosecutors at the end of email investigation

July 5, 2016: In an unusually public move, Comey announces he does not recommend criminal charges against Clinton, although he calls her “extremely careless"

July 7, 2016: Comey reiterates to the House Oversight Committee that Clinton "did not break the law"


White HouseJohn McCain Says the Latest Trump Scandals Have Reached 'Watergate Size and Scale'
July 2016: FBI opens an investigation into Russian attempts to influence the election, including probing any connections to Trump’s campaign. (This isn’t confirmed until months later when Comey testifies before Congress in March 2017)

September 28, 2016: Comey tells the House Judiciary Committee he doesn’t plan to re-open the investigation into Clinton

October 28, 2016: Comey announces the FBI is reviewing a new crop of emails related to the Clinton investigation that were found on former Rep. Anthony Weiner’s computer

November 6, 2016: Comey says the FBI has completed its review of the new batch of emails and did not change its findings on Clinton

November 8, 2016: Donald Trump defeats Hillary Clinton and is elected President of the United States

November 12, 2016: Clinton blames Comey for her defeat in a call with donors

November 13, 2016: On CBS "60 Minutes,” Trump says he hasn't decided whether to keep Comey

December 9, 2016: President Obama orders the intelligence community to review and report on Russia’s activity in the election

January 6, 2017: The Intelligence Community produces a report concluding, “Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump”

January 10, 2017: Senate intelligence Committee announces it will conduct an independent investigation of the intelligence community’s conclusion

January 12, 2017: The Justice Department Inspector General announces he will review the FBI’s handling of Clinton’s email case

January 25, 2017: House Intelligence Committee announces it will also open an investigation into Russia’s involvement in the election

March 20, 2017: Comey confirms before the House Intelligence Committee that the FBI is investigating whether the Trump campaign coordinated with Russia during the election

March 21, 2017: House Intelligence Committee leader Devin Nunes views classified documents on White House grounds, prompting calls for him to recuse himself from the investigation

March 22, 2017: Nunes announces that the intelligence community “incidentally collected” information about U.S. citizens involved in the Trump campaign, then goes to the White House to brief Trump

March 24, 2017: Nunes cancels a committee hearing set to feature former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper and former CIA Director John Brennan

April 27, 2017: Rod Rosenstein confirmed as Deputy Attorney General

May 2, 2017: Clinton again blames her loss on Comey’s Oct. 28 announcement, saying, "If the election were on Oct. 27, I would have been your president"

May 3, 2017: Comey defends his conduct in the Clinton email investigation before the Senate Judiciary Committee, testifying he feels “mildly nauseous” that his actions may have affected the election

May 8, 2017: Clapper and Yates testify before a Senate Judiciary subcommittee after Nunes canceled their previous scheduled hearing

May 9, 2017: Comey fired as FBI head
The egos of politicians always make for good entertainment.

My guess is that her ship has sailed with the party. 2016 was fugly.
What I find amusing, is Comey claims he was appalled that Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation. Yet he wasn't appalled by BO's or Clinton's multiple crimes and misbehavior.

..,and dupes get duped again.
What I find amusing, is Comey claims he was appalled that Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation. Yet he wasn't appalled by BO's or Clinton's multiple crimes and misbehavior.
..,and dupes get duped again.
Comedy broke the law by not reporting the infraction. This suggests there wasn't one.
Democrats have only themselves to blame for their loss to Trump. They were stupid enough to back a lying, corrupt, problematic candidate.

This mess with Trump is a direct result of what Hillary did.

Everything going on in Washington is because of this terrible woman.


This video spells it out in detail.

She back and wants to make more $$$$$$ for the Clinton's.
What I find amusing, is Comey claims he was appalled that Trump asked him to end the Flynn investigation. Yet he wasn't appalled by BO's or Clinton's multiple crimes and misbehavior.

..,and dupes get duped again.
What is really appalling is that Comey's super duper secret friend with the magic invisible memo says that Comey knew this was obstruction of justice, but failed to say anything to any authorities.

That in itself is obstruction of justice if he knew a crime was committed.
Hillary just tweeted.......

Scripture tells us: Let us not grow weary in doing good, for in due season, we shall reap, if we do not lose heart.


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