Hillary is Fat Toast, Who is Next?

The Hildabitch is going to break a lot of Left Wing hearts.

She is going to get her ass beat to hell in the debates.
I hope she does run, it's fun to watch Democrats turn on her, remind us of her corruption and lies, remind us of Bill's racism and sexual harrasments/rapes, then kick her to the curb for a different moron. :laugh: .. bring it on...
I truly think she will take the 25 million she has raised and walk away. That's a damn nice pay day for a maybe.
Hillary .. when lying is a way of life..

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Hillary will run and win. We will hear 4 years about how evil men are like we just heard how evil whites are with Obama. It is going to suck.

LOL, sucking up to Democrats while pretending to not like Democrats. Let's see, the people you just fooled:

1) Matthew

That's all I've got...
I wouldn't count her out just yet.

The number of "empty cardboard box" dumb fuck Americans would frighten you if the real numbers were easily exposed.

Which brings up another relevant question ....

If those of us who can see the irreversible damage the left is doing to our formally great nation and all we do while they gain success after success in pulling us all down and putting us all in jeopardy, are we not as dumb fuck as they are and deserving of what we get ultimately?

From my POV it's insanity for 10's of millions of us who see the writing on the wall to be so passive while they just railroad us into the ground (or worse).

Hillary couldn't beat a useless, unknown Senator from Illinois who hadn't found the Capital men's room yet in the ...wait for it ... Democratic ... primary. Democrats couldn't get a woody for her. This love fest that she's a formidable candidate I grasp exactly zero
The fact that the Dems consider Hillary to be their frontrunner says it all... they have absolutely nothing.

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