Hillary is mouthing off again

please, now that y'all have demonstrated just how deplorable you truly are, let's see a continued demonstration of your hillary derangement syndrome!

:eusa_clap: :laugh: :eusa_clap: :laugh: :eusa_clap: :laugh:
Conor Lamb Roared. Republicans Should Panic.

It’s hard to imagine a candidate with friendlier looks, a more harmless demeanor and a gentler-sounding surname than Conor Lamb.

It’s hard to imagine a message for the G.O.P. scarier than the one that Lamb, a Democrat, just delivered in a special House election in Pennsylvania’s 18th district, where he led his Republican opponent, Rick Saccone, by less than 1,000 votes in a race that remained too close to call on Wednesday morning.

Lamb declared victory. But even if he somehow ended up losing, Democrats have reason to rejoice and Republicans to tremble. Just 16 months ago, Donald Trump won this district by 20 points, and its promise as the kind of place brimming with the sort of voters who thrill to him was confirmed by his visit there late last week for a rally in support of Saccone. The president put what popularity he retains on the line, and flexed his trademark schoolyard humor with the epithet “Lamb the Sham.” This is all that he has to show for it.

Politically and ideologically, Saccone glued himself to Trump, running a campaign whose slogan might as well have been, “I’m With Him.”

White House trys to distance itself from Pennsylvania special election

:eusa_clap: :laugh: :eusa_clap: :laugh: :eusa_clap: :laugh:

"If you look at the map of the United States, there's all that red in the middle where Trump won," said Hillary Clinton this weekend at a speech in Mumbai. "I win the coast....I won the places that represent two-thirds of America's gross domestic product. So I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And his whole campaign, 'Make America Great Again,' was looking backwards."

Clinton: I Won the Places 'Moving Forwards,' Trump Won the Places 'Looking Backwards'

It's official: Clinton swamps Trump in popular vote

Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics

Why do you keep bringing Hillary up? Don't you know she's long since out of politics and no longer a factor in the news?! o_O
please, now that y'all have demonstrated just how deplorable you truly are, let's see a continued demonstration of your hillary derangement syndrome!

:eusa_clap: :laugh: :eusa_clap: :laugh: :eusa_clap: :laugh:
She's not a threat, so now we just laugh at her.

face it, unhinged hillary derangement syndrome is THE reason we are temporarily stuck with trump.

and it's not going to do the GOP much good going forward...
I’m good with letting that crazy woman talk. It’s important for her supporters to see how lucky we are to have Trump.
Hillary Clinton told a receptive audience over the weekend in India that while she thought President Donald Trump played to some of Americans' worst fears, he does not reflect the country as a whole. "No, we did not deserve that," Clinton said when asked if the US "deserves" Trump as its leader.

I'm not a Donald Trump supporter by a longshot, but I sincerely wish Hillary Clinton would shut her mouth. Her opinions are valueless, and her political future is non existent. Go away Hillary, no one cares about you anymore!

Hillary Clinton: US does 'not deserve' Trump - CNNPolitics

Why do you keep bringing Hillary up? Don't you know she's long since out of politics and no longer a factor in the news?! o_O

Hillary is the leader of the Democrat party, that's why the liberal media follows her around and constantly reports what she says. Naturally the GOP will run lots of campaign ads reminding voters what Hillary thinks and if they dare vote Dem what that means. :muahaha:
Democrats tried, and failed, to slap a muzzle on her. It’s why they’re now trying to distance themselves from her. lol
i'm hoping she doesn't shut up and that she continues to trigger more unhinged trumptards. :eusa_clap:
i saw those women on fox business news yesterday afternoon and they sounded like unhinged parrots, it was great!

Look at that miserable fat kuuunt.

Democratic senators facing tough reelection fights distanced themselves Tuesday from Hillary Clinton after she said President Trump’s voters came from less productive parts of the country and were attracted by a backward-looking message.

“Those are kind of fighting words for me, because I’m partial to Missouri voters,” said Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.), who is running in a state Trump won by 19 points. “I think they were expressing their frustration with the status quo. I may not have agreed with their choice, but I certainly respect them. And I don’t think that’s the way you should talk about any voter especially ones in my state.”

Clinton made the comments Saturday at a conference in Mumbai in response to a question about how Trump won the 2016 election. She noted that the parts of the country she carried produced more economic activity than the “middle” of the country won by Trump.

“I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward,” said Clinton. “And his whole campaign — ‘Make America Great Again’ — was looking backward. You know, you didn’t like black people getting rights, you don’t like women, you know, getting jobs, you don’t want, you know, to see that Indian American succeeding more than you are. Whatever your problem is, I’m going to solve it.”

At another point in the talk, Clinton, whose campaign slogan was “Stronger Together,” said that the reasons married white women voted for Trump was due to “ongoing pressure to vote the way that your husband, your boss, your son, whoever, believes you should.”

Democrats distance themselves from Hillary Clinton’s ‘backward’ claim

Please don't go away you fat fucking loser. Please, keep talking you miserable sack of shit.

Even Democrats are telling her to STFU. Who can blame them? She's making the entire party look bad.
Yet, everything she claims, they all cheer and believe.

That is true, which only further illustrates how completely fucked up they all are.
meanwhile, every other channel was covering things like our new Secretary of State, new CIA director, mysterious Russian spy killers...

and fox had white wacky women cackling on and on about how hillary! :laugh: :eusa_clap:
i'm hoping she doesn't shut up and that she continues to trigger more unhinged trumptards. :eusa_clap:

She can't shut up now. She has to keep everybody on edge believing that she will run for Prez again next election. If she announced she's getting out of politics totally, her pay for a speech will go from 300K to about two hundred bucks, and she has to bring her own lunch.
I’m good with letting that crazy woman talk. It’s important for her supporters to see how lucky we are to have Trump.

That's why you don't see Republicans starting trouble when Democrat speaker has an engagement. Unlike Democrats who protest and have a fit when a Republican speaks, we want people to hear what Democrats have to say. We invite it. It's like what Limbaugh has said so many times: we can't totally get rid of Democrats. We need some around to remind people what they are all about.
meanwhile, every other channel was covering things like our new Secretary of State, new CIA director, mysterious Russian spy killers...

and fox had white wacky women cackling on and on about how hillary! :laugh: :eusa_clap:

Were their Big Breasts heaving as well? It's no fun watching unless their boobies jiggle.
I’m good with letting that crazy woman talk. It’s important for her supporters to see how lucky we are to have Trump.

That's why you don't see Republicans starting trouble when Democrat speaker has an engagement. Unlike Democrats who protest and have a fit when a Republican speaks, we want people to hear what Democrats have to say. We invite it. It's like what Limbaugh has said so many times: we can't totally get rid of Democrats. We need some around to remind people what they are all about.
There’s lot of truth in this old saying .... “hold your friends close and your enemies closer”.
It’s a simple concept many young democrats/libs can’t understand.

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